
  1. 作为北美最大的网上隐形眼镜零售商之一,CoastalContacts在结束两天的策略规划议程时,对如何加速业务增长仍无头绪。

    Coastal contacts , one of the largest online contact-lens retailers in North America , came out of its two-day planning session at a loss for how to rev up growth .

  2. 这些不确定性,使得演讲会的例会,在规划议程时,变得很棘手;

    These dynamics make it tricky to plan agendas for club meetings ;

  3. 学生将与客户合作进行实地研究,举行会议展示他们对现状的结论,并就提议的规划议程与想法取得回馈。

    Students will collaborate with the client to undertake field research and hold a session to present their existing conditions findings and get feedback on the proposed plan agenda and ideas .

  4. 学校开展闲暇体育教育,是引导学生有效地安排闲暇生活,促进学习和生活质量提高的最佳路径。我国应尽快将闲暇体育教育列入国家和学校体育教育的规划和议程;

    It 's the best method for the school to develop leisure physical education in order to guide the students to arrange the leisure life effectually and promote the study and living quality .

  5. 目前,我们正在力求加快速度,实现千年发展目标,并为2015年后规划雄心勃勃的议程,此时此刻,慈善事业的作用可以也应当发扬光大。

    At a time when we aim to accelerate our efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals and define a bold agenda for the period beyond 2015 , the role of charity can and should grow .