
  • 网络constant return to scale;constant returns of scale
  1. 本文首先用具有线性需求和规模收益不变生产技术的Cournot双头模型来刻画国际市场份额竞争。

    In this paper , firstly , we represent the international market share rivalry by Cournot duopoly model with linear demand system and CRS technology .

  2. 一方面,通过对湖北省1995-2000年科技投入产出的DEA分析,得出了湖北的科技活动在大多数年份里相对有效,但规模收益不变、甚至递减的结论;

    On one side , from the DEA analysis of the Outputs Inputs of Science Technology between 1995 and 2000 , a conclusion is drawn that , in HuBei , for most years , technological productions have been comparatively effective , however , with constant even decreasing returns to scale .