
  • management government
  1. 模式差异与重构:从管理型政府到服务型政府的变革

    Pattern Difference and Reconstruction : A Change from Management Government to Servant Government

  2. 创建知识管理型政府的策略研究

    The strategies research of establishing knowledge management government

  3. 服务型政府是民本、责任、法制、有限和透明政府,服务型政府下的管制区别于管理型政府的管制。

    The regulation under service-oriented government is different from that in management-oriented government .

  4. 对民众需求高回应,由管理型政府向服务型政府转变。

    To answer quickly the demands of people so as to transfer management into service .

  5. 构建服务型政府,由原来的管理型政府向服务型政府转变。

    Building service-oriented government , from the " management-oriented government " to " service-oriented government " change .

  6. 但是目前我国政府正在从管理型政府向服务型政府转变,这是一个长期的转型过程。

    It is a long journey for Beijing government to transform from management-oriental government to service-oriental government .

  7. 创建知识管理型政府成为知识经济时代政府发展的必然趋势。

    Creation of knowledge management type government has become an inevitable trend in the development of the knowledge-based economy era .

  8. 当前,从管理型政府向公共服务型政府转型,已经成为我国政府发展的重要目标取向。

    The government takes the transformation from regulation-oriented government to public service-oriented government as the preferred important objective at present .

  9. 治道变革下,我国政府逐步从管理型政府走向服务型政府。

    Under the case of governance reform , Chinese government changes from the " management " to the " service-oriented " .

  10. 要想实现由管理型政府向服务型政府的转变,有关政府部门必须转变观念。

    The relevant government section must change the idea if they want to realize the objective of management type government changing to service type government .

  11. 而对于已经习惯于在管理型政府下工作的政府公务员来说,要在全新的服务型政府内认真履行职责。

    For the civil servant who was already accustomed to working under the management government , must fulfill the responsibility earnestly in the brand-new service government .

  12. 在体制机构上要突破传统管理型政府的模式,科学界定政府职能,将权力下放到地方,建立完善的考核机制。

    Government agencies should break through the traditional management government mode , scientifically define the government functions , decentralize power to basic level , establish and improve the assessment mechanism .

  13. 随着我国由管理型政府向服务型政府的转变,政府执法理念也由命令式执法逐步向服务型执法转变。

    Along with our country changing from " management-oriented government " to " service-oriented government ", the law enforcement idea of the government also changing from command-and-conquer to service-oriented gradually .

  14. 在世界政府再造思想的影响下,我国政府职能也由全能政府向有限政府转变,管理型政府向服务型政府转变。

    Under the influence of global government re-construction , our government function is undergoing a transformation from an all-done government to a power-limited government , from a supervisory government to a service government .

  15. 在我国政府职能逐步由全能型政府向公共管理型政府转变的大背景下,交通行业也从过去传统的建设行业向服务业转变。

    In the background of the function that our government transfers from the all-government to the public administration government , the transportation sector also changes from the traditional construction industry to the service industry .

  16. 超时默许这一创新举措是在一定的物质与理念基础上发展生成的,它对于真正实现管理型政府向服务型政府的转变具有重要的意义。

    " Overtime acquiescence ", this innovation generates and develops on the basis of certain material and ideas . It is of great significance for government functions to transform from management-oriented government to service-oriented government .

  17. 总结了知识管理型政府的基本特征,分析了知识管理型政府的实施障碍,给出了创建知识管理型政府的实施策略。

    This paper summarizes the basic characteristics of the type of knowledge management , knowledge management-analysis of the obstacles to the implementation of the government , and points out the strategy in creating a knowledge-management type government .

  18. 在管理型政府向服务型政府的转变过程中,以网络为核心的信息技术的迅猛发展,为电子政务的产生和发展创造了手段、工具和载体。

    While the government transforms the managing type into serving type government , the swift and violent development taking network as central information technology , have created the means , tool and carrier for the production and development of the electronic government .

  19. 服务型政府是不同于统治型政府和管理型政府的一种新型的政府行政模式,它是把服务作为核心理念,并将之贯穿于政府行为过程的各个方面和环节。

    Service-oriented government is a new model of government administration and it is different from the rule-oriented government and management-oriented government . It is takes the service the core idea , and passes through in act of government process each aspect and the link .

  20. 在现代化进程日益推进的今天,城乡发展不平衡逐渐加剧,乡村社会结构与权力结构也发生了极大变化,管理型政府体制下的乡政村治模式已经不能完全适应当下乡村社会治理的新情况。

    With the advance of modernization , the imbalances between urban and rural development intensify , rural social structure and power structure has also undergone great changes , thus the administrative model under the management-oriented government system cannot fully adapt to the present situation of rural governance .

  21. 因此,以公民为中心的管理服务型政府职能定位和基于CRM的电子政务处理构成政府实现良好治理模式的基本框架。研究结论对区域政府的信息化与廉政建设有一定的理论和现实意义。

    Therefore , the citizen-centered government and the CRM-based government affair process form the framework of good governance model .

  22. 而MPA课程中的现代公共管理、服务型政府构建、学习型组织,组织文化制度化建设等原理为解决这些问题提供了理论依据。

    The theories in MPA courses on modern public management , service-oriented government construction , studying organization , organization culture and systematic construction provide theoretical basis to settle these problems .

  23. 我国城市危机管理与服务型政府建设

    The City Crisis Management and Building of Service-oriented Government in China

  24. 管理型医疗与政府职责定位分析

    With the Management of Medical Duties Positioning Analysis

  25. 公众参与和协作管理成为开放型政府超越透明政府的核心要素。

    The key elements that make the open government transcend the transparent government are citizen engagement and collaborative management .

  26. 目前我国的公务员考核制度已经不能满足公务员管理和服务型政府建设的新需要。

    Civil servants ' appraisal system in China now can not meet the new needs of the civil service management and service-oriented government construction .

  27. 本文以新公共管理理论、学习型政府理论和政府绩效评估理论为基础提出研究假设,通过对江苏地区部分公共部门的问卷调查收集数据。

    Hypothesizes came from New Public Management theory , Learning Government theory and Government Performance Appraisal Theory . I visited some public sectors and sent Questionnaires by E-mail to collect data .

  28. 在这样的大背景和现实要求下,借鉴政府再造的相关做法和经验,研究并提出符合我国现实国情的新型政府管理模式即服务型政府己显得十分必要。

    Under this background and the practical request , it is very necessary to use the reinventing government for reference , study and put forward a new mode of governing which suits our current situations .

  29. 本文的创新之处在于,从理论层面看,在研究过程中引入公共选择理论、新公共管理理论以及效能型政府理论作为理论支撑,拓宽了研究的途径和视野。

    The innovation of this paper is to see from the theoretical level , in the course of research into the new public management theory as the support , and widened the road of research and field of vision .

  30. 这些经验对东北老工业基地进行政府管理模式创新产生了十分深刻的启示,如精简机构、减少中间管理层次、实现由管理型政府向服务型政府的转变等。

    What they have made is a profound revelation to the Northeast China 's Traditional Industrial Base , such as simplifying the levels and realizing the change from management government of management pattern to the service one .