
ɡōnɡ sī jiě sàn
  • dissolution of a company
  1. 清算义务人,是指基于其在公司中的特殊法律地位,在公司解散后,对公司负有特定义务的民事主体。

    Liquidation obligor is a civil subject , which will have specific obligations after the dissolution of a company , basing on its special legal status in the company .

  2. 他一直呆到1948年公司解散。

    He stayed on until the dissolution of the firm in 1948

  3. BOT项目公司解散清算的会计处理

    The Accounting Treatment of BOT Project Company 's Dissolution and Liquidation

  4. 元月1日后,我公司解散。在原址成立O&S商社继续营业,由H.O.和J.S.二人主持业务。

    After January1st , our partnership will be dissolved and the business will be carried on at the same address , by H.O.and J.S.under the firm-name of O & S.

  5. 论公司解散与清算程序中的债权人保护问题

    On Creditor Protection in the Process of Corporate Dissolution and Liquidation

  6. 法院享有公司解散的裁判权应是毫无异议的。

    That should be no doubt the court has jurisdiction over dissolve the company .

  7. 公司解散和非破产清算法律制度是公司法制中的一项基本制度。

    Dissolving and non-bankruptcy liquidation are basic systems in the legal system of a company .

  8. 作为清算义务人之一的股东,在公司解散时起负有组织清算的义务。

    Organizing the liquidation is the duty of the shareholders when the company is dismissed .

  9. 所以,我们不难理解公司解散制度的出现和运作。

    Therefore , we can easily understand the emergence and operation of the dissolution system of the company .

  10. 公司解散的,应当依法办理公司注销登记

    " When a company dissolves , the company shall cancel its registration in accordance with the law . "

  11. 我们可以暗示他,以把公司解散掉作为对他父亲的抵触。

    We suggest breaking up his father 's company as a " screw you " to the old man .

  12. “财务制度,公司解散时的清算程序,其他必要的规章制度”

    " Financial system , Liquidation procedures upon the dissolution of the joint venture company , Other necessary rules and regulations "

  13. 公司解散与清算中的债权人保护问题,长久以来为人们所忽视。

    Institute of Semiconductor of Chinese Academy of Science The creditor protection in corporate dissolution and liquidation has long been neglected .

  14. 论公司解散清算僵局的成因及其司法救济&兼谈《公司法》公司特别清算制度的完善

    On the Causes of Dissolution and Liquidation of Corporations and Judicial Relief & And on the Improvement of Company Special Liquidation System in Company Law

  15. 在文章的最后,结合立法及相关司法解释的规定,对我国的股东请求公司解散权制度作出了设计。

    In the final , the author makes the design on the rights of dismissing the company litigation system from the legislate and Judicial interpretation .

  16. 依然针对股东知情权、异议股东的股权回购请求权和公司解散请求权三方面提出完善建议。

    The suggestions are still considering about the minority shareholders ' information rights / share repurchase rights and the right to call dissolution of the company .

  17. 同日,土发公司解散,市建局则告成立,负责根据新的体制和法定架构,进行市区重建工作。

    On the same day , the LDC was dissolved and the URA was established to undertake urban renewal under a new institutional and statutory framework .

  18. 一八五七年,印度士兵哗变,最后令东印度公司解散,统治权转到英国王室手上。

    In1857 , the Indian soldiers started a mutiny , which led to the Company 's dissolution and the transference of its administrative powers to the British Crown .

  19. 除立法方面,司法机构在处理公司解散案件时还会针对个案的具体情况进行个案的利益平衡。

    In addition to legislation , the judiciary , in dealing with cases of dissolution of the company will also consider the specific circumstances of the case to address balance issue .

  20. 最后,结合我国的实际情况,针对我国公司解散清算程序存在的保护债权人利益不足问题,提出了几点完善的建议。

    Finally , in view of the actual conditions in China , has put forward a few suggestions over the inadequacy of protecting the interests of the creditors during the dissolving and liquidating process .

  21. 例如,在提交待审批的文档后,公司解散了提交者所属的部门,该文档将在完成审批流程后存储于归档的“未决定”文件夹中。

    For example , if a document has been submitted for approval but the submitter 's department is dismissed from the company , that document is stored in the undetermined folder in the archive .

  22. 公司解散某个部门是否可以直接以“客观情况发生变化”解除该部门员工的劳动关系?

    If a company wants to remove a department , can it terminate its employment relationship with all employees in the department on the excuse of " a major change in the objective circumstances "?

  23. 公司解散,意味着公司应当停止经营活动,但其法人资格并没有消亡,公司作为清算法人可以在清算目的范围内活动。

    Company dismissal means that the company should stop the operation activity but its legal personality is not abolished . As clearing legal person , the company can act within the range of liquidation purposes .

  24. 公司解散、公司清算和公司注销是三个互相联系而又有区别的公司终止前必经的三个法律程序,其中公司清算是最重要的程序。

    Company dismissal , company liquidation and company cancellation are three inevitable legal procedures before company termination , which connect each other and also distinguish each other . Among other things , the company liquidation is most important .

  25. 职工考勤、升级与奖惩制度;职工福利制度;财务制度;公司解散时的清算程序;

    System of work attendance record , promotion and awards and penalty for the staff and workers ; System of staff and worker 's welfare ; Financial system ; Liquidation procedures upon the dissolution of the joint venture company ;

  26. 公司解散清算是指公司解散后了结公司所有既存法律关系,最终使公司法人人格归于消灭的法律程序。

    The term company dissolution and liquidation refers to the legal procedure in which the personality Of the legal person in the company will disappear finally after the company dissolve and settle all the current legal relations with others .

  27. 因此正确处理好公司解散后的债权债务,分配公司剩余财产,对公司合理退出市场和维护市场稳定具有重要意义。

    It has an important significance that the credits and debts are correctly handled after the dissolution of the company , and surplus property well distributed , on the rational exit of company from the market and maintenance of market stability .

  28. 司法解散作为公司解散的一种重要方式,在许多国家公司法中均有规定,其确立和运作已有上百年历史,理论和实践成果丰硕。

    The judicature dismisses one important way which dismisses as the company , in many national laws of corporation some stipulations , its establishment and the operation had over a hundred year history , the theory and the practice achievement is plentiful .

  29. 早期的公司解散案件,法院都将公众利益作为公司解散的考量标准,这一做法增加了股东请求法院解散公司的难度,逐渐为法院所抛弃。

    In earlier company dissolution cases , the court usually adopted the public interests as the standard for dissolving a company , which added to the difficulty of shareholders ' application to the court for dissolution and was gradually discarded by the court .

  30. 公司解散、依法被责令关闭或者被宣告破产的,由证券交易所终止其公司债券上市,并报国务院证券监督管理机构备案。

    When a company is disbanded , ordered to close in accordance with law , or announced bankrupt , the stock exchanges shall terminate the listing of its bonds and report for the record to the securities regulatory body under the State Council .