
  • 网络Managerial economics;Management Economics;economics of management;Economics for Management;MBA
  1. 用管理经济学中的量本利分析法分析了全局的营销盈亏情况;

    Analysis of the profit and loss in marketing and economic activities with the cost-volume-profit analytic in managerial economics ;

  2. 《布莱克韦尔管理经济学百科辞典》为商学院的学生、实际工作人员以及研究人员提供了极具价值的、全面的、现代的资源。

    PrefaceThe Blackwell Encyclopedic Dictionary of Managerial Economics provides a valuable , comprehensive , and current resource for business students , practitioners , and researchers .

  3. 中国的MBA教育已将管理经济学列为其学位课程,但其学科体系的构建基本承袭了西方的学术传统。

    The Education of MBA in China has already taken management economics as its academic class , while the construction of the subject system almost follows the western academic tradition .

  4. 最后,运用管理经济学中的全面质量管理理论,对区域公路网OD调查工作的全面质量管理体系进行了研究。

    In the end , the TQM ( Totle Quality Management ) system of region Road-network OD Survey was formed out through applying the relative theory of Management Economy theory .

  5. HBX平台上的第一个课程项目名为Core(CredentialofReadiness,意为准备就绪证书),包括商业分析、会计和管理经济学三门课,由哈佛商学院的老师授课。

    The first HBX course programme , called Credential of Readiness ( Core ), consists of three courses on business analytics , accounting and management economics , and is taught by HBS faculty .

  6. HBX平台上的第一个课程项目名为“Core”(CredentialofReadiness,意为“准备就绪证书”),包括商业分析、会计和管理经济学三门课,由哈佛商学院的老师授课。

    The first HBX course programme , called Credential of Readiness ( Core ) , consists of three courses on business analytics , accounting and management economics , and is taught by HBS faculty .

  7. 参加这个MBA预备项目的学生将在线学习三门课程:商业分析、管理经济学和财务会计。授课老师都是任教于哈佛商学院MBA项目的全职、终身和特聘教授。

    Students who enroll in the pre-MBA program will take a trio of online classes business analytics , economics for managers , and financial accounting all taught by full-time , tenured , and endowed professors at Harvard Business School who have taught in the MBA program .

  8. 西方经济学,管理经济学,大学教育成本比较。

    Western Economics , Management Economics , College Education Cost Comparisons .

  9. 对《管理经济学》边际分析和最优化原理的探讨

    A Discussion of the Marginal Analysis and Optimization Theory in Management Economics

  10. 基于管理经济学的我国职业排球俱乐部竞争力分析

    On Analyzing The Competitiveness of Chinese Professional Volleyball Club on the Management Economics

  11. 关于林火管理经济学的研究与探讨

    Studies and discussions on the forest fire management economics

  12. 运用管理经济学原理分析软件盗版现象

    Analysis of the Software Piracy with Economics Theory

  13. 构建适于中国应用的管理经济学新体系

    Construction of a New System of Management Economics for the Practical Use of China

  14. 应用随机过程和管理经济学理论,研究了企业供应链中库存和运输服务。

    Based on stochastic process theory and management economy theory , this paper studied the stock and transport service .

  15. 近10来年兴起的人事管理经济学是经济学原理运用于工商管理的一个典范。

    The theory of personnel economics emerging in the latest decades applies labor economics principle to business administration typically .

  16. 此外,本文结合管理经济学理论对产品提前期的合理性提出了相应的分析方法及建设性建议。

    Furthermore , this thesis will table a proposal on the rationality of the lead time with linking the theory of management economics .

  17. 当前管理经济学和建筑经济学领域的研究热点和重点之一就是高速公路建设项目管理问题,项目管理的一个重要方面就是项目进度管理问题,其中影响进度因素是项目进度管理的关键。

    Project management issues of highway construction have been the research hotspot and key point in the scope of Management Economics and Construction Economics .

  18. 两度荣膺哈佛商学院教学成果奖的战略学教授阿南德将讲授一个名为管理经济学的课程。

    Anand , a strategy professor who is a two-time winner of teaching awards at HBS , is teaching a class called economics for managers .

