
  1. 为了避免这种情况,最好是由工会人力资源组织所提供的职业发展预算来提供培训支持,而不是由项目预算来提供。

    To avoid this situation , it is best to fund training on tools and processes through professional development budgets provided by the employees'HR organization rather than through the project budget .

  2. 2011年两会期间,劳务派遣再次成为会议的焦点,工会系统、人力资源和社会保障系统的新闻发布会,均必不可缺的涉及到这一话题。

    Dispatch once again becomes one of the hot topics during the Two Meeting of china in 2011 . News conference of the trade union system and press conference of the human resources and social security system all talk to the dispatch .