
ɡuǎn lǐ ɡōnɡ zuò zhì dù
  • working system in management
  1. 推进社区矫正制度,须建立相关方面密切配合的良性运作机制和严密的管理工作制度,修订相关法律法规并建立社区矫正工作者资格认证体系。

    It is necessary to establish closely cooperative running mechanism and strict management system , to revise relevant regulation and law and to normalize the rules qualified for community remedy service .

  2. 结果通过对产房的合理化布局,严格执行消毒隔离制度,产房感染管理工作步入制度化、规范化。

    RESULTS We executed disinfection and isolation system strictly through rationalizing the layout of delivery room . The infection management work of delivery room marched into systematization and standardization .

  3. 处于二级单位的院系心理危机管理工作在制度、内容等方面的研究还需要进一步完善,能力需要进一步加强。

    In the second-level unit of mental crisis of College and Department content management systems , and other aspects of the research work also needs to improve , capacity needs to be strengthened .

  4. 向受聘方介绍德国政府有关的法律、规和聘方有关对于外国专家管理的工作制度与规范。

    Party A shall introduce to Party B the laws , decrees and relevant regulations enacted by the German government , the Party A 's work system and regulations concerning administration of foreign experts .

  5. 遵守聘方对外国专家管理的工作制度和规范,接受聘方的工作安排、务指导、查和评估。

    Party B shall observe Party A 's work system and regulations concerning administration of foreign experts and shall accept Party A 's arrangement , direction , supervision and evaluation in regard to his / her work .

  6. 加强档案管理工作适应就业制度改革

    Improving Archives Management to Adapt to Employment System Reform

  7. 二是要建立和健全立法助理的各项管理制度和工作制度;

    2 - administrative system and management system should be set up to improve this system ;

  8. 提出了管理工作标准化制度,专业搭接制度,联合办公制度及现场调查制度等新的管理制度和规范。

    Management work standardization systems , specialty lap systems , union job on-the-spot survey systems are put forward about management systems norms .

  9. 导游薪酬制度是搞好导游管理工作的核心制度之一,其合理与否将直接影响导游服务的质量。

    The salary system is very important to the management of the tourist guide , its rationality has the immediate influence to the grade of service .

  10. 与此同时,对高教期刊发展中面临的学术评价、公开发行、期刊管理、研究工作制度化等政策性问题也应积极加以解决。

    At the same time , policy questions such as academic evaluation , public issuing , journal administration and the institutionalization of research work should be resolved in an active way .

  11. 最后,本文从管理体制、工作制度、配套措施等方面提出促进伊春林改中森林资产评估工作发展的若干对策建议。

    Finally , management systems , work systems , and supporting measures to promote a number of suggestions of the development of forest tenure reform , asset assessment of the Yichun forest asset valuation .

  12. 运用文献资料法、对比分析法、案例分析法、调查研究法,分析新时期高校治安管理工作面临的制度方面、意识方面、环境方面、管理方面的突出问题及其成因。

    The use of literature and data , contrast analysis , case analysis , survey research , analytical work in the security management in Colleges and Universities system , the awareness , the environment , management of the outstanding problems and their causes .

  13. 表现管理及工作表现奖励制度工作小组〔公务员体制改革〕

    Working Group on Performance Management and Performance-based Reward System [ Civil Service Reform ]

  14. 必须预防为主,常抓不懈,使疾控实验室安全管理工作标准化、制度化和规范化。

    We must give priority to safety prevention , and never slackening , in order to standardize and systematize .

  15. 2003年海关总署把全面推行风险管理工作作为现代海关制度第二步发展战略的中心环节,中国海关风险管理进入了全面实践阶段。

    Risk Management has been considered as the key section of the 2nd Step Development Strategy of Modern Customs System by General Administration of Customs ( GAC ) since 2003 .

  16. 社区高血压规范化管理的内容:①制定社区高血压管理工作制度及岗位职责。

    The content of hypertension community-based standardization manament ① develop the rules and job responsibilities of hypertension management .

  17. 精简高效的扁平式管理&吉林省农业科学院科研管理工作制度的调查报告

    STREAMLINED AND EFFICIENT FLAT-STYLE MANAGEMENT & Field survey findings in Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences research and management system

  18. 第一百七十二条国务院证券监督管理机构依法制定的规章、规则和监督管理工作制度应当公开。

    Article 172 . ' The securities regulatory body under the State Council shall publish its rules and regulations , and its supervision and administration work system formulated according to law .

  19. 第三,确立风景名胜区的资金管理制度,建立对风景名胜区管理工作的监督制度等进一步完善风景名胜区保护的措施。

    And make rule on the transference the possession of operating scenic clear Thirdly , set up the rule of fund management of Scenic Spot , establish supervisory work surveillance system and so on of Scenic Spot for further protection .

  20. 认真贯彻执行国家关于审计档案管理工作的法规,依法建立本机关的审计档案管理工作规章、制度;

    To implement state regulations on management of audit archives and establish regulations and systems for management of audit archives within their own institutions ;