
  • 网络Mbo;Management Buy-out;Management Buy-outs;Management Buyout
  1. 第二章介绍了中国管理层收购实践的三个阶段,并指出当前在中国进行管理层收购所面临的风险。

    The second chapter gives an introduction of the three stages of China 's MBO practice and analyzes the risks of China 's MBO .

  2. 对在我国实行管理层收购(MBO)的双面思考

    The Two-Sided Thinking on the Implementation of MBO in China

  3. 管理层收购被认为是一种选择。

    It is thought that a management buyout is one option .

  4. 在将来的某天,经理们将受邀进行管理层收购。

    At a future date , managers will be invited to apply for a management buy-out

  5. 管理层收购(Managementbuy-outs,MBO)广泛流行于欧美国家。

    Management Buy-outs ( MBO ) is very popular in Europe and America .

  6. 管理层收购(Managementbuy&outs,简称MBO),是杠杆收购的一种。

    Management Buy & out ( MBO ) is a kind of Leveraged Buy - out s ( LBO ) .

  7. 管理层收购,在国外简称MBO。

    The management level purchase , in overseas is called MBO .

  8. 从MBO到MPA:关于管理层收购困境的新思考

    From MBO to MPA : New Thoughts About the Plight of MBO

  9. 管理层收购(MBO)的融资与定价问题探讨

    The Discussion of Financing and Pricing of MBO

  10. 中国国有企业的管理层收购(MBO)刍议

    On Management Buy-outs in State-owned Enterprises of China

  11. 国企产权改革管理层收购(MBO)立法之思考

    The Thinking about the Legislation of Management Buy-Out on Reformation of Property Right in State-Owned Corporation

  12. 管理层收购(MBO)在中小企业产权重构中的应用研究

    On the Application of MBO in the Property Rights Reconstruction of the small and Medium-sized Enterprises

  13. 论国有企业管理层收购的法律规制&兼论中外MBO制度的差别

    On the Regulation of the Acquisition of the Management of the State Owned Enterprises by Legal Means

  14. 基于治理因素的上市公司管理层收购(MBO)动机研究

    Study on the Motive of Management Buy-Out ( MBO ) of Listed Firms Based on Governance Factor

  15. 本文采用标准事件研究法来考察管理层收购(MBO)在中国证券市场的股价反应。

    This paper analyzes the stock price reactions to management buyout ( MBO ) in China with some case studies .

  16. 其二、信托机构设立MBO信托计划,向社会筹集资金,作为融资方为管理层收购提供资金;

    Secondly , trust institution sets up MBO plan to raise money from public , grants loans to management group .

  17. MBO即管理层收购(Managementbuy&outs)这一现象,正在引起企业界的广泛关注,并可能成为中国企业产权改造的主流性重组手段。

    MBO ( Management Buy - outs ) is now causing extensive concern of the business enterprise field and may become the main reorganization means of the Chinese business enterprise in industry produces .

  18. 最后提出了MBO各参与者在定价模型和参数选择上存在较大分歧的解决方法与管理层收购价格的确定思路。

    Finally , I show the resolvent when participators are divergent in choosing models and parameters and the thought of MBO pricing .

  19. 根据我国当前MBO实践的问题,有必要采取有效的措施规范管理层收购,使得MBO能够在我国健康的发展。

    According to the current problems , have the necessity to adopt the valid measure norm MBO and make MBO development healthy .

  20. 管理层收购的定价问题是我国国有企业实施MBO中的核心与焦点问题。

    The pricing problem is the core and focus in the process of Chinese state-owned enterprises practice of Management Buy-outs ( MBO ) .

  21. 第四章是对管理层收购融资问题进行探讨,因为MBO的成功实施必然需要金融资本的支持。

    Chapter 4 researches on the problems of financing in MBO , because successful operation of MBO necessarily need the support of financial capital .

  22. 管理层收购(MBO)作为杠杆收购的一种,在实施的过程中需要大量的外部资金。

    To be one kind of leveraged buy-outs ( LMO ), there need a greet deal of external funds during the course of implement .

  23. 在国有资产体制改革步伐越来越快的今天,MBO(管理层收购)已经成为解决国有资产产权转移、国有资本战略性撤退的一种重要手段,因此国内对MBO的研究和讨论也在不断的升级。

    With the development of reform for the state-owned corporation , MBO ( Management buyout ) becomes the very important measure for the reform .

  24. 管理层收购(MBO)是否适合在中国实施是这几年学术界争议的热点问题。

    Whether we should adopt the Management-Buyout ( MBO ) method or not has been a hot-point debated in academic area in last several years .

  25. 采用事件分析法从财富变化效应和公司绩效2个方面对中国上市公司管理层收购(MBO)进行了全样本的分析。

    This is an empirical analysis on the MBO behavior of the management of listed companies in China with the analytic approach of event analysis .

  26. 管理层收购(MBO)作为一种企业重组的工具,自引进我国以来受到了众多争议,其中又以定价问题为这些争议的焦点。

    Management Buy-Outs ( MBO ), as an essential tool in industrial restructuring of an enterprise , has caused numerous disputes since its introduction into China .

  27. 管理层收购中企业价值的确定及其评估模型我国管理层收购(MBO)中的问题与对策研究&一个博弈论的解释

    The Evaluation Model of Corporation Valuation in MBO Research into the Problems and Countermeasures of Management Buy-out in Chinese Enterprises & An Explanation on Game Theory

  28. 该公司总部设在福建省,于2006年4月被上述银团(包括另一家新加坡私人股本基金)通过管理层收购(MBO)收入囊中。

    Based in Fujian province , it was acquired by the consortium which includes another Singaporean private equity fund in a management buy-out in April 2006 .

  29. 针对管理层收购融资问题,本文结合融资理论和国际融资经验,提出在现有的条件下,通过信托方案和MBO基金方案解决管理层收购融资途径单一的问题。

    On facing the problem of financing , the thesis brings forward the trust solution and MBO fund solution on the basis of financing theory and international experience .

  30. 经营管理层收购(MBO)的运作模式以及重新构建有效的治理结构与现代经营管理模式将在我国大中型国企改革中发挥重要作用。

    The operation model of MBO , establishment of effective governance and management will play the important role in the progress of reform of national enterprises in our country .