  19. 凯洛格商学院以市场行销和管理经济学与决策科学最为著名。

    The Kellogg School of Management is famous for expertise in areas of sales and marketing , management economics , and the science of decision making .

  20. 本文在比较西方管理经济学体系、分析其缺陷的基础上,针对中国的实际需要,对管理经济学体系进行了变革,构建了一个新体系。

    After comparing western management economics system and analysing its drawbacks , this paper constructs a new system of management economics for the practical use of China .

  21. 管理经济学、管理学、经济法、市场营销、营销策划、市场调研、整合营销、国际市场营销、消费者行为分析。

    Managerial Economics , Management , Business Law , Marketing , Marketing Planning , Market Survey and Prediction , Integral Marketing , International Marketing , Behavior Analysis of Consumers .

  22. 应用实证经济学与管理经济学的理论和方法,研究了塑料制品企业的成本函数,探讨了成本函数在企业管理中的若干应用。

    Applying the theory and method of positive economics and management economics , we studied the cost-function of the plastics enterprise , and discussed application of cost-function in the enterprise management decision .

  23. 本文定义了林火管理经济学中的一些基本概念,分析了林火管理经济学的特点、研究对象与研究内容,描述了林火管理经济学的基本研究方法。

    The paper defines the concepts of forest fire management economics , analyzes the characteristics , research objects and research contents , and describes basic research methodologies of the forest fire management economics .

  24. 第2章主要从管理经济学的角度对经营者激励原理和激励方式进行了较为详细系统的理论分析,从而导出了短、中、长期的薪酬激励模式;

    The second chapter educes an incentive problem , incentive mechanism and model was analyzed detail by using manage economic knowledge , so the incentive models of short , middle , long term were educed ;

  25. 在去年六月份进行的第一轮测试中,三门在线课程(商业分析、管理经济学与财务会计)仅对马萨诸塞州的在校本科生及毕业生开放。

    In the first beta starting last June , the trio of courses Business Analytics , Economics for Managers , and Financial Accounting were open to only undergraduate students attending colleges in Massachusetts and alumni .

  26. 根据企业集团的特点,结合微观经济学、管理经济学知识,运用数学建模,提出了制订内部转移价格的新方法&基于边际成本的制定内部转移价格法。

    According to the characteristics of corporation groups and the theories of microeconomics and management economics , a new method marginal cost based transfer prices is presented , and a mathematic model is built to calculate the marginal cost based transfer prices .

  27. 本文是一篇运用管理经济学原理对商业银行经营管理中的业务信息系统安全管理进行分析,提出管理方案,构建安全管理框架的案例分析文章。

    This paper is a case study and analysis of security management for business information systems of commercial banks . It applies the theories of management economics to analyze the information system , establish the management procedures , and construct a security management framework .

  28. 本文主要针对目前我国软件盗版猖獗的现象,运用供需函数、消费者效用和外部性等管理经济学理论分析了盗版产生原因和存在的必然性,最后得出盗版现象对社会福利造成的影响。

    This paper mostly contraposed the phenomena of software piracy in our country , utilizing the function of supply-demand , consumer utility , externality and some manage economics theory to analyse the cause of piracy and its inevitability , finally educed its influence for social welfare .

  29. 运用管理经济学中的弹性需求理论重点研究了营销网格资源的调整策略,从营销资源投入与营销资源收益产出的角度构建了资源匹配的映射模型。

    Using the application of management economics of the " elastic demand theory " mainly studied the strategy of adjustment of marketing grid resources , and build a resource matching mapping model from the point of view of marketing resource inputs and marketing resources revenue output .

  30. 有限理性概念自西蒙在管理经济学中提出,后经过博弈经济学理论之发展和完善,至行为经济学通过试验之证成,其影响不断扩展,重要表现之一便是对理性选择法经济学之挑战。

    Since Simon proposed the concept of bounded rationality in managerial economics , and its development and improvement by the game of economic theory , until behavioral economics ' testing , the impact of bounded rationality continues to expand , especially the challenge to the rational choice economics .