
  • 网络Jia Kang;Kong Jia
  1. 财政部研究员贾康也暗示可能会继续出台措施。

    Jia Kang , researcher at the Ministry of finance , also hinted at measures to come .

  2. 贾康说消费券只有一次性的刺激作用,刺激消费信心的根本解决办法是优化、发展当前已有的社会保障体系。

    Jia Kang says coupons only have a one-off stimulus effect . The fundamental solution to stimulating consumer confidence is to optimize and keep improving the already existing social security system .

  3. 贾康(音译)是财政部财政学研究所主任,他说他对此事的态度取决于消费券被发放给哪些人。

    Jia Kang , director of the Institute for Fiscal Science Research under the Ministry of Finance , says his attitude towards the issue depends on to whom these coupons would be given .

  4. 财政部财科所贾康曾指出,为了确保《规划》提出的战略目标与各项任务能够顺利落实,应该积极运用财税政策支持手段。

    Jia Kang , an expert of Finance Research Center in the Finance Ministry , indicated that it was vital to apply the supportive means of finance policy to ensure that the proposed strategy goals and the various tasks in the planning could be carried out successfully .