
  • 网络policy-making;public policy-making;Public Policymaking
  1. 公共政策制定过程中公意的应然表达

    The ought to be Expression of Public Will in the Public Policy-making Process

  2. 公共政策制定环节作为公共政策过程的核心,在公共政策过程中起着极为重要的作用。

    The Public Policy-making is the core of Public Policy Process , which plays a very important role In public policy .

  3. 健康影响评估(HIA)已被建议作为为公共政策制定者提供决策依据的一种机制。

    Health impact assessment ( HIA ) has been proposed as one mechanism that can inform decision-making by public policy-makers .

  4. 中美公共政策制定中的公民参与方式之比较

    Comparison between Citizens ' Political Participation in Chinese and American Public-policy-making

  5. 公共政策制定中弱势群体利益表达机制研究

    Study on Vulnerable Groups ' Benefit-expressing Channel in Public Policy Making

  6. 信息在公共政策制定中占有至关重要的地位。

    Information takes a very important place in constituting of public policy .

  7. 危机管理中政府公共政策制定系统的完善

    The Perfection of Government Public Policy Formulation on Crisis Administration

  8. 政府电子化服务对公共政策制定的影响研究

    Study of the Influence on Government E-service for Public Policy 's Making

  9. 民意是公共政策制定的基石。

    Public opinion is the cornerstone of public policy making .

  10. 我国公共政策制定的弊端及改善建议

    The analyses of public policy making 's weakness and advice

  11. 城市公共政策制定中的公民网络参与

    Citizen Participation in Urban Public Policy Making Under the Environment of Network

  12. 我国公民参与公共政策制定的困境及对策

    Predicament of Chinese Citizens ' Participation in Public Policy Making and the Countermeasure

  13. 公共政策制定中的隐蔽议程问题

    Discussion for the Hidden Agenda in Making Public Policy

  14. 基于公众参与范式的公共政策制定

    Public Policy-Making Basis on the Pattern of Public Participation

  15. 我国公共政策制定中价值观的博弈分析

    Analysis on the Values Are Made in the Public Policy of Our Country

  16. 新疆少数民族地区公共政策制定机制分析

    An Analysis of the Formulation Mechanism of Public Policies in Xinjiang Minority Areas

  17. 听证制度在公共政策制定中的价值

    The Value of Hearing System in Public Policy

  18. 中国公共政策制定的合理性路径探求

    To Explore the Reasonable Route of Public Policy

  19. 公共政策制定中的利益均衡&基于合作收益的分析

    Interest Balance in the Making of Public Policy

  20. 故此,公共政策制定应体现自有的公共性。

    Therefore , public policy making should reflect the public nature of its own .

  21. 三是慢病公共政策制定缺失。

    Third , NCD public policies are lacked .

  22. 公共政策制定的交易成本分析:一个理论框架

    An Analysis of the Transaction Costs in the Public Policy-making : A Theoretical Framework

  23. 我国社会组织参与公共政策制定现状评价与优化

    Chinese Social Organization 's Participation in Public Policy-making : Factor Evaluation and Promoting Approaches

  24. 公共政策制定中公民参与现状与对策研究

    Research on the Current Situation of and Solutions to Citizen Participation in Public Policy-making

  25. 第三部分分析了公共政策制定过程中公民参与产生的正效应和负效应的表现。

    The third part analyzes positive effects and negative effects of the citizen participation .

  26. 我国弱势群体在公共政策制定中的利益表达问题研究

    A Study on Benefit Expression Problems of Vulnerable Groups in Chinese Public Policy Making

  27. 应正确认识公平与效率的关系,公共政策制定应体现公开、公平和正义;

    More over public policy should be given expression to openness , fairness and justice ;

  28. 科学发展取向下的我国公共政策制定范式转换研究

    Research on the Shift of Chinese Public Policy-making Paradigm under the Orientation of Scientific Development

  29. 所以,对于公共政策制定机制的研究有着重要的理论意义与现实意义。

    So , research on public policy formulation mechanism has important theoretical significances and practical significances .

  30. 从问题解决看公共政策制定过程设计公共政策方案;

    Design the public policy scheme ;