
  • 网络management thinking;management thoughts
  1. 从线性到非线性:我国大学管理思维的延伸

    Form Linearity to Nonlinearity : Extension of Chinese University Management Thinking

  2. 科学技术通常从三方面影响着管理思维方式的改变。

    Science and technology usually influence the alteration of management thinking mode from three aspects .

  3. 企业资源计划(ERP)概念的出现将先进的管理思维与信息技术进行了有效的融合,正日益得到工商企业的广泛应用。

    The concept of ERP effectively fused advanced management idea with information technology , and was increasingly used for many companies .

  4. 知识经济时代领导管理思维的更新

    The Innovation of Management Thought of Leadership in Intellectual Economic Times

  5. 全新的管理思维&持续改进的整合管理

    The new thought of administration & Persistent improvement of consolidating administration

  6. 论高校教学管理思维范式的转换

    On the Conversion of Thought Pattern of University Teaching Management

  7. 非理性:教师管理思维的新趋势

    Non-reason : A New Trend in Thinking of Teacher Management

  8. 自上而下的管理思维在大多数大公司内依旧大行其道。

    a top-down philosophy still prevails inside most large organizations .

  9. 运用现代管理思维方法建立我军后勤管理制度

    Establishing the logistic management system by the modern management thinking

  10. 缺乏战略管理思维是根本。

    The reason is lack of strategic management cogitate .

  11. 现代管理思维方式的特点

    The Characteristics of the Thinking Mode Modern Management

  12. 药学服务中的价值链管理思维

    Thinking of value chain management of pharmaceutical care

  13. 它是中间件应用程序的部署和管理思维的重大转变。

    It is a substantial shift in the mindset of deploying and managing middleware applications .

  14. 整体论的局限与总体论的突破:政府管理思维的范式革新

    Limitations of Holism and Breakthrough of Totalism : A New Thinking Paradigm of Government Management

  15. 这一矛盾急需调解,那么只有使用新的管理思维,并建立新的饭店设备管理体系。

    So it 's absolutely necessary to establish a new hotel plant and facility management system .

  16. 相反,传统的组织模式与管理思维却成了企业发展的障碍。

    The traditional organization and management philosophy may become an obstacle for the development of the enterprises .

  17. 管理思维的战略演变,正与公共关系的思想与功能相吻合。

    The strategic evolution of management thought is identical with the thought and function of public relationship .

  18. 他山石&管理思维方式的借用

    The Borrowing of Management Ideologies

  19. 管理思维模式的更新是企业可持续发展的重要维度之一。

    The renewal of management thought form is one of the important factors to the sustainable development of enterprises .

  20. 一旦管理思维固步自封,放弃管理变革,就有可能逐渐被市场淘汰。

    Once managers give up the management of change , it is possible to gradually out of the market .

  21. 《孙子兵法》独特的战略管理思维对现代企业经营管理实践具有重要的借鉴意义。

    The unique administrative strategy in Military Science of Sun Tzu is of great practical value to modern business management .

  22. 新兴技术的发展将会对经济结构产生重要影响,给传统的管理思维和管理方法带来全新的挑战。

    The development of ETs can bring profound influence to the economic structure , and totally fresh challenge to the traditional management theory and practice .

  23. 惟有从管理思维的变革、管理手段的更新和管理流程的再造三个方面入手,方能从根本上解决这些矛盾。

    Only starting with the transformation of management thought , renewal of management method and reengineering of management process , can these contradictions be solved basically .

  24. 之后,把这些行为按照理解问题、管理思维和保证质量来分类。

    When you have your list , put the items into the categories of understanding the problem , managing the flow of ideas , and controlling the quality .

  25. 一部分国有企业已建立起适应市场经济环境的经营管理思维和管理系统,然而很多国有企业仍在原有状态下徘徊。

    Some enterprises have built their management thinking and management system which adapted to the market environment , while a great many SOEs still keep in their previous conditions .

  26. 当然,并非每一家公司都做好了让团队领导者承担这一独断职责的准备;自上而下的管理思维在大多数大公司内依旧大行其道。

    Of course , not every company is ready for their team leaders to assume such an assertive role ; a top-down philosophy still prevails inside most large organizations .

  27. 接着,叙述系统动态管理思维的主要内容:内涵特征、主要观念、基本原则、基本方法和主要形式。

    Then , the main contents of SDAT are narrated : the meaning , characteristic , main ideas , basic principles , major methods and major forms of SDAT .

  28. 文章最后对我国旅游企业组建战略联盟提出了两点启示,即在供应链管理思维下组建混业联盟和千方百计提高联盟的稳定性。

    In the end , the authors offer two enlightenments for China 's tourism corporations : establishing alliances under the management of supply chains and raising the stability of alliances .

  29. 此种管理思维的最大特点是能够根据市场的反复变化,展开灵活多变的思维,做出一个个准确又及时的决策。

    The greatest characteristic of this kind of management thinking model is that it is flexible and can timely make accurate decisions according to the repeated changing of the market .

  30. 我国传统管理思维:权变思维、中和思维、研几思维&现代企业管理的三大法宝

    Management Thinking in Tradition of Our Country : Thinking of Adaptability in Tactics , Neutralization Thinking , Tiny Thinking & The Three Main and Effective Methods of Modern Business Administration