
  • 网络incorporation
  1. 公司设立无效有以下三个特征:整体性、相对性、诉讼性。

    The invalid incorporation system has three characteristics : integrity , relative , a court of law .

  2. 因此,健全和完善澳门有限公司设立法律制度是有重要意义的。

    Therefore , sound and complete legal system in limited company incorporation has important meaning .

  3. 公司设立了严格的奖惩制度。

    A strict system of and penalties was set up in the company .

  4. 在这期间她在摄影比赛中共赢得了约5000美元的奖金,还有三个是Hallmark贺卡公司设立的奖项。

    During this time she 's won about $ 5000 in contests , including three for Hallmark .

  5. 因此,中国石油天然气股份有限公司设立了重点攻关项目&基于GIS的油田开发应用集成项目。

    However , it is still blank that the platform is applied in the oilfield development , Therefore , PetroChina Co sets up a key research project-application integration of oilfield development based on GIS .

  6. 他们把合伙的企业命名为Kngine,意思为“knowledgeengine”(知识引擎),该公司设立在金字塔的故乡吉萨(Giza)。

    They named their venture Kngine , meaning " knowledge engine ," and headquartered it in Giza , the home of the pyramids .

  7. 新闻集团已经通过吸引使用当地语言的观众,大举拓展了其在印度的电视业务,并于去年与jupiterentertainment公司设立了一家合资企业,目标是印度的南部市场。

    News Corp has aggressively expanded its TV footprint in India by appealing to local language audiences and last year struck a joint venture with Jupiter entertainment to target the south of the country .

  8. 1951年,公司设立了第一笔正式的捐赠预算。

    In1951 , the Company established the first formal contributions budget .

  9. 公司设立登记瑕疵及其法律救济

    The Flaw of Company 's Instauration Registration and Legal Relief

  10. 它贯穿于公司设立、运营和终止的全过程。

    It exists the process from the establishment to termination .

  11. 仅在百慕大群岛上就有一万两千家国际公司设立了办事处。

    Some twelve thousand international corporations have a presence on Bermuda alone .

  12. 因此,我国迫切需要建立公司设立无效制度。

    So it is urgent to establish the invalid system in establishing corporations .

  13. 宁波港集团二级公司设立模式选择研究

    Research on Mode Selectivity of Secondary Enterprise Set up by Ningbo Port Group

  14. 论公司设立无效制度的界定与适用

    Definition and Application of the Nullity of Company Establishment

  15. 我国的公司设立制度研究

    Research on Establishment System of Corporation in China

  16. 公司设立制度与公司清算制度同等重要。

    The corporation instituting system and the corporation clear accounting system are equally important .

  17. 在企业进行零缺陷管理的思考公司设立瑕疵刍议

    Conducting the zero defects management in the corporations

  18. 第一部分,对公司设立登记的一般法律属性及其本质进行分析。

    Part one analyzes the general legal attribute and nature of company establishing registration .

  19. 公司设立无效制度是一种处理公司瑕疵设立问题的法律制度。

    Nullity of company establishment is a law system to resolve formation with flaws .

  20. 该公司设立年度评估制度。

    This company has an annual appraisal system .

  21. 有许多夫妇在百货公司设立了新婚贺礼登记服务。

    A lot of couples set up a bridal registry at a department store .

  22. 公司设立中现物出资的法律问题探析

    On the Illiquid Contribution System of Company Establishment

  23. 他还在公司设立了一个公共栏,让员工们自由发表意见。

    Instituted company " gong shows " for employees to toss out ideas risk-free .

  24. 公司设立失败后发起人责任包括发起人外部责任与内部责任。

    Under failure of company establishment , initiators responsibility includes of external and internal responsibility .

  25. 到2007年为止,中国是世界上跨国公司设立外国子公司数量最多的国家。

    China continued to host the largest number of foreign affiliates in the world in 2006 .

  26. 公司设立中的出资制度研究

    The Study on Capital Formation System

  27. 以公司设立行为的性质为基础,对其相关责任承担进行探讨。

    Based on the action nature of incorporating a company , their related responsibilities are discussed .

  28. 在财务合并过程中,财务管理模式的转换是关键。公司设立行为的性质

    Financial management model transform is crucial to the financial incorporation . The Nature of Incorporation Process

  29. 美国宝利通公司设立北京办事处

    Polycom Inc. Set up Beijing Office

  30. 公司设立制度研究

    Study on Corporate Formation System