
  1. 她的父亲麦克是老师和她的母亲淑、工程精神科。

    Her father , Mike , is a teacher and her mother , Sandra , works for a psychiatrist .

  2. 高等学校实施素质教育是一个复杂的系统工程,大学生精神生活是其中的一个重要切入点。

    It 's a complicated systematic project the carry out the policy of education for all round development .

  3. 作为一个系统而复杂的社会工程,城市精神文明建设涉及城市生活的各个方面,是加快城市现代化进程的关键。

    Developing spiritual civilization in cities is a complex and systematic social project , covering all walks of urban life , and it is the key to speeding up the modernization of cities .

  4. 医院文化工作是医院管理的一项基础性工程,是医院精神文明建设的重要内容。

    Building up hospital culture is a basic project in hospital administration , and a key ingredient in constructing hospital spiritual civilization .

  5. 这种工程悟性加创业精神推动今年50岁的李书福成为中国民营企业的领军人物之一。

    That mixture of engineering and entrepreneurial drive has propelled the 50-year-old Mr Li to become one of the figureheads of private Chinese industry .