
  • 网络ecn;eco;variations;Engineering change;Change Order
  1. 工程变更的执行日期是否在相关的报告记录?

    Is ECN implemented date being recorded in related report ?

  2. 我们同意生产的工程变更通知前,请勿实施这些变更内容。

    Please do not implement these changes until we approved these ECN for production .

  3. PDM工程变更管理中的成本评估

    Cost Evaluation on Engineering Change Management in PDM

  4. 基于PDM的工程变更管理

    Engineering Change Management Based of PDM

  5. 简述EPC工程变更及索赔

    Discussion on EPC Project Variation and Claim

  6. 基于WINDCHILL的PDM工程变更管理研究

    Research on the Engineering Change Management in PDM system Based on WINDCHILL

  7. FIDIC施工合同条件下的工程变更控制

    FIDIC conditions of the construction contract change control works

  8. FIDIC条款下工程变更的定价方法

    The Method of Making a Price of Project Alteration under the Clause of FIDIC

  9. 本文对如何应用FIDIC施工合同条件的条款处理工程变更进行了简要介绍。

    The construction contract FIDIC conditions of the application of the provisions dealing with changes in the project briefing .

  10. 进行新产品BOM(物料清单)表的建立与维护,根据工程变更或相关部门要求进行更新。

    Built and maintain BOM ( bill of material ) for new product and update it in case of engineering change or other requirement by related dept.

  11. Fabric提供一个业务流程以在工程变更阶段指定和选定工程变更请求(ECRs)。

    Fabric provides a business process for specifying and deciding on engineering change requests ( ECRs ) at the engineering change phase .

  12. 并且在项目建设期间,资金投入方式、建设工期、工程变更、银行基准利率、回购支付方式、回购期限的变动均会影响BT项目回购价款的变动。

    And during the construction of the project , funding methods , the construction period , engineering change , bank benchmark interest rate , repurchase payment , repurchase term changes will affect the BT project repurchase price changes .

  13. 谈谈工程变更及其不利影响和解决方法

    Discussing into Works Change , Its Adverse Influence and Solving Method

  14. 高校基建工程变更分析与控制

    Analysis and Control of Engineering Changes in Capital Construction in Universities

  15. 监理工程师如何管理工程变更

    How the Monitoring Engineers to Manage the Changes in the Work

  16. 直流输电建设项目工程变更管理研究

    The Research on Change Management of Direct Current Transmission Construction Project

  17. 支持工程变更的柔性工作流系统建模与实现

    Modeling and Implementation of a Flexible Workflow System Supporting Engineering Change

  18. 土建工程变更项目费用处理浅析

    Discussion on Treatment of Project Change Costs of a Construction Project

  19. 制度化程序化工程变更管理的应用与实践

    The application & practice of management in systematic procedural project changes

  20. 产品数据管理中的工程变更管理的建模与实现

    Modeling and Implementation of Engineering Change Management in Product Data Management

  21. 清单计价模式下工程变更的造价确定与审查

    On costs identification and checking of engineering changes under list valuation

  22. 对制造型企业来说,工程变更是一个不可避免的问题。

    Engineering changes are considered inevitable for a manufacturing company .

  23. 论公路工程变更的实施和操作

    Discussion on the Implement and Operation of Highway Engineering Modification

  24. 建设项目建设过程中,常会发生工程变更。

    In the construction process , engineering changes often occur .

  25. 协同工作环境下的工程变更管理研究

    The Research of Engineering Change Management in Collaborative Working Environment

  26. 需创建工程变更单释放产品支持文件。

    Create ECO to release the documents to support product .

  27. 监理工程师在施工阶段的工程变更管理

    Roles of supervision engineer in change management of project in construction stage

  28. 一种高效的企业联盟工程变更集成系统

    An Efficient Integration System for Enterprise Alliance Engineering Change Management

  29. 工程变更的统计分析对投资控制的影响

    Influence of Statistical Analysis of Engineering Change on Investment Control

  30. 国际工程变更因果分析与管理

    Management and Cause - and - effect Analysis of Construction Project Change