
  • 网络Manage Output;out-going
  1. 本文介绍了智能化太阳辐射记录仪及其对数据采集、数据处理和管理输出设备的要求;

    This paper introduces " Intelligent Solar Radiation Recorder " and its requirement for data acquisition and data processing and peripheral management .

  2. 探讨了煤矿企业管理输出的涵义,明确了管理输出对煤矿企业尤其是老龄煤矿实现可持续发展的重要意义;

    In this paper , first of all , the meaning of management export and sustainable development of a coal mine are discussed .

  3. 其中这些查找方式都是按照业务逻辑可进行规则配置,实现数据工作流的自动管理输出的过程。

    Find a way in which these are carried out in accordance with the rules of business logic can be configured , data workflow to automatically manage the process of output .

  4. 在此情况下,应用程序本身负责确保所有日志消息的格式正确(如上所述),并确保正确管理输出文件。

    In that case , the application itself is responsible for ensuring that all log messages have the proper formatting , as suggested above , and for ensuring that the output files are properly managed .

  5. 考虑H∞PI控制器在建模过程中的不足,通过线性时滞系统的风控制方法,设计了一种主动队列管理的输出反馈控制器。

    Considering the shortage of the H ∞ PI controller , an output feedback controller is designed by H ∞ control method of the linear time-delayed system .

  6. 数据维护可以将数据备份/复制到磁盘上,并可以通过电话拨号方式向上级管理服务器输出/读入数据,若能接因特网(INTERNET),也可以传递数据文件,实现远程的数据共享。

    The data maintenance that can copy or backup data to disk , also can output or read in data from the superior sever through the phone dial mode . If can receive Internet , it can transmit the data file and realize long-range data share .

  7. 电源管理器件输出电压精度的分析

    Analysis of Output Voltage Precision for Power Supply Management IC

  8. 该系统能实现图形和数据综合管理,输出各种专题图。

    The system can realize the general management of graphs and data and output various thematical maps .

  9. 系统功能层主要包括制造特征识别与提取、基于特征的工艺设计、工艺文件管理与输出三个主要的功能模块。

    System function layer includes feature extraction , process design based on feature , process file management and output .

  10. 因此来自测试管理的输出可以很容易地与其他项目数据结合起来是至关重要的。

    It is therefore crucial that the outputs coming from test management can be easily combined with other project data .

  11. 在中国饭店集团化的发展初期,在行业主管部门的政策导向下,饭店管理公司输出管理,提升行业的整体专业化水平成为一种备受推崇的模式。

    Exporting management through hotel management corporation become a canonize mode in the collectivize process and policy direction of guiding .

  12. 该系统现已投入使用并得到推广,不仅能够帮助情报分析人员更高效、更直观地对情报信息进行管理和输出,而且能够对分析工作起到了一定的指导作用。

    It not only assists intelligence analysts to manage and output information more efficiently and intuitively , but also guides next analytical work .

  13. 本教程假设您理解构建工具的价值和基本操作,包括依赖项管理和输出打包。

    This tutorial assumes that you understand the value and basic operations of a build tool , including dependency management and output packaging .

  14. 但是燃料电池产生不稳定的直流电,必须配备功率变换器,来调节、控制和管理电源输出,以得到符合配电网要求的交流电能。

    However , the dc is not steady generating by the fuel cells . The fuel cells must be equipped with power convertor controlling that adjust and manage the outputs of the fuel cells to attain suitably alternating current .

  15. 基于RDBMS的模架信息管理及图形输出

    Management information of die-holder based on RDBMS and graph output

  16. 最后,这个向导将带你通过定制一个XSLUML元件管理器来输出定制文档。

    Finally , this guide will walk you through customizing an XSL UML element handler to output custom documentation .

  17. 传统BIOS是固化在ROM中的子程序,主要用来管理各种输入输出设备,并且引导计算机进入操作系统环境。

    Legacy BIOS is a subroutine fixed in ROM , used to manage kinds of input / output device , and with the responsible for startup operating system .

  18. 本文通过实例,着重说明SAS在统计分析、数据管理及输入输出方面的特点,并对其在推广使用中可能出现的问题作了说明。

    This article mainly , by examples , describes the feature of its statistical analysis , data management and input / output ability , and gives explanations to the problem which may occur when SAS is popularized .

  19. 该交互式仿真系统包括四个模块,即输入模块、MMU控制仿真模块、虚拟场景管理模块和输出模块。

    This interactive simulation system consists of four modules , namely , input module , MMU controlled simulation module , virtual scene management module and output module .

  20. 其中信息建模采用实体-联系的方法建立系统的信息模型,并用IDEF1X图表示出该信息模型,同时给出电泵物资管理系统输入输出信息表;

    The information model is established by entity-relation method , and the E-R picture is ploted , and the in-out diagram is gived out ;

  21. 本文详细介绍G-MIS的设计与实现,采用三层的C/S架构,主要的功能包括系统管理、图表输出、数据处理、短信报警、文件管理等功能。

    This paper describes the design and realization of the G-MIS , adopted a three-tier C / S architecture , the main features include system management , chart output , data processing , SMS alarm , file management functions .

  22. 图片元素用来管理报表中输出图片。

    Image elements are used to include pictures in the report output .

  23. 管理系统效率输出模型

    The model of efficient output of management system

  24. 管理审查的输出应包括下列各项的决议与行动。

    The outputs from the management review shall include any decisions and actions relate to .

  25. 您还可以控制收集服务程序在启动时如何管理现有的输出文件夹。

    You can also control how the collector service manages an existing output folder when it starts .

  26. 本文概述了道路交通系统的数据管理与图形输出的实现方法,内容包括:系统结构、系统功能等。

    This paper outlines the implementation method of data management and graph output for a road traffic system , including system structures and functions .

  27. 系统由工艺设计、工艺管理和工艺输出等部分组成,文中介绍系统结构、功能及特点。

    This system has included the processing design , process management , process export etc. This paper introduces the system structure , functions and features .

  28. 系统软件将不会去处理有关你的下一部电影动画片的创作,但它将管理动画片如何输出。

    Systems software will not process the creation of the animation strip for your next film , but it will manage how it is output .

  29. 为通过加强内部控制从而建立健康管理环境,输出公允盈余数据的机制提供理论与数据支撑。

    To provide theory and data support to establish a mechanism which is through strengthening internal control so as to make a health management environment , fair earning data .

  30. 对损失预防计划有效性和效率的评价结果应当是管理评审的输出,并应当作为修改计划和改进过程的输入。

    Results of the evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of loss prevention plans should be an output from management review , and should be used as an input for the modification of plans and as input to the improvement processes .