
  • 网络Public project;PUBLIC
  1. 面向多元利益主体的公共项目BOE模式研究

    Study on the Public Project BOE Mode with Multiple Stakeholders

  2. 但是,协商失败。因为公共项目组要求立即开放所有dna测序方法,这与赛莱拉控制资料想获取知识产权的商业需求构成不可调和的矛盾。

    They discussed a collaboration but the talks foundered because the public project 's commitment to immediate open access to all DNA sequences was irreconcilable with celera 's commercial need to retain intellectual property rights over its data .

  3. 两院的法案都表示将建立医保交易所,小企业和个人能从其中的一系列私人计划甚至公共项目中进行选择。

    The bills in both chambers would create health insurance exchanges on which small businesses and individuals could choose from an array of private plans and possibly a public option .

  4. 将有公共项目、研讨会和特别活动。

    There will be public programs , workshops and special events .

  5. WTO关于公共项目采购的条款中并没有限制当地政府歧视外国供应商的权力。

    WTO rules on public procurement do not restrict the ability of local governments to discriminate against foreign suppliers .

  6. PPP模式下公共项目融资信息模型的构建探索

    Research on Building Information Model of Financing for Public Projects under PPP

  7. 城市公共项目中PPP模式内涵解析及相关概念辨析

    Interpretation of Characters and Related Conceptions for PPP Model in Urban Public Projects

  8. 该区行政长官马丁拉什(martinrush)表示,对这些债券的投资还没有导致任何已规划的公共项目被取消。

    Mayor Martin rush said no planned public works had to be cancelled as a result of its investment in the notes .

  9. PFI是一种新的公共项目私人融资方式。

    PFI is one of the novel approaches for the private finance in public works .

  10. 融资代建是一种起源于PFI的公共项目投资新模式。

    Finance-construction on consignment is a new investment management mode that sources from PFI for public projects .

  11. PFI(PrivateFinanceInitiative)是在公共项目建设与运营中引入私有资金的一种新型项目融资经济模式,该模式诞生于英国,并被许多国家予以借鉴和应用,获得了巨大的经济和社会效益。

    PFT ( Private Finance Initiative ) is a new economic style of project finance of inducting private capital in public projects . This style origins from Britain and has been used for reference in many other countries , and has brought up huge economic and social benefits .

  12. 但是二人终未能达成一致,因此Venter博士又建立了第二家公司&Celera,希望超过公共项目(团队)率先解码人类基因组图。

    The two failed to see eye to eye , though , and Dr Venter went on to help create a second firm , Celera , in the hope of beating the public project to the human genome .

  13. 公共项目绩效评价体系及绩效实现机制研究

    Research on Public Projects Performance Evaluation System and Performance Realization Mechanism

  14. 公共项目交易中的治理模式研究

    The research on the transaction governance mode of public project

  15. 公共项目是政府向公众提供的公共物品或公共服务。

    Public projects are public goods and public services provided by government .

  16. 公共项目管理绩效的持续改善。

    The continuous improvement of public project management performance .

  17. 第一部门是公共项目绩效评估理论概述。

    The first part introduces the theory of Performance Evaluation in Public Programs .

  18. 基于治理的公共项目管理绩效改善研究

    Research on the Improvement of Public Project Management Performance Based on Project Governance

  19. 发展结果导向的公共项目绩效管理理念

    Performance Management of Public Project for Development Results

  20. 第三部分:公共项目社会绩效评估方法及其运用。

    Part III : social performance evaluation method of public programs and its application .

  21. 公共项目私人融资新途径&PFI

    PFI - Private Finance in Public Works

  22. 政府作为国家非盈利机构,对于公共项目的建设,所获得的效益也就是整个社会的效益。

    As national non-profit organization , the government benefits obtained is the whole society benefits .

  23. 公共项目治理理论概念模型的建立

    A Conceptual Model for Public Project Governance

  24. 我国公共项目经济评价问题研究

    Project Evaluation on Chinese Public Investment Project

  25. 公共项目的一些领导人倒是乐意承认温特博士的贡献。

    Some leaders of the public project are happy to acknowledge Dr Venter 's contribution .

  26. 论文系统的研究了企业代建模式下非经营性公共项目中代建人的激励问题。

    This dissertation has systematically studied the incentive mechanism of agent in non-profit public projects .

  27. 收益&成本分析也表明助学贷款这样的公共项目经常是一种有效的投资。

    Also , cost-benefit analysis indicates that such public projects as NSLS are always paying .

  28. 美国通过了重视专利的立法,加大投资科技主导型的公共项目,如空间探测等。

    It passed pro-patent legislation and invested heavily in science-led public endeavours such as space exploration .

  29. 因此,建立一套公共项目的后评价体系迫在眉睫。

    Therefore , it is imminent to establish a post project evaluation system for public projects .

  30. 福建省和重庆的地方政府已经允许私营保险公司管理公共项目。

    Already local governments in Fujian province and Chongqing allow private insurers to manage public schemes .