
  1. 我们想要止住公共服务质量下滑的局面。

    We want to stop the slippage of the quality of public services .

  2. 公私合作PPP(Public-privatepartnerships)模式是发达国家为了重建政府财政、提高政府部门效率,尝试推行的促进城市基础设施建设,改善公共服务质量的的制度安排。

    PPP ( Pubilic-Private Partnerships ) is the institutional arrangement of developed country for the sake of reconstructing government finance , increasing government department efficiency , trying to promote the urban foundation facilities construction and improving public service quantity .

  3. 地方政府公共服务质量管理体系构建研究

    On the Establishment of Public Service Quality Management System in Local Government

  4. 公共服务质量管理绩效指标体系及其应用研究

    The Research and Practice of Performance Indicator System of Public Service Quality Management

  5. 为提高公共服务质量,我国将对事业单位进行整改。

    China is set to reshape its government-funded public institutions to improve public services .

  6. 通过税负增加、公共服务质量下降和失业率攀升的方式,普通家庭正在为银行家们埋单。

    Families are paying the bankers ' bills through rising taxes , shabbier public services and higher unemployment .

  7. 国家、社会和市场多方合作机制,成为提高公共服务质量的重要途径。

    The cooperation between the state , society and market sectors is an approach to improving public service quality .

  8. 从当前现状来看,一些基层乡镇政府在农村社区管理模式、治理方式以及所提供的公共服务质量等方面与农村居民的期望值存在一定的差距。

    From the current situation , some grassroots township government in rural community management mode , management method and provide the public service quality and expectations of the rural residents there are certain gap .

  9. 英国绩效评估的这些特征,促进了英国公共服务质量和效益的显著改善,也提高了公民在地方治理中的地位。

    These characteristics of British Local Government Performance Evaluation are not only significantly promoting the quality and efficiency of public services of UK , but also improving the position of civic in local governance .

  10. 我国越来越多的基层乡镇政府也竞相通过实施政府绩效评估来促进当地经济发展、提升社会管理水准、提高公共服务质量。

    A growing number of grassroots township governments are also competing through the implementation of the government performance management to promote local economic development , raise social management standards , and improve the quality of public services .

  11. 有的则认为这种方式能够拓宽城市建设的资金渠道,弥补城市投入不足,是提高城市管理水平和公共服务质量的好办法。

    Others believe that this approach can broaden the channels of city construction funds to make up for inadequate investment in the city , is to improve urban management level and quality of public services a good way .

  12. 提高公共服务质量的关键性因素在于竞争,而运用多中心治理理论安排公共服务供给则给竞争提供了制度平台。

    This paper argues that the key to better public services lies in the introduction of competition in the process of governance , for which the theory of multicenter governance may be expected to provide a good institutional framework .

  13. 本系统的成功应用,可有效的体现政务公开,增加行政审批事项的透明度,减少公众办事的难度,提高机关工作效率和公共服务质量。

    The successful application of this system can effectively reflect the administrative affairs , increase the transparency of administrative examination and approval items , reducing the difficulty of the public act to improve office work efficiency and quality of public services .

  14. 指出要借鉴企业的先进管理方法、制度和管理理念,创造具有创新惯性和公共服务质量持续改进的企业化政府,达到降低行政成本,提高行政效率,更好地满足社会公众动态需求的目的。

    Uses the advanced management methods , system and concepts of enterprises for reference , creates an enterprise government , which is continuous innovation and sustainable improving public service quality , to reduce administration costs , prompt efficiency , and satisfy the demands of social publics .

  15. 大力发展科教文卫事业,着力提高公共服务质量和公共服务覆盖率,切实改善民生,真正做到以人为本,是当前国家和政府突出强调和重点关注的工作。

    Vigorously developing the cause of science ﹠ technology , education , culture and medical , making effort to improve the quality of public service and public coverage , and ensuring people-centered management are current important work that the state and government highlight and focus on .

  16. 我国政府应该在转变其职能和合理定位的基础上,大力加强法制建设,提高公共服务质量,均衡和协调各种社会利益,为社会主义和谐社会的构建创造一个公平、稳定、法治的社会环境。

    Our government should strengthen the legal system building , improve public service quality , balance and harmonize variety of social benefits on the basis of its function transforming and rational positioning , to structure a fair , steady and legal systematic social environment for harmonious socialist society .

  17. 电子政务建设是政府管理制度化的改革,是一场技术革命,更是政府管理理念的变革,它的落脚点在于政务而非技术,其目的就是为了改善公共服务质量。

    E-government is " the institutionalization of reform " of government management , is a technological revolution , and it is the concept of government management of change . Its point is that government rather than the technology , its purpose is to improve the quality of public services .

  18. 只要建立和完善政府购买服务决策、实施、监管考评等各个环节的制度,形成一整套环环相扣、科学管用的制度体系,就能够不断完善政府购买服务,提升公共服务质量。

    We can gradually improve the government purchasing service and the quality of public services , as long as we establish and perfect the government purchasing service system in the decision , implementation , supervision , evaluation and other aspects and form a set of interlocking , scientific system .

  19. 城市公共交通服务质量的灰色关联评估研究

    Assessing service quality of city public transport via grey relational theory

  20. 兰州市城市公共交通服务质量管制研究

    The Regular management of Public Traffic Service Quality in Lanzhou

  21. 我国会计师执业问题探析公共交通服务质量的模糊评定法

    A Fuzzy Evalution Method for Measuring the Quality of Public Transport Service

  22. 基于神经网络的城市公共交通服务质量评价

    Neutral-Network Based Evaluation of Urban Public Transportation Service Quality

  23. 近几年公共服务的质量一直在持续下降。

    There has been a steady decline in public services over recent years .

  24. 作者以灰色理论为基础,通过灰色关联度分析设计关联矩阵,提出了一个分析城市公共交通服务质量的灰关联评估模型,并以我国北方某市2002年的资料为例进行了实际应用。

    Based on the grey system theory , a grey relational assessment model on service quality of city public transport is put forward .

  25. 公用事业民营化有助于缩小政府规模,降低政府成本,改善公共服务的质量和水平。

    The tendency of operating by individuals for utility service is useful to minimize the scale of government , improve the quality and standard of public service .

  26. 如何完善我国公务员薪酬体系建设不仅关系到我国公务员自身的经济利益,同时还影响到公共部门服务质量和工作效率的问题。

    How to compete Chinese civil servant salary system is not only related their benefits but also affect the service quality and working efficiency of the public departments .

  27. 9个地区的城市公共交通服务质量的评价结果表明,该方法合理,评价结果符合实际。

    Finally , the evaluation results obtained from the application of the model to urban public transportation systems in 9 areas show that the model performs reasonably and realistically .

  28. 要转变对公益性体育的投入方式,形成良性管办的运行机制,以促进公共体育服务质量和效率的提高。

    To change the way of the input for pro bono sports , and promote the benign operation mechanism , management office and a quality and efficiency public sports service .

  29. 目前在世界范围内许多国家都采用外包,目的在于减少政府开支,遏止政府规模的扩张,提高公共服务的质量。

    At present , many countries in the world adopt contracting out to reduce government expenditure , hold back the size of government , improve the quality of public services .

  30. 通过运行时间的协调和对乘客动态信息的提供,以达到乘客综合换乘时间最少,使公共交通服务质量得以提高。

    Through the coordination of the operation and the supply of passenger 's dynamics information , it will minimize passengers integrated transfer time , and improve the quality of public traffic service .