
  • 网络corporate personality;corporate entity
  1. 论公司人格否认与公司债权人的保护

    On Disregard of Corporate Personality and Corporate Creditors ' Protection

  2. 第二章论述公司人格否认制度的基本理论。

    The second chapter discusses the basic theory of corporate personality denial system .

  3. 衡平方法正是用来纠正法律的这种不合目的性。民事主体制度是公司人格否认的制度基础。

    Justice is the chief value of the law system .

  4. 尽管如此,公司人格否认制度仍昭示出其应有的经济、法律等价值。

    Despite this , it still displays its economic and legal values .

  5. 困境与出路:设立中公司人格研究

    Predicament and Outlet : Reseach on Personality of Establishing Corporation

  6. 而解决这一问题的对策,我们称之为公司人格否定。

    Corporation personality negation can be taken as a solution to these problems .

  7. 公司人格否认的法理适用及制度完善

    The Application and Consummation in Disregard of Corporate Personality

  8. 论公司人格否认制试论公司制企业法人财产权

    On the Property Right of the Corporate Juridical Person

  9. 公司人格否定与银行债权的保护

    Disregard of corporate personality and protection of the banks ' creditor 's interests

  10. 构建公司人格否认制度的法理依据

    Legal Theory of the Disregard System of Corporate Personality

  11. 揭开公司人格否认理论的面纱

    Uncovering the Veil of Disregard of Corporate Entity Theory

  12. 第一,关于一人公司人格否认构成要件的结论。

    First , it gets into the conclusion on the one-man company Personality Elements .

  13. 确立公司人格否认制度;

    Establishment of disregard of company personality system .

  14. 公司人格与公司人格否认

    Separate Corporate Personality and Denial of Corporate Personality

  15. 公司人格新探

    A New Study on the Personality of Corporation

  16. 公司人格否认在审判实践中应谨慎适用。

    The adoption of corporate personality disregard should be subject to scrutiny in judicial practice .

  17. 公司人格否认辨

    The Denial of A Company 's Personality

  18. 浅析公司人格否认制度

    An Analysis of Corporation Personality Negation System

  19. 公司人格否认相对于公司人格独立属于衡平性规范。

    Disregard of corporate personality are the equitable norms concerning the independence of corporate personality .

  20. 公司人格否认不在于形式的考证,而在于实质的探究。

    Disregard of the corporate personality focuses on virtual research instead of formal textual research .

  21. 公司人格否认原则价值目标的理性分析

    A Rational Analysis of the Principle and Worth Aim of Disregard of Corporate Personality System

  22. 论公司人格否认原则

    On the Corporate Personality Negation Principle

  23. 论公司人格否定理论

    On Theory of Corporation Personality Negation

  24. 这就是公司人格否认制,也即揭开公司的面纱。

    It is the company personality denial system , and also named uncover the company veil .

  25. 第二部分涉及的是我国上市公司人格缺陷的现状。

    Part two is involved the current situation of listed company 's defects on personality in china .

  26. 公司人格制度起源于罗马法的人格制度,经历了漫长的历史发展,形成了关于法人人格的各种学说。

    The institution of corporate personality derives from institution of personality in Roman law through long time .

  27. 个案审判中对公司人格否认制度的司法探讨

    The Judicial Research on the System of Denying the Independent Personality of a Company in Individual Case

  28. 滥用公司人格是导致股东对公司债权人直接承担责任的法定事由。

    Abusing the company personality is a legal cause that shareholders undertake the duty directly for company creditors .

  29. 本文第三章主要论述了公司人格否认法律适用的发展趋势。

    Chapter ⅲ of this article focuses on the development trend of legal application concerning disregard of corporate personality .

  30. 一般认为,公司人格的独立和股东有限责任是公司法人制度的两大基石。

    Traditionally , generally considering , independence of corporate personality and limited liability of shareholders are two fundamental stones .