
  • 网络National Economics
  1. 三是资产阶级国民经济学的道德缺损;

    Thirdly , the moral defects of capitalist national economics ;

  2. 国民经济学课程教学模式改革探析

    On the Reform of the Teaching Model for the Course of National Economics

  3. 设有世界经济和国民经济学两个国家级重点学科;

    Is equipped with the world economics and the national economic two state-levels key discipline ;

  4. 推进国民经济学学科建设的若干问题

    On Establishing National Economics as a Discipline

  5. 国民经济学课程现有教学模式存在不少弊端,需要进行改革。

    It is necessary to reform the teaching model for national economics because of the existing drawbacks .

  6. 对国民经济学的缘起、研究对象和研究方法等问题进行梳理与分析非常必要。

    It is of great necessity to probe into the origin , research object , and research method of national economics .

  7. 国民经济学学科是在中国确立具有中国特色的社会主义国家的发展道路后逐步形成的一门特色学科。

    National economics is a special discipline established after China decided to build itself into a socialist country with its own characteristics .

  8. 在理论上探讨外商直接投资与环境问题,对丰富和完善国际经济学和国民经济学的相关内容具有重要意义。

    To probe into the issue theoretically is helpful in enriching and perfecting relevant research fields in both national economics and international economics .

  9. 这主要来自马克思对他的前辈&特别是国民经济学和黑格尔的批判和继承。

    This mainly comes from Marx to the older generation of him & Especially national economics and black criticism and inheriting of dose .

  10. 因此,本文对我国国民经济学中的农业经济发展问题具有较强的理论和实践价值。

    Therefore , this article studies of our national economy in the agricultural economic development issues with a strong theoretical and practical value .

  11. 应按照现代教学理论构建新的教学策略体系,实现国民经济学课程教学模式的创新,以提高大学生的综合素质。

    A new tactful teaching system based on modern teaching theory should be built to achieve teaching innovation and improve the students ' overall quality .

  12. 揭穿基督教神学和国民经济学之形而上学基础之后,逻辑的结论是历史终结论的破产。

    After exposing the metaphysics as foundation of theology and political economy , it is the logical conclusion that " the end of history " is bankrupt .

  13. 国民经济学是我国颇具特色的一个学科:它与政治经济学有联系,但不是一回事;它与北欧学派有渊源,却又非同出一辙;

    National economics is a discipline with Chinese characteristics : it is related with political economics and the origin of North Europe school , but not the same with them .

  14. 马克思生存论诉诸于感性对象性活动,通过国民经济学批判,扭转了传统形而上学的思维方式,真正贯穿了内在性,实现了哲学范式的变革。

    Marx 's existentialism transcends the mode of thinking of traditional metaphysics , changes the philosophical pattern and runs though inherence by appealing to practice and criticism of political economy .

  15. 经过对黑格尔法哲学与国民经济学的系统批判,他开创性地提出了市民社会决定政治国家的历史观和自己的社会与国家关系学说。

    After the systematic critique of Hegelian legal philosophy and national economics , he creatively put forward the historical viewpoint that civil society determines political state and his own theory of society state .

  16. 在对外经济关系上,既重视斯密、李嘉图的世界经济学,也重视李斯特的国民经济学,积极发展对外经贸关系,循序渐进地实现同世界经济的一体化。

    In foreign economic relations , the new road motivates active development of foreign trade and economic cooperation and pushes the realization of gradual world economic integration , paying attention to both Smith Ricardo 's world economics and List 's national economics .

  17. 设有世界经济和国民经济学两个国家级重点学科;设有国家经济学基础人才培养基地和教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地—比较经济体制研究中心。

    with 2 national key disciplines of world economy and national economy in addition to a base for cultivating personnel of basic national economy , and a key base for research on humanities , and a center of research on the system of comparative economy as designated by the Ministry of Education .

  18. 国民幸福关怀与经济学研究方法多元化的诉求

    The Solicitude for National Happiness and Demand for Diversity of Economic Research Methods

  19. 综合运用产业结构经济理论、国民经济统计等经济学理论进行实证分析,分析了西安市产业结构的演进过程,同时将服务业作为重要内容进一步论证分析。

    Comprehensive use of the economic theory of industrial structure and Industrial adjustment policies to analyze the evolution of Xi ' an industrial structure , while further analyze the service industry as an important sector .

  20. 第一章论述了外资国民待遇的法理基础,并对外资国民待遇进行了经济学分析,旨在明确接受外资国民待遇的原因和条件。

    In the first chapter , the author does jurisprudence and economic analysis on the appearance and the formation of national treatment .