
  • 网络Normative Economics;normative economic
  1. 本文认为:①成本效益分析是以规范经济学的Pareto效率为基础的,不能反映出以逆偏好选择为基础的存在价值。

    Two conclusions are given as follows : ① Benefit cost analysis is based on Pareto efficiency of normative economics . Existence value based on counter preferential choice can not be measured with classic economics .

  2. 在规范经济学意义上,腐败指数可以直接评价某一社会现象的好与不好;

    In the aspect of normative economics , China corruption indicator can directly evaluate whether a social phenomenon is good or not .

  3. 第七章是从规范经济学的角度对农业支持政策制定和执行进行系统分析,研究最终落脚于对我国农业支持政策制定、实施的指导。

    In chapter six , we builds a theory model for qualitative analysis of agricultural support policies .

  4. 结果表明,风险投资与技术创新之间确实存在着长期稳定的相关关系,从而证实了风险投资促进技术创新的规范经济学解释。

    The result is that it really existing a long-term correlation between venture investment and technique innovation .

  5. 由于这种随意性的假设已经存在太久,任何对规范经济学的批评都一定会被认为是左派的。

    For too long the casual assumption has been made that any critique of textbook economics must be leftwing .

  6. 对于这一规范经济学论断,笔者运用数理分析与计量经济学分析方法从实证的角度进行了验证。

    For this normative judgment , the paper , using modal and time series analysis method , made a positive analysis .

  7. 我国对城镇集体所有制改制的研究从规范经济学导向转向实证经济学导向,从对改制必要性和改制方式的探讨研究转向对具体转制过程的研究。

    Research of urban collective economy has been changed from normative to positive , from necessity and method of reformation to actual reformatory process .

  8. 本文的论证思路是:首先,简要回顾了实证经济学和规范经济学产生的历史背景、变更的原因,指出了它们之间争论的理论渊源。

    This paper concerns with four aspects : First , retrospect the historical background and change reason of positive economic and normative economic , indicate theory origin of the debate .

  9. 公有制与私有制孰优孰劣的问题,从经济学的角度看,是一个规范经济学的问题(或者说是一个伦理经济学的问题),而不是一个实证经济学的问题。

    The issue of who is best publicly-owned or privately owned is a issue of normative economics ( or a issue of ethical economics ), is not a issue of positive economics .

  10. 实证经济学与规范经济学的含义,使学生了解经济学的基本概念、定律、理论、原则,为进一步学习管理的专业课程及将来从事实际工作奠定基础;

    To lay a foundation for further study of specialized course of management and engaging into practice , one should firstly know the basic concept , law , theory and principle of economics .

  11. 本文首先阐述了经济学术语定义、并归类分析了规范的经济学术语的特点。

    The paper first explained what the economic term was , and classified the characteristics of economic terms .

  12. 本文写作的基本思路是运用规范的经济学研究方法紧紧围绕人类合作行为来进行分析和研究。

    The basic idea of this paper is to analyze focusing closely on human cooperation by standardized research methods of economics .

  13. 采用规范的经济学方法,通过微观模型和宏观福利分析,指出网上交易仍然存在各种交易费用。

    By using the normative economics approach , a microeconomics model and welfare analysis , the necessity and trend of intermediaries in the network economy are discussed .

  14. 新经济地理学主要从垄断竞争出发,认为规模经济是带来集聚的主要影响因素,并且使用规范的经济学方法来验证这一思路。

    The new economic geography major departure from the monopolistic competition that brings economies of scale is the main factors affecting agglomeration , and use standardized methods to test the idea of economics .

  15. 规范本科西方经济学课程教学的思考

    Considerations Standardizing the Teaching of Western Economics in Undergraduate Universities

  16. 但是一直以来作为与实证方法相对应的规范方法在经济学研究中都未得到应有的肯定与重视。

    However , the normative method , which plays a equal part in economics studying , has long been neglected .

  17. 第三部分是有关农业补贴的规范研究的经济学基础,用局部均衡的分析方法分析了几种主要的农业补贴的经济效应,并介绍了农业补贴的一般理论,作为发达国家农业补贴政策的理论解释。

    Part Three establishes the economics foundation of the normative analysis on agricultural subsides , exploring the economic effects of several common agricultural subsidy policies by using the method of partial equilibrium .

  18. 乳腺癌综合规范治疗的临床经济学评价

    Clinical economic evaluation of comprehensive standardized diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer

  19. 会计规范研究源于经济学划分为实证经济学和规范经济学。

    The study of accounting norms derives from empirical economics and normative economics , a division of economics .