
  • 网络Engineering Ethics;Ethics in Engineering
  1. 中国的工程伦理建设:背景、目标和对策

    Introducing Engineering Ethics in China : Background , Aim and Solutions

  2. 工程伦理是一个新的应用伦理学领域。

    Engineering ethics is a new field of applied ethical studies .

  3. 后发地区工程伦理建设中面临的几个问题

    Analysis on Some Problems of Engineering Ethics Construction at Late-developing Area

  4. 工程伦理意识淡漠的原因分析

    An Analysis of the Factors for the Insensitiveness to Engineering Ethics

  5. 职业伦理视野中的建筑工程伦理

    Construction engineering ethics under the field of professional ethics vision

  6. 其次,论述了工程伦理教育何以必要。

    Secondly , discussed the possibility of engineering ethics education .

  7. 建筑工程伦理是工程伦理学的一个分支。

    Construction engineering ethics is a branch of engineering ethics .

  8. 关于加强工科大学生工程伦理教育的思考

    On the Engineering Ethics Education for Engineering College Students

  9. 房屋建筑学课程设计中融入工程伦理教育的探索

    Innovation of Integrating the Education of Engineering Ethics into Building Architecture Curricula Design

  10. 工程伦理既是一种职业伦理又是一种实践伦理。

    Engineering ethics are both a kind of professional ethics and practical ethics .

  11. 国内工程伦理研究综述

    A Survey of the Study of Engineering Ethics

  12. 对基因工程伦理争议的思考

    Thoughts on the Ethical Controversy of Genetic Engineering

  13. 关于工程伦理的几个问题现代工程与工程伦理观

    Several Issues Related to Engineering Ethics

  14. 美国工程伦理教育探析

    Engineering Ethics Education in USA

  15. 一般而言,可以从微观和宏观两个层面对工程伦理进行分析和研究。

    In general , we could analysis and research the engineering ethics from the micro and macro levels .

  16. 探讨日本工程伦理思想发展的历程和经验,对于建构我国的工程伦理学体系具有十分重要的借鉴意义。

    To inquire into the experiences of Japanese engineering ethics is important for the construction of our engineering ethics .

  17. 化学工程伦理应该是就工程所依托的化学技术的特点,针对化学工程主体提出的伦理规范。

    Basing on chemistry technological characteristic that project relies , chemical project ethics is the ethics norm for chemical project subject .

  18. 而现代网络通讯技术媒介创造了一个以个性为特征的对象世界,它是当今工程伦理的基础。

    Modern network communication-technique-medium has created a world of object characteristic of individuality , on which contemporary engineering ethic is based .

  19. 工程伦理目前正发生重大转变,这个转变可以从信息哲学角度给予阐明。

    Presently the engineering ethic has been undergoing a great change , which can be elucidated from the perspective of information philosophy .

  20. 本文阐述了工程伦理的几个基本概念,论述了工程伦理的道德基础和工程伦理的道德规范。

    This paper elaborates several basic concepts in the engineering ethics and has discussed the moral basis and moral norms of engineering ethics .

  21. 微观层面的建筑工程伦理与职业伦理有紧密的联系,主要是对建筑工程技术人员职业伦理的研究。

    There is close relationship between micro-level construction engineering ethics and professional ethics , which mainly focus on the study of construction engineering technician .

  22. 工程伦理中的诚实问题与科研中的诚实问题相比,既有相同的方面,也有不同之处。

    The issue of honesty in engineering shares some common aspects with that in scientific research , but there are many different aspects between them .

  23. 本文提出新的工程伦理思想要求工程师把保护环境、珍惜资源纳入到自己的责任范围。

    New ethical thoughts put forward in this paper ask engineers to put into the scope of their responsibility the preservation of the environment and the husbandry of resources .

  24. 宏观的工程伦理则是将工程活动置于广泛的社会背景中,考察其与人、与社会、与自然环境的价值关联。

    The macro-engineering ethics put project activities under a wide range of social backgrounds , to study its value associated with people , and society , and the natural environment .

  25. 传统的印刷物书面语言创造了一个象征的一般化交往媒介对象世界,传统的工程伦理就是以此为基础的;

    While the traditional print written language has created a world of object , that is , a " symbolically generalized communication-medium ", on which the traditional engineering ethic is based ;

  26. 以这些思想为基本原则,米切姆详细讨论了工程伦理、生物医学伦理、环境伦理以及信息技术伦理。

    Taking these thoughts as the basic principles , Mitcham discussed the ethics of engineering , the ethics of biomedicine , the ethics of environment as well as the ethics of information technology specifically .

  27. 开展大学生工程伦理教育,培养具有较强工程伦理意识、工程伦理责任和工程伦理决策能力的未来工程师,日益成为工程教育的内在目标,也是当前高等院校道德责任教育的重大课题。

    So developing the college of engineering ethics education and bringing up the strong engineering ethics consciousness , engineering ethics , and ethical decision-making ability for future engineers has become the intrinsic goals of engineering education .

  28. 其中,宏观工程伦理改善层面主要是将工程置于整个的社会大背景中,把工程伦理与司法体系、新闻媒体和国民基本工程伦理相关联。

    Among all of the measures , macro-improvement in engineering ethics largely means that positioning the engineering in the whole society , linking engineering ethics with juridical system , news media , and national basic engineering ethics .

  29. 科学技术力量的强大和高速度发展以及后果的不确定性,使我们置身于巨大的风险之中,这也是我们迫切需要工程伦理的根本原因。

    Science and technology have been the powerful forces and the development of high-speed , that make up us into the great risk , this is also the root causes that we urgent need of engineering ethic .

  30. 限于篇幅,本文仅就这两个责任群体,站在工程伦理的视角进行研究分析,进而上升到人与自然这一哲学命题上展开论证。

    Somewhere , this article only aim at the two responsibility group , standing in engineering ethics angle of view to research and analysis , and then rose to man and nature this philosophical proposition launched demonstration .