
ɡuī mó jīnɡ jì
  • economies of scale;large-scale economy
  1. 发展规模经济扩大名牌产品的市场占有率

    Developing Large-scale Economy , Increasing Market Share of Famous Brand Products

  2. 这种风险来源于对规模经济的片面理解,不顾企业实际需要和自身组织管理能力,在资产重组中盲目兼并、收购多家企业,结果造成规模过大而导致管理失控。

    This risk is originated from one-sided understanding of large-scale economy and from blind expanding .

  3. 汽车厂商拼命想要实现规模经济。

    Car firms are desperate to achieve economies of scale .

  4. 大型连锁超市的规模经济性质决定了大型连锁超市必须建立配送中心。

    Large supermarket chains determined the nature of the economies of scale of large supermarket chains to be set up distribution centers .

  5. DEA(主要是CCR模型)是对规模经济问题进行经验分析的有力方法。

    DEA ( mainly CCR model ) is a useful method for an empirical analysis of the economies of scale .

  6. 揭示了绿色食品产业集群优势的发挥要依靠各种因素的关键f生作用,如:自然资源、规模经济、相关产业的支持、吸引外资、企业家精神和政策环境等因素;

    To develop the advantage of green food industry group count on the function of various factors , such as natural resources , scale economy , correlation industry , foreign capital , entrepreneur 's spirit and policy .

  7. 而X效率作为一个衡量效率的有效指标,解释了大约20%或更多的银行业的成本,在准确衡量的前提下,它的解释能力明显高于规模经济和范围经济这两个指标。

    But X efficiency , as index sign , explains about more than 20 % costs of banks , under the premise that accurate measure . The explanation is more obvious than " scale economy " and " scope economy " .

  8. 规模经济可以降低投资者的平均成本。

    Economies of scale can reduce the average cost of investors .

  9. 金融控股公司拥有规模经济效应和范围经济效应。

    FHC has the superiority of scale and scope economy effects .

  10. 集装箱公路运输企业规模经济水平研究

    The Study on Scale-Economic Level for Container Road - Transportation Enterprises

  11. 对规模经济与企业竞争力理论的再认识

    Further study on theory of scale economy and enterprises competitive advantages

  12. 第三,增加科技投入和实现规模经济;

    Third , increase technology injection , realize economies of scale .

  13. 钢铁产业;规模经济;市场需求;资源约束;

    Steel industry ; scale economy ; Market demand ; resource constraints ;

  14. 重庆市中小型企业实现规模经济的举措

    How Do Small-Mid Enterprises Achieve Scale Economic in Chongqing City

  15. 企业布局分散,不能形成规模经济;

    Enterprises loose distribution failing to form the scale economy ;

  16. 企业合并在一定程度上反映了现代社会大规模生产的需要,正当的企业合并有利于企业筹集资金、改善经营管理、发挥规模经济效应,从而提高企业的国际竞争力;

    Business merger reflects the requirements of mass production in modem society .

  17. 规模经济形成机理的研究

    A Study on the Reason for Forming Economies of Scale

  18. 一个基于运输规模经济的库存选址模型

    An Inventory - Location Model With the Economies of Scale for Transportation

  19. 聚集经济是通过规模经济和范围经济的获得来实现的。

    Agglomeration is achieved through scaled economy and sphere economy .

  20. 应用判断分析法评价企业的规模经济性

    Evaluation of Enterprise ′ s Scale Economy Applying Judgement-Analysis Method

  21. 比较优势、规模经济与城市竞争力的理论分析

    A Theoretical Analysis of Comparative Advantage , Scale Economy and Urban Competitiveness

  22. 深化科研体制改革,推动规模经济发展

    Improving the Science Research Structure System and Advancing the scale Economy Development

  23. 论我国企业集团的规模经济发展

    On the Development of Economy of Scale in Business Consortiums in China

  24. 其二,把规模经济等同于经济规模;

    Second , they think that scale economy equal to economic scale ;

  25. 建筑施工企业的规模经济及实施方略

    Economies of scale of construction enterprises and implementation strategy

  26. 银行业并购的规模经济效应

    Benefits of Scale Economics Through Banking M & A

  27. 论规模经济的本质:结构经济

    On the Essence of Scale Economy : Structure Economy

  28. 规模经济&房地产企业发展的必由之路

    Economy of Scale & Inevitable Way for the Development of Real Estate Businesses

  29. 商业银行规模经济与集约经营关系的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on the Scale Effects and Intensive Farming of Commercial Bank

  30. 传媒业中的规模经济与范围经济

    Scale economy and scope economy in the media industry