
ɡōnɡ ɡònɡ cái zhènɡ
  • public finance
  1. 建立合理而有效的再分配机制是WTO规则下公共财政政策的重要落脚点;

    A rational and effective redistribution mechanism is the standpoint of public finance under the WTO regulation .

  2. 公共财政是市场经济国家财政运行模式。

    Public finance is the financial function model of market-economy countries .

  3. 该报告建议对公共财政进行彻底改革。

    The report recommends an overhaul of public finances

  4. 可以理解,人们担心这一趋势对公共财政意味着什么,鉴于它给相关医疗和养老金体系带来的挑战。

    Understandably , there are concerns about what this means for public finances given the associated health and pension challenges .

  5. 中国加入WTO后,国家经济的安全保障和危险的预防应是公共财政政策的立足点和出发点;

    After China 's entry into WTO , economic security and prevention of fiscal risks become the bottom line of the public fiscal policy .

  6. 结论:公共财政要给予疾病预防控制机构适当的补贴,SARS防治专项资金要足额及时到位。

    Conclusions : the public financing system should compensate the expense in the disease control facilities . The special budget for SARS should be distributed in time .

  7. 在明确各级政府投入责任的基础上,保证公共财政对教育的投入总量按照一定的增长幅度每年递增,争取教育投入占GDP的比重达到国际平均水平。

    On the basis of clear responsibility at all levels of government , ensure total public financial investment in education increases every year in a certain growth rate . Fighting for education investment share of the GDP reaches the international average .

  8. 2004年,较右倾的共和党之一迪克切尼(DickCheney)为了支持一项达1万亿美元的减税计划而说了这句话,而当时的公共财政离健康状态相距甚远。

    In 2004 Dick Cheney , one of the more right-leaning Republicans , was making the case for a trillion - dollar tax cut , when the public finances were in far from healthy shape .

  9. 市场经济体制与公共财政框架

    The System of Market Economy and the Framework of Public Finance

  10. 在公共财政体系中完善政府采购制度

    The Perfection of the Government Purchase System in Public Finance System

  11. 公共财政框架下的地方财政发展研究

    Study on Local Finance Development under the Framework of Public Finance

  12. 第二章,公共财政农业投入的基础理论。

    Chapter two , basic theory of agriculture supporting by finance .

  13. 公共财政在中国社会保障体系中的角色定位

    The Role of Public Finance in China 's Social Security System

  14. 公共财政视角下的农村消防事业发展

    Development of rural fire-controlling cause in the view of public finance

  15. 现代公共财政理论是建立在现代市场经济的基础之上的,是针对由私人部门经济和公共部门经济的混合并存的情况,从矫正市场失灵出发来界定政府经济活动范围和职责。

    Modern finance is based on the modern market economy .

  16. 公共财政理念与中国预算法完善

    Thought of Public Finance and Perfection of Chinese budget Law

  17. 公共财政体制下投资审计的创新

    Innovation of investment audit in the system of public finance

  18. 建立公共财政需理顺的几个关系

    Several Relations Needed to be Dealed with on Establishment of Public Finance

  19. 公共财政制度的中心是政府预算制度。

    The institutional center in public finance is a government budget system .

  20. 公共财政对农业投资的理论阐析及其行为优化的基本路径

    Theoretical Analyses and Behavioral Optimization of the Public Fiscal Investment in Agriculture

  21. 构建吉林省公共财政支出框架

    Set up the province of Jilin public finance expenditure frame

  22. 公共财政体制下行政成本控制的经济效率研究

    Research on Economic Efficiency of Controlling Administration Costs under Public Financial System

  23. 公共财政体制下的高等教育经费支出

    On the Funds for Expenditure of Higher Education under Public Finance System

  24. 发达国家公共财政管理改革对中国的启示与借鉴

    The Revelation from the Reform of Public Financial Governance in Developed Countries

  25. 对县级公共财政运行体系的思考

    Considerations on the County Level Public Financial Movement System Ponder

  26. 基于公共财政构架下财政支出结构的优化

    Financial expenditure structure optimization based on the framework of public

  27. 公共财政的本质是财政管理的公共化。

    The essence of public finance is the publicity of finance management .

  28. 关于建立公共财政框架的探讨

    Tentative Discussion on the Establishment of a Public Financial Framework

  29. 我国公共财政理论创新与进一步发展

    On the Theoretical Innovation and Development of the Public Finance in China

  30. 通货膨胀、公共财政与城乡统筹发展

    Inflation , public finance and considering both city and country