
ɡuǎn lǐ biāo zhǔn
  • management standard
  1. PDM核心业务基础和配置管理标准要求

    Kernel Operation Base of PDM and Configuration Management Standard Requirement

  2. 基于Web的企业管理标准能够将从多来源以多协议获得的数据抽象化,它加强了管理能力并且使管理信息通过单一的协议出现。

    Web-Based Enterprise Management standard is able to abstract data by multi-protocol from multi-sources , strengthen the management capacity and enable them through a single deal .

  3. 实时web是云管理标准的草根解决方案吗?

    Is the real time web a grassroots solution to cloud management standards ?

  4. JMX是一项Java应用程序资源管理标准。

    JMX is a standard for Java application resources management .

  5. 本文简略介绍了ISO9000族质量管理标准。

    The quality control standards of ISO 9000 family are described briefly .

  6. 护理部在实施ISO9000质量管理标准中的做法与体会

    The practice and experience of nursing department in implementing ISO9000 quality control standards

  7. SNMP是HFC和Internet的网络管理标准,采用基本编码规则进行数据传输。

    SNMP is the standard for HFC and Internet , in which basic encoding rule ( BER ) is used for data transfer .

  8. GB/T19000&ISO9000系列标准等同采用了国际通行的质量管理标准。

    The series standard of GB / T19000-ISO9000 are equal the current standards of quality management adapted throughout the world .

  9. SIF是美国已开始投入使用的教育信息管理标准。

    SIF is the specification in educational information management which has been put into practice in USA.

  10. 在何处定义SPN的决策标准可能更多的是管理标准,而不是技术标准。

    The criteria for decision on where to define the SPN may be more administrative than technical .

  11. SA8000标准是一种以保护劳动环境和劳工权利为核心内容的管理标准体系。

    SA8000 is a management system standard , the core of which is to protect the environment and labour rights .

  12. 插壤水分管理标准是PF值2,空气相对温度控制在85%以上,插床遮荫度控制在70%为宜。

    And managed water index of cutting bed at PF2 , relative humidity over 85 % , shade density at 70 % could be as the optimal selection .

  13. 通过未知分布数据集的HS主曲线算法对交通安全数据进行分析后,得到一条通过数据集合中间的曲线,来描述该数据集合的特征,以此作为执行管理标准的依据。

    A curve getting across the middle of the data set was acquired through the analysis of traffic safety data by the HS principal curve algorithm of unknown distributed data set .

  14. SCOR模型由供应链协会(即SCC)开发,在为跨行业供应链管理标准方面已获得广泛认可。

    The SCOR model is developed by the Supply-Chain Council ( or SCC ) and has been widely accepted as a cross-industry standard for supply chain management .

  15. 通过风险分析,认为SDS病菌是大豆生产上的毁灭性病害,经济影响大,符合检疫性有害生物的地理和管理标准及经济影响标准,是我国应关注的检疫性有害生物。

    The results of the pest risk analysis showed that SDS is a destructive soybean disease with significant economic impact to China and satisfies the quarantine pest definition in geographical , management and economic criterions .

  16. 将ISO9001∶2000质量管理标准正确地应用于基础设施管理,是船舶企业创造先进微观生产力的“绿色通道”。

    Applying ISO 9001 ∶ 2000 quality managing standard correctly in managing basic facilities means the Green Passage for shipping industies to create the advanced microcosmic productive forces .

  17. TMN是国际电信联盟(ITU-T)制定的电信网络管理标准,是为实现电信网络管理目标提供的一套整体解决方案。

    TMN is not only the standard of telecommunication network management put forward by ITU-T , but also a whole solution to get the goal of telecommunication network management .

  18. 本文首先针对ISO和IAB制定的网络管理标准介绍了网络管理的概念及模型,对Internet的管理体系结构作了介绍,并简要地介绍了当前的网络管理技术现状以及具有代表性的网络管理产品。

    Firstly this paper introduces the concept and models of network management according to CMIS / CMIP and SNMP and presents the architectures and structures of Internet . Then the current network management techniques and the typical products are also introduced .

  19. 阐述了ISO-14000国际环境管理标准,并对加速我国绿色包装设计提出建议。

    The international environment management standard ISO-14000 is introduced and the proposition to speed up green packaging design in our country is put forward .

  20. 介绍了ISO14000系列环境管理标准的组成和特征,阐述了该系列标准对环境保护、以及环境监测工作的影响和促进作用。

    This article briefly introduced components and characteristics of ISO 14000 's series of environmental protection management standards and also it illustrated its influence and its active role in environmental protection as well as environmental monitoring .

  21. 本文首先介绍光纤到户FTTH的市场背景、光纤接入网基本概念和模型、网络管理标准、网络管理功能要求及FTTH网络管理系统的现状。

    In this paper , the market background of FTTH network , the model and conception of OAN ( optical access network ), the standard and function requirement of network management , and the actuality of FTTH network management are introduced at the first .

  22. 根据ISO9000:2000质量管理标准及全面质量管理要求制定一系列具体的、针对性的改进方案,以改进SHJ公司产品质量管理达到降低产品质量不合格。

    This article primarily according to ISO9000 : 2000 standards and total quality management requests to make a series of specific , targeted improvement programs to improve the quality management of the company and lower disqualification of products .

  23. 环境管理标准系列报道(二)环境管理标准化的发展及美国的态度

    The Development of Environment Management Standardization and the Attitude Of USA

  24. 放射治疗中技术管理标准化的探讨与研究

    Discussion and Research for Standardization in the Technical Management of Radio-Therapy

  25. 加强国际管理标准体系认证工作促进企业发展

    Strengthening Attestation of International Management Standard System Promoting Enterprises Developing

  26. 如何提高企业工程项目管理标准化水平?

    How to improve the level of CPMS in enterprises ?

  27. 基于分区制定水库富营养化管理标准的探讨

    Establishment of Eutrophication Management Criteria of Reservoir on the Basis of Ecoregion

  28. 实物地质资料管理标准化研究

    Management Standard for Geological Data in Kind , Such as Drilling Core

  29. 论质量管理标准与地质工作操作层面的对接问题

    Connection between Quality Management Standard and Operation of Geologic Work

  30. 对图书馆文献信息资源管理标准化的回顾

    Review and prospect of chinese library information resource management standardization