
  • 网络management fashion;management fad
  1. 管理时尚传播过程研究

    A Study on Diffuse Process of Management Fashion

  2. 管理时尚在不同类型的企业内经历了不同的应用阶段。

    The management fashion has experienced different application stages in enterprises of different kinds .

  3. 因此,在2007年,为什么不抛开管理时尚、伎俩花招、可憎的PowerPoint陈述报告、行话和所有其它骗人的管理垃圾呢?

    So in 2007 , why not eschew the fads , the gimmicks , the God-awful PowerPoint presentations , the jargon and all the rest of that dishonest management bullshit ?

  4. 管理时尚在国内图书馆的移植及适用性分析

    The Transplantation of Management Fashion in Domestic Library and Applicability Analysis

  5. 关于企业应用管理时尚的机制,已经形成了多达七种观点。

    Meta-model of workflow system supporting for time management and its implement ;

  6. 基于战略视角的管理时尚生命周期研究

    Study on the Life Cycle of Management Fashion : from the Perspective of Competitive Strategy

  7. 本文对企业文化与经营战略对管理时尚的影响进行了研究。

    This paper examines the influence of enterprise 's culture and business strategy on management fashion .

  8. 管理时尚研究

    A Study of Management Fashions

  9. 由于传统文化的含蓄性与抽象性,中国基本没有管理时尚。

    Due to the implicit and abstract nature of the traditional culture , there are basically no management fashions .

  10. 最后,管理时尚的许多特点在输出国与输入国将会表现出巨大差异。

    At last , many characteristics of management fashion will present huge difference between the output country and the input country .

  11. 文章分析了管理时尚的来源与类型,认为企业对其只能利用、不能拒绝。

    This article analyzes the origin and type of management fashion and figures that the enterprises could only use them but not be able to reject them .

  12. 团队建设无疑属于一种重要的管理时尚,团队在知名公司中确实非常流行,但是企业界对于引入团队的原因却缺乏深入的分析。

    Undoubtedly the team construction belongs to one kind of important management fashion , the team is truly extremely popular in the well-known company , but the business community lacks thorough analysis actually regarding the reason for introducing team .

  13. 企业信息化已经成为当今企业管理的时尚话题,企业信息化建设是实现国家现代化的基础;

    Informatization is now popular in management of enterprises , because the enterprise informatization is the foundation of national modernization and the emphasis of national informatization .

  14. 本文的主要内容为:一、根据时尚知识管理的需求,提出基于知识管理的时尚数据仓库(FashionDataWarehouse,简称FDW)的概念,并分析了采用数据仓库技术的必要性和可行性。

    The main content of the paper is as following : 1 . According to the demand of fashion knowledge management , the paper proposes the concept of Fashion Data Warehouse ( FDW ) based on knowledge management , and analyzes the necessity and feasibility of using data warehouse technology .