
  1. 沙化影响正在进一步威胁着人类对荒漠景观的管理成果。

    Human management in the desert area is being threatened by desertification .

  2. 结论:取得了良好效益和管理成果。

    Conclusion Desirable economic benefit and effective management are achieved .

  3. 煤矿安全目标管理成果考核评价方法研究

    Research on Method of Check and Evaluation in Mine Safety Management by Objectives

  4. 工程项目管理成果评价体系

    Evaluating System for the Effect of Engineering Project Management

  5. 建立巩固档案目标管理成果的长效机制

    Building and consolidating long-term mechanism for archive objective management

  6. 煤矿安全目标管理成果评价的模型与方法

    Model and Method for Evaluating the Outcome of the Objective Management in Mine Safety

  7. 优序法在管理成果评价中的应用

    Order Method Applied in Assessment of Management Effectiveness

  8. 它是对投资管理成果的衡量,也是对管理人的重要监督。

    It is a measure of investment management results , which is also an important oversight for managers .

  9. 而对于蕴涵大量有用数据的企业文档,如果不能凭借其文档管理成果参与到企业经营管理活动中,以自身的知识服务内容为企业决策提供依据,就会丧失知识经济带来的发展机遇。

    It is clear that Enterprises should participate in business management and Provide decision-making information service for managers , Otherwise they will not grasp the opportunity followed by knowledge economy .

  10. 此模型借鉴企业绩效评价中的平衡记分卡绩效评价法,增加物流服务提供方利益视角,融合企业物流绩效评价指标,从五个维度考量物流战略联盟双赢绩效,能够有效显示物流战略联盟管理成果。

    This model references BSC evaluation method , and adds perspective of logistics service provider , and fuses performance index system of enterprise logistics . Due to evaluating alliances performance from five dimensions , the model can show results of alliances governance effectively .

  11. 简述金城江至水任、六寨至水任、德胜至环江、罗城至宜州等几条公路工程的管理成果,分析加快工程进度的措施。

    The paper provides a brief introduction to the achievements on project management for the highways of Jinchengjiang ~ Shuiren , Liuzhai ~ Shuiren , Desheng ~ Huanjiang and Luocheng ~ Yizhou , also it analyzes the measures for speeding up the project progress .

  12. 为了更好更快地取得5S管理的成果,就必须对项目的进度进行有效控制。

    So in order to achieve a good result , which come from 5S , so effective control of the project process is quite necessary .

  13. 本文所阐述的应用GIS的城市夜景照明规划支持系统是一种适用于照明规划领域的规划支持系统模型,结合多媒体、可视化信息,可以更好的发挥信息管理、成果展示和辅助决策作用。

    The GIS based Urban nightscape Planning Support System which is discussed in this article is a new model adapted to the lighting planning area , the application of multimedia and visualization technologies has a positive effect on the quality of plans & decisions .

  14. 如何有效实施质量管理小组成果的评审

    The Assessment of How to Effectively Executing the Results of the QCC

  15. 项目:一个资金、人员以及项目管理的成果。

    Project : A funded , staffed , project-managed effort .

  16. 管理创新成果在天然气企业的应用分析

    Application of Management Innovation Results in Natural Gas Enterprises and Related Advices

  17. 深化改革巩固发展医院分级管理评审成果

    Further Deepen Reforms after Implementation of Hospital Stratified Management

  18. 虽然辛集市农村公路养护管理创新成果显著,但仍然存在着缺陷。

    Xinji City , rural road maintenance management innovations significantly , but there are still shortcomings .

  19. 三是报告体系是造价跟踪管理工作成果及时输出的有效途径。

    Third , cost tracking and management reporting system is a timely work out an effective way .

  20. 管理创新成果的推广应用对天然气企业的生产经营活动具有十分重要的作用。

    Application and dissemination of management innovation achievements play an important role for production and operation activities in natural gas enterprises .

  21. 系统可帮助教师讲解及演示实习教学资料、自动化管理实习成果、合理判定实习成绩;

    The system can help teachers explain and demonstrate surveying tuition data , manage surveying production automatically and decide surveying score reasonably .

  22. 社区环境管理取得成果的要素:美国酸性矿物废水治理的经验教训

    Factors Shaping the Outcomes of Community Based Environmental Management : Lessons from Efforts to Remediate Acid Mine Drainage in the United States

  23. 随着防雷管理研究成果的不断涌现,防雷管理体系的逐渐完善,整个社会的雷电防御能力会大幅度提高。

    With research results of lightning-proof management emerging , gradual improvement of lightning-proof management system will greatly enhance the defense capabilities of lightning in our country .

  24. 利用物流费用管理审计成果,提出四川烟草商业企业物流费用管理的具体实施措施。

    By use of the results in logistics cost management audit , this paper gives the detail measures of managing logistics activity-based costs of Sichuan tobacco business enterprises .

  25. 虚拟现实系统集成了诸多高新技术,在土木工程规划设计、施工管理、成果展示、教学培训等方面有广阔的应用前景。

    Virtual reality integrates a good many high technologies , is widely applied in teaching and training , planning and design , construction and management , and production exposition .

  26. 其设计包括七部分功能:项目管理、成果管理、平台管理、综合查询及统计、经费管理、消息管理、数据共享平台。

    Main functions of the system include Project Management , Achievements Management , Platform Management , Integrated Query and Statistics , Budget Management , Message Management Service , and Data Sharing Interface .

  27. 卢耀桢说:这无疑是完善规划及良好工地管理的成果,并希望其他工程人员及承建商,在废物管理方面,能仿效这良好的处理方法,对本港的可持续发展作出贡献。

    This is no doubt the result of good planning work and site practices which will set an example for the industry on good waste management and sustainable development , Mr Lo said .

  28. 在现代风险管理研究成果的基础上,结合我国新型建材行业的实际,对新型建材项目投资风险进行了研究。

    Based on the research achievements in modern risk management , combined with our new building materials industry practice , this thesis makes the research on project investment related to the risk of new building materials .

  29. 在综述东华理工学院教学管理改革成果的基础上,提出学院教学管理改革的近期目标和应采取的主要措施。

    On basis of the review of the achievements about the teaching management reformation in our institute , the paper puts forward the objectives and main steps of the management reformation in the near future in our institute .

  30. 与此同时,本研究在借鉴以往大规模人口迁移及城市管理研究成果的基础上,对影响新生代农民工身份主观认知因素进行比较分析。

    At the same time , the research on the mass migration of population and city management on the basis of research results , the new generation of migrant workers identity influence on subjective cognitive factors comparative analysis .