
  • 网络international statistics
  1. 通货膨胀测度因而也成为国际统计学界和经济学界研究的热点问题之一。

    The measures of inflation also become international statisticians and economic field of study of one of the hot issues .

  2. 从第三届国际地质统计学大会看地质统计学的最新进展

    New Development Viewed from the third international geostatistics Congress

  3. 本文根据1988年9月5~9日在法国召开的第三届国际地质统计学大会的论文集资料进行了综合,为读者展现出地质统计学的一些最新进展和动向。

    Based on the proceedings and abstracts of the Third International Geo-statistics Congress held in Avignon , France at September 5-9 , 1988 , this paper discusses some new developments and trends of geostatistics .

  4. 一个国际心脏病学和统计学专家组花费数年时间制定了这个全球冠心病急性发作登记薄(GRACE)计算器。

    An international group of cardiologists and statisticians have spent several years producing the Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events ( GRACE ) calculator .

  5. 如果国际学生以参加统计学研究生课程申请,他们必须证明他们IELTS或TOEFL成绩。

    If an international student is applying for admittance to a biostatistician graduate program , they must show either their IELTS or TOEFL score .

  6. 由于快速的国家性和国际性的人口统计学变化,需要更多的研究来解决这个难题。

    Given the rapidly changing demographic nationally and internationally , additional research is needed to resolve this important question .