
  • 网络project overview;project profile
  1. 第三部分介绍了嫩江输变电工程概况及项目可行性研究各分项评价。

    The third section describes the sub ‐ evaluation of the Nenjiang power transmission project profile and project feasibility study .

  2. 本文简单论述了杭州地铁湖滨站和世纪大道站的工程概况,并从测斜数据对世纪大道和湖滨站的数据进行对比。

    This paper briefly discusses the project profile of the Hangzhou Metro Century Avenue Station and Lake Station , and compares from the inclinometer data on Century Avenue and Lake station .

  3. PVC树脂扩建改造工程概况

    Summary of expansion and innovation project of PVC resin units

  4. 介绍了施工现场的工程概况及螺栓球节点网架的施工工艺和施工方法,并收到了良好效果。NET技术的解决方案。

    The engineering survey and construction process and method of bolted ball joint net frame are introduced , and good result has been achieved .

  5. 文章介绍渤海辽东湾SZ36&1油田实验区AI平台丛式并钻井工程概况。

    The cluster drilling engineering general situation of platform AI in the experiment area of oil field SZ 36-1 , Liaodong Bay is introduced .

  6. 以双鸭山市为例,探讨了GPS高程拟合在山区的应用,着重论述了双鸭山市高程异常模型建立的数学模型、工程概况、建设成果及精度。

    The paper probes into the application of GPS surveying height result in hill district as the city of Shuangyashan , chiefly discusses the mathematics model , project general situation , building result and precision .

  7. 介绍了铁路No.7信令网建设工程概况及应用。

    This article introduces the project survey and application of CCS No 7 system in the railway telecommunication network .

  8. 介绍了间歇式活性污泥法(SBR法)处理制革废水的工程概况及工程调试和试运转情况,认为SBR法的特殊运行工序是适合处理制革废水的。

    The engineering situation , the setup and trial running of SBR process to treat tannery wastewater are given in this paper , it is considered that the special running process of SBR is suitable for the tannery wastewater .

  9. 介绍了沙钢集团5m宽厚板项目的工程概况、工艺参数、设备组成、工艺装备特点。

    This paper makes a description of the project outline , process parameters , equipment composition , technological installation features in terms of 5 m wide and heavy plate project in Shagang Group .

  10. 结合具体的工程概况,对由CFG桩和深厚软弱土层共同构成的复合地基加固效果进行了分析和检验,分析了其基本特征和承载机理,经实践证明其加固效果显著。

    Combined with specific engineering , effectiveness on strengthening compound foundation composed by CFG pile and deep soft soil layer are analyzed and detected , and its basic features and loading mechanism are also analyzed , the effect is good which has been proved .

  11. 较详细地介绍了秦沈客运专线和B26-1标段的总体工程概况及设计方案。

    Detailed introductions are given for the global situation of design and engineering for section B26-1 on Qin-shen passenger railway .

  12. 介绍了广州市环城高速公路跨广州大道连续箱梁桥的工程概况。

    The engineering situation of continuous box beam bridge is introduced .

  13. 福建省建筑装饰工程概况与发展方向

    General situation and trend of constructional decoration in Fujian Province

  14. 接着阐述了项目的工程概况和网络现状。

    Then set the project status of the project profiles and network .

  15. 北京西客站工程概况

    General status of the West Beijing Railway Station Complex project

  16. 其内容包括:防治工程概况;

    The first part is outline of the prevention and cure project ;

  17. 适合于中小企业的全球信息网络工程概况

    General Situation on a Project Global Information Network for SMIs

  18. 大亚湾核电站工程概况

    A Survey of Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant Project

  19. 溪落渡水电站工程概况三峡工程二期围堰填料特性试验研究

    Experimental Study on Engineering Characteristics of Filling Materials for TGP 2nd Stage Cofferdam

  20. 韩国海岸港口工程概况

    A survey of port and coastal engineering in Korea

  21. 武汉长江隧道工程概况

    General Situation of Changjiang Tunnel Engineering in Wuhan

  22. 工程概况及上级有关指示;

    Engineering overview and relevant instructions form superior ;

  23. 中国绿色照明工程概况

    General Aspects of Green Lights Program in China

  24. 简要介绍了其工程概况暖通空调系统设计。

    Outlines its general situation and HVAC design .

  25. 桂林洋海滩整治工程概况

    Beach Improvement Works at Gui Lin Yang

  26. 主要内容包括:1.工程概况与结构体系的选择;

    The main content includes : 1.the general situation and the choice of construction system ;

  27. 北京人民大会堂福建厅工程概况及施工体会

    The Redecorating Construction Experience of Fujian Room Project in the Great Hall of the People

  28. 第二章是项目背景和工程概况。

    Chapter Two clarify the background of this project and the main overview of this project .

  29. 南水北调工程概况及其主要工程地质问题

    An overview of the china 's South-North Water Transfer Project and its major engineering geological problems

  30. 根据洛界高速公路K10+635.00伊河特大桥的工程概况,提出了采用先张法预应力施工技术。

    According to engineering situation of Yi River Bridge the pretensioned system prestressed technology is proposed .