
  1. 公司设立登记瑕疵及其法律救济

    The Flaw of Company 's Instauration Registration and Legal Relief

  2. 第一部分,对公司设立登记的一般法律属性及其本质进行分析。

    Part one analyzes the general legal attribute and nature of company establishing registration .

  3. 公司设立登记瑕疵对公司能否有效成立影响至深。

    , The flaw of company 's instauration registration is of great importance to the availability of the company 's instauration .

  4. 本文运用比较法学等多种研究方法,对公司设立登记法律制度相关问题进行研究和分析。

    This thesis adopts various approaches including comparative law to study and analyze legal system of company establishing registration and relevant questions .

  5. 在企业登记时,工商局依据相关优惠政策,放宽了公司设立登记条件,使其顺利入驻动漫园区。

    In business registration , Trade and Industry Bureau in accordance with relevant preferential policies , relaxed company registration conditions , to successfully settled animation park .

  6. 基于登记申请人原因产生的公司设立登记瑕疵主要有三种类型:出资瑕疵、目的瑕疵和股东瑕疵。

    The flaw of company 's instauration registration based on applicant can be classified as flaw of financial contribution , flaw of purpose and flaw of shareholder .

  7. 第三部分,对公司设立登记事项、登记程序中若干问题,包括登记审查制度、审查内容及公司名称的预先核准进行分析。

    Part three investigates a couple of questions related to the proceedings and procedures of company establishing registration , including registration examining system , the items to be examined and pre-approval of company title .

  8. 基于登记机关的原因产生的公司设立登记瑕疵应当具有推定正确性效力,公司对该瑕疵无主观过错,但是其不能以此对抗善意的公司债权人。

    The flaw of company 's instauration registration based on the registration organ should effectiveness of understood validity . The fact that the company has no subjective fault can 't confront bona fide creditor .

  9. 公司设立登记瑕疵是指公司设立时在登记机关登记的事项与真实情况不符或者违反法律法规的强制性规定。

    The flaw of company 's instauration registration refers to the fact that the proceedings registered in register organs when the company set up don 't accord with the truth or violate the compulsory regulations of law .

  10. 发起人对于公司在设立登记前所负债务,在登记后亦负连带责任。

    The promoters shall , even after incorporation , be jointly and severally liable for debts of the company incurred prior to incorporation .

  11. 国家有关主管部门的国家机关工作人员,徇私舞弊,滥用职权,对不符合法律规定条件的公司设立、登记申请。

    State organ work personnel under relevant competent state departments , who , because of favoritism , malpractice , and abuse of powers , approve or register the incorporation or registration of companies that fail to meet conditions required by law .

  12. 公司设立原则、登记制度的历史演变以及享有登记权限的政府机关职能的变化再次印证事前规制方法对避免公司设立瑕疵的作用相当有限。

    The principle of incorporation , the evolvement of registration system , and the change of function of the government department confirm that the effect of the prior method is quietly limited .

  13. 有许多夫妇在百货公司设立了新婚贺礼登记服务。

    A lot of couples set up a bridal registry at a department store .

  14. 应当自批准之日起90日内向公司登记机关申请设立登记

    The registration of establishment should be applied for within 90 days from the date of approval

  15. 因合并、分立而新设立的公司,应当申请设立登记。

    A new company which is established due to a merger or division shall apply for registration of establishment .

  16. 各国公司法对公司设立登记瑕疵的法律后果所持态度不一。

    The corporation laws of different countries have different opinions to the legal consequence of the flaw of company 's instauration registration .

  17. 在这一部分中,笔者首先通过对公司设立与公司设立登记作了简单的对比,分析了它们之间的联系和区别,从而为正确认识公司设立登记行为的性质奠定了基础;

    In the first part , the author analyses the character of company registration . Above all , the author educes the affiliation and difference through the means of comparing the act of establishing company with the act of registering company .

  18. 设立新公司的,应当依法办理公司设立登记。

    When a new company is established , its establishment shall be registered in accordance with the law .

  19. 公司登记机关自接到股份有限公司设立登记申请之日起三十日内作出是否予以登记的决定。

    The company registration authority decides within thirty days of the date of receipt of an application to register the establishment of a company limited by shares whether or not to grant registration .

  20. 设立中公司是一种前法人团体,是公司在设立登记之前的存在状态。

    An establishing company is a body before the legal person sets up , the pattern which the establishing company exist before this body being registered .

  21. 第四部分,结合对公司设立原则及其历史演变的考察,分析公司设立登记法律制度的价值取向,指出其基本价值取向在于:保障交易安全、提高交易效益。

    By surveying the principles and historical evolvement of company establishment , the author brings forth in part four the value tropism of company establishing registration , which is to ensure safe trade and promote benefits .

  22. 公司设立的动态和复杂过程使其与公司成立和公司设立登记相区别。

    Trends and complicated course that company sets up make their establish with company and Company distinguish to register to set up .

  23. 设立股份有限公司,董事会应当于创立大会结束后30日内向公司登记机关申请设立登记。

    To establish a company limited by shares , the board of directors shall , within 30 days of the conclusion of the founding meeting , apply to the company registration authority for registration of establishment .

  24. 公司登记依据不同标准可以做不同分类,其中最为重要的是将公司登记分为设立登记、变更登记和注销登记三种。

    According to different criteria , the company registration can be classified in many ways , the most important of which is the classification among registration of incorporation , modification and cancellation .

  25. 包括公司设立的概念、设立行为的法律性质、设立中公司的法律问题、公司设立的方式、条件、发起人的法律地位及法律责任、公司设立登记等。

    Including company set up theory , the legal substance of the behaviour of set up , the legal problem of company set up , methods and conditions for company set up , the incorporators legal position and legal responsibility , company set up registration etc.