
  1. 管涛在北京经济智库&中国金融四十人论坛(ChinaFinance40Forum)网站上撰文称,美国为刺激经济增长实施了扩张性财政和货币政策。

    The United States has adopted expansionary fiscal and monetary policy to stimulate economic growth , Mr Guan said in an article that was published on the website of China Finance 40 Forum , a Beijing economic think tank .

  2. 中国国家外汇管理局(safe)国际收支司司长管涛发表这番言论后,周二美元汇率应声下跌,令人更加担心仍在挣扎中的美国经济。

    The comments by Guan Tao , head of the international payments department in the State Administration of foreign exchange , knocked the dollar on Tuesday , adding to fears about the struggling US economy .

  3. 管涛在最新一期《了望》周刊(OutlookWeekly)中撰文称,有必要推动国际货币体系的多元化,避免过度依赖美元。《了望》是官方的新华社出版的杂志。

    In the latest issue of Outlook Weekly , a magazine published by the official Xinhua news agency , Mr Guan said that it was necessary to promote diversification of the international currency system and avoid over-reliance on the dollar .