
  1. 施工企业工程材料管理审计方法探索

    Search into Construction Enterprise 's Material Control Auditing Method

  2. 本文阐述施工企业工程材料管理的审计方法以及材料消耗定额、材料采购、材料现场管理等方面的具体审计内容。

    The paper expatiates on the method of auditing of material control of construction enterprises , as well as the specific auditing contents in respect of consumption rate , procurement and in-situ management of construction materials .

  3. 系统的服务对象可以在任何时间任何地点方便地获得所需要的信息,并可进行实时操作,从而突破原有系统的地理位置限制等,这些优点能够极大地提高工程材料管理系统的效率。

    The service object of the system can obtain needed information conveniently at anytime and anywhere , and carry out the real-time operation , thereby breaking the space constraints of original system , which can greatly improve the efficiency of project material management system .

  4. 移动技术的工程材料管理系统作为移动终端应用的一个分支,有着手工管理与传统计算机管理信息系统所无法比拟的优点,如可移动性、查找方便、成本低、灵活性。

    As a branch of the mobile terminal application , materials management system based on the mobile technology engineering which have the incomparable advantages compared with manual management and traditional computer management information system , such as mobility , search convenient , low cost , flexibility .

  5. 通过该工程材料管理系统的初步实现,很容易将其他工程材料管理系统的相关功能进行扩充,具有良好的扩展性,同时为更进一步挖掘办公自动化系统,全面实现移动办公打下良好的基础。

    Through the engineering materials management system implementation , it is easy to extend the related function from other project material management system , which have the good expansibility , meanwhile , laying a solid foundation for further taping the office automation system , and realizing full mobile office .

  6. 作者在综合分析了当前工程材料库管理系统相关方面的发展状况后,结合当前Web服务技术的发展状况,并针对企业的实施环境,提出并开发了基于Web服务的工程材料库系统。

    After analyzing the development trend of engineering materials database management system , and incorporating development of Web service technique while considering implementation environment of enterprise , the writer proposed and developed a Web service-based engineering materials database system .

  7. 公路工程项目材料管理浅探

    Research on Stuff Management for Highway Engineering Project

  8. 针对工程材料库存管理问题,提出一个新模型。

    The authors a new model for the problem of material stock in project .

  9. 文章就当前施工项目工程材料成本管理中存在的问题及如何加强工程材料成本控制进行了探讨。

    This article discusses the issue , which exist in the process of management of materials with how to enhance the cost control of engineering materials .

  10. 国际工程现场施工材料管理系统

    Construction Material Management System of International Project

  11. 本文作者通过近几年在施工企业的施工经验,从组织措施、技术措施、分项工程措施及材料管理等多个角度论述了如何降低建筑工程施工成本,对建筑施工企业具有一定的借鉴意义。

    According to the construction experiences in corporation , the author states how to reduce construction cost of architecture engineering from the aspects of organization measure , technique measure , subentry engineering measure and material management , which can provide reference for architecture engineering corporation .

  12. 浅谈建设工程材料价格的动态管理

    Dynamic management of materials ' price in construction engineering

  13. 浅论住宅工程项目材料成本的管理与控制

    On the management and control of the material cost in the dwelling house projects

  14. 基于对项目材料管理的方式,探讨了施工单位搞好工程项目中材料综合管理的手段,以达到通过强化市场观念,优化资源配置和实现效益最大化的目的。

    Illustrate , to be a construction unit , how to gain the best profits by enhancing market concept , optimize source management and material control in construction project .