
  1. 我们将对您公司进行注销税务登记检查。

    We 'll go to your company to check on the cancellation of tax registration .

  2. 非公司企业法人注销登记制度的缺陷与完善

    The Valuation on Minor Shares of Non - Listed Companies Defect and Perfection of Registration Cancellation System of Unincorporated Business Entity

  3. 公司解散的,应当依法办理公司注销登记

    " When a company dissolves , the company shall cancel its registration in accordance with the law . "

  4. 由公司登记机关吊销营业执照。公司登记机关核准注销登记后,应当收缴分公司的《营业执照》。

    Shall have its business license canceled by the company registration authority . After having approved the cancellation of registration , the company registration authority shall withdraw the branch 's Business License .