
  1. 为了限制房租高涨,解决房租纠纷,国民政府制定了一系列法令,规定租金标准,限制房东退租,强制空房出租,界定出租人与承租人在被炸房屋时的权利和义务。

    To restrict price soaring and settle house rent disputes , such laws and decrees as The Provisional Measures of House Renting and others regulated rental standard , prevented landlord throwing a lease , compelling vacant rooms rented , define rights and duties of lessors and renters after being bombed .

  2. 我国公房是指政府和单位分配给职工和解放时收归国有,并且租金按照政府规定的租金标准执行的房屋。

    Government housing units are allocated to the employees and the liberation of nationalization , whose rent is in accordance with the standards stipulated by the government .

  3. 在调查租赁人的过程中,租赁公司要调查出是否客户能按合同规定付清租金。

    In the process of investigating the lessee , the leasing company will have to find out whether its customer will be able to make the contractual rental payments .

  4. 乙方应按合同的规定按时支付租金及押金。

    Party B will pay the rental and the deposit on time .

  5. 按规定,年租金是由保险箱的大小而定的。

    As a rule , the yearly rental fee depends on the size of the box .

  6. 租金价格将按照本协议附件B中规定的设备单位租金率进行计算。

    The Rental Price shall be calculated in accordance with the Equipment Unit Rental Rates set forth at Appendix B hereto .

  7. 1乙方应按合同的规定,按时支付租金,保证金及其他各项应付费用。

    Party B shall promptly pay all rent , security deposit and other charges payable by it in accordance with the terms of this agreement .

  8. 保障房的倡导者们希望看到这样一项规定的撤销&该规定允许业主在租金达到每月2500美元(约合人民币1.6万元)的情况下,取消对空置单元的租金管制。

    Housing advocates hope to see a reversal of a rule that allows landlords to deregulate vacant units if the rent reaches $ 2,500 a month .

  9. 保障房的倡导者们希望看到这样一项规定的撤销——该规定允许业主在租金达到每月2500美元(约合人民币1.6万元)的情况下,取消对空置单元的租金管制。

    Housing advocates hope to see a reversal of a rule that allows landlords to deregulate vacant units if the rent reaches $ 2500 a month .