
  1. 公共项目绩效评价体系及绩效实现机制研究

    Research on Public Projects Performance Evaluation System and Performance Realization Mechanism

  2. 基于物质流分析的公共工程项目评价

    Public project evaluation based on material flow analysis

  3. 城市公共交通项目评价方法

    Methods for Assessing Urban Public Transport Projects

  4. 我国公共项目经济评价问题研究

    Project Evaluation on Chinese Public Investment Project

  5. 其次介绍了公共项目后评价的主体、内容及主要环节。

    Second , this paper elaborates public project post evaluation subject , content and main procedures .

  6. 而且传统的评价理论也制约了新形势下公共项目经济评价目标的实现。

    The traditional ways of evalution become a restriction in accomplishing the goal of public project economic evaluation .

  7. 基于本文的研究结果,结合逻辑框架法提出对我国政府公共项目绩效评价的几点建议。

    Based on the results of this study , the author proposes some suggestions on performance evaluation of public projects in China combining with LFA .

  8. 高校新校区的建设已经过去了近十年,而我国对于大型公共项目后评价研究却在起步中。

    From now on , it has been long about ten years since the first new campus of one university been applied to been built .

  9. 因此建立完善的公共投资项目评价体系以及如何在体系中体现公平与效益均衡理念是非常重要的。

    Therefore , establish and improve the public project investment evaluation system and how the system of fairness and benefit equilibrium concept is very important .

  10. 然后介绍逻辑框架法的基本原理并分析其在公共项目绩效评价的运用,最后结合案例进行研究。

    Then , introduces the basic principles of LFA , analyses its implementing in performance evaluation of public projects , and studies a case of public project .

  11. 再次,从主体因素、体制因素、资金因素三个方面入手,系统分析了当前我国公共项目后评价存在的主要问题。

    Third , based on the subject , system and financial resources , the thesis analyses the existed problems of public project post evaluation in China systematically .

  12. 公共项目经济评价不仅关心投资的财务收益,更为关注项目造成的社会公共福利的改善效果。

    Economy evaluation of public project concerns not only the financial rewards of investments , but also the improved results of social public welfare originated from invested projects .

  13. 论文的主要研究如下:第一,通过对国内外有关项目绩效评价的文献进行综述,确立了公共项目绩效评价的目标。

    The major research in this paper is as follows : Firstly , through the literature review of project performance evaluation areas , established the goal of performance evaluation .

  14. 以福利经济理论为核心,引入实物期权思想和循环经济理论,建立公共项目经济评价的指标体系,同时结合现有项目评价指标体系和方法,可作为公共项目经济评价的依据。

    Using welfare economy theories as the core , and introducing real option ideology and OYO economy theory , the economy evaluation index system of public projects is built up .

  15. 通过对指标的分析和精选,对基于效益与公平均衡的公共投资项目评价系统模型的建立进行系统的理论演绎,归纳和总结,谋求客观、科学的评价体系。

    By analyzing the index and selected , based on efficiency and fairness equilibrium of public investment project evaluation system model based on system theory deduction , induction and the summary , seeking objective , scientific evaluation system .

  16. 最后,对公共项目后评价提出相关的对策和建议,对完善公共项目后评价的体系起到一定的借鉴作用,同时也为公共项目的长期可持续发展在管理上提供借鉴价值。

    Finally , the author proposes relevant countermeasures and suggestions related to post project evaluation , which give some references to improving post project evaluation system for public projects . Besides , it also can be used in management of long-term sustainable development of public projects for reference .

  17. 在构建公共投资项目绩效评价指标体系中,提出了5E原则的观点。

    Build public investment projects , performance evaluation index system , the view of the " 5E " principle .

  18. 基于证据理论的公共工程项目绩效评价研究

    Research on Performance Evaluation for the Public Project Based on the Theory of Evidence

  19. 公共基础项目投资评价一般采用费用&效益分析方法。

    " Cost-Benefit Analyses " is a general evaluation method in public basic project investment .

  20. 因此,建立一套公共项目的后评价体系迫在眉睫。

    Therefore , it is imminent to establish a post project evaluation system for public projects .

  21. 对公共投资项目绩效评价的质量控制问题进行了系统的研究。

    Carried out a systematic study on the performance evaluation of public investment projects , quality control problems .

  22. 这样公共投资项目绩效评价的对象和内容更为广泛和丰富。

    Object and content of such a public investment project performance evaluation is more extensive and rich . 2 .

  23. 其次,对绩效的概念进行了梳理,阐述了公共投资项目绩效评价的基本内容。

    Secondly , the concept of the performance of the comb , and expounded the basic content of the performance evaluation of public investment projects .

  24. 提出了将价值工程、挣值分析法等模型应用于公共投资项目绩效评价,丰富了公共投资项目绩效评价的评价方法。

    Value engineering , earned value analysis model used in the performance evaluation of public investment projects , enrich the evaluation method of performance evaluation of public investment projects .

  25. 在此基础上,引入了一个实用的评价和决策方法,举例说明了如何使用该方法对城市公共交通项目进行评价。

    Then introduce a method that has proved sound in macro , complex project evaluation and decision , and its theoretical adaptability in urban public transportation project evaluation and decision .

  26. 因此,加强对公共投资项目绩效评价理论与实践的研究,建立起完善而有效的公共投资项目绩效评价机制就显得尤为重要和迫切。

    Therefore , to enhance the study of theory and practice of public investment projects , performance evaluation , to establish sound and effective public investment projects , performance evaluation mechanism is particularly important and urgent .

  27. 本文通过对国内外公共投资项目的评价研究以及在对公共投资项目特点分析的基础上,提出了公共投资项目评价的具体分析方法和原则,并且提出遵循公平与效益均衡的观点。

    This article through to the domestic and foreign public investment project evaluation research as well as in the public investment project characteristic analysis foundation , proposed the public investment project evaluation of the specific analytical methods and principles , and proposed to follow fair and efficiency balanced view .

  28. 对项目经济效益、社会效益、环境影响和可持续性进行评价,总结应用于公共项目的后评价方法体系,以加强项目后评价工作,检查验证公共项目的成功程度,提高公共项目的管理水平。

    The author evaluates the project in terms of economic efficiency , social effect , environmental impact and sustainability , summarizes post project system applied to public projects so as to enhance post project evaluation , check and validate achievement of public projects and improve management of public projects eventually .

  29. 论文主要研究了公共投资项目的后评价问题。

    This thesis mainly studies post-evaluation for the public investment projects .

  30. 绿色公共投资项目微观效率评价&以四川天然林保护工程为例

    Micro Efficiency Evaluation of Green Public Investment Projects & For example as the natural forest protection project in Sichuan