
  1. 中国石油石化行业应进一步深化改革,转换经营机制,以科技创新和管理创新为提高竞争能力、盈利能力和管理水平提供支撑。

    China 's petroleum and petrochemical industry should further promote reform in order to realize technical and managerial innovation , and to realize greater competitiveness and profitability .

  2. 管理创新是企业核心竞争优势的源泉&以特许经营企业为例

    Management Innovation : A Source of Core Competitive Advantage of the Company

  3. 论企业管理创新在企业市场竞争中的意义

    On the Significance of Business Management Innovation in Business Competition

  4. 在追求管理创新及与时俱进的竞争环境中,上海联通提出了以先进的信息系统和手段促进管理创新的理念。

    To pursue managerial innovation and enhance its competitiveness , China Unicom shanghai branch initiated a concept , which is to improve its managerial innovation through advanced information system .