
  • 网络Judicial dissolution of the company;judicial dissolution of corporation
  1. 公司司法解散的立法现状及制度构想

    Current Legislation Situation and System Conceptions of Judicial Disbandment of Corporation

  2. 因此,研究如何完善公司司法解散机制具有实际意义。

    It makes sense to research how to enhance the provisions on the judicial dissolution .

  3. 公司司法解散制度中的程序问题研究

    A Study on the Procedural Problems in the System of Judicial Dissolution of a Corporation

  4. 公司司法解散制度是一项重要的股东权利救济制度。

    Company Judicial dissolution is an important law on the rights of a shareholder relieves system .

  5. 公司司法解散制度在我国公司立法中从无到有。

    The dissolution of the company judicial system in the Legislative Council in the company from scratch .

  6. 但我国公司司法解散制度建立的时间短,还存在许多不完善的地方。

    However , the company justice dissolution system was established for a short time , there are still many imperfections .

  7. 以典型案例作引子,阐明了公司司法解散的理由。

    By introducing a typical case , this paper expounds the common reasons for disbanding a corporation compulsorily in judicial procedure .

  8. 针对我国公司司法解散的立法现状与司法实践,提出了确立我国公司司法解散制度的立法构想。

    So to bring about a country ruled by law , we should be alert to the idealist inclination in legislation .

  9. 法定退出方式主要有异议回购请求权、股权收买请求权和公司司法解散制度。

    The statutory withdrawal manner includes repurchase rights for dissent shareholders , the right to request to buy shares and the judicial dissolution .

  10. 公司司法解散是一种股东权利的救济措施,体现了司法权力对公司解散的介入。

    Judicial dissolution is a kind of relief measures for the right of shareholder , which is reflection of the intervention of judicial power .

  11. 在域外,公司司法解散制度的确立及运作已经有上百年的历史,已经形成了成熟的运作体系。

    The history of the establishment and operation of Judicial dissolution has been lasting for hundred years , which has a mature system of operation .

  12. 如何在司法实践中明确具体的操作规程,完善公司司法解散制度的研究显得十分迫切和重要。

    Therefore , it is of vital emergency and importance to make clear the operational procedures in the juridical practice and improve juridical corporation dissolution system .

  13. 第二章通过对有限责任公司司法解散制度的理论分析,说明在我国确立这一制度的合理性和正当性;

    In chapter two , the text explains the legitimacy and the reasonability of the company judicial dissolution by analyzing the rationale of the limited company judicial dissolution .

  14. 公司司法解散制度的建立为通过司法程序解决公司内部纠纷提供了一种可行的途径,建立了有效的股东退出机制。

    The establishment of company judicial dissolution put up a possible way to resolve disputes within the company through judicial process and establish an effective exit mechanism for shareholders .

  15. 公司司法解散是公司法为了平衡少数股东和多数股东的利益而设立的制度之一。

    Judicial dissolution of the company is one of the systems established by the company law in order to balance the interests of the minority shareholders and the majority shareholders .

  16. 为此,深入、系统的研究公司司法解散制度并将之完善便成为我们努力的方向。

    Our efforts therefore shall be directed towards a deep and systematic studying – and also perfecting – of the system of dissolving a corporation as stipulated in the Company Law .

  17. 本文将从公司司法解散制度的基本理论出发,在剖析我国现行立法的基础上,根据我国司法实践的需要,对我国公司司法解散制度相关立法的完善提出建议。

    This article make recommendations to improve the related legislation from the company justice dissolution system basic theory and based on the analysis of existing legislation and the needs of our judicial practice .

  18. 公司司法解散制度源于英国,在近百年的发展演变中,两大法系主要发达国家都将其作为一项重要的公司制度纳入公司法律之中。

    Judicial Dissolution system based on the UK , nearly a hundred years the evolution of the two legal systems of the major developed countries as an important corporate system in the company laws .

  19. 第一次以立法的形式正式确立了我国的公司司法解散制度,为公司僵局的解决提供了司法救济的办法。

    The company judiciary having established our country formally for the first time with the legislation form has dissolved system , the deadlock solving has provided the way that the judiciary relieves to the company .

  20. 最后,本文认为,公司司法解散制度的引入是立法进步的标志,应该得到审慎执行,使该制度应有的功能得到发挥。

    Finally , we believe that the dissolution of the company judicial system is the introduction of legislative progress signs should be carefully implemented , so that the system should have the function to play .

  21. 本文在就这部分内容展开论述时按照民事诉讼的具体流程进行表述;第五部分,展望我国如何完善公司司法解散制度。

    The statements discussed on this part is in accordance with the specific processes of civil litigation ; the fifth part gives an outlook on the improvement of the Judicial Dissolution of company in our country .

  22. 通过比较法学的分析方法,大胆借鉴国外的立法经验,结合我国实际情况,提出构建公司司法解散制度的具体设想。

    Through employing analysis method of comparative law , learning from the legislation experience abroad and applying to the factual situation in our country , the writer finally proposes the detailed assumption of establishing corporation judicial dissolution law .

  23. 公司司法解散是保护中小股东权益的有效救济手段,体现了国家司法权对经济生活的适度干预。

    The practice of judicial dissolution of a company is , to a large extent , an effective remedy protecting the small and medium shareholders ' interests , embodying the state jurisdiction on the moderate intervention in economic life .

  24. 本部分主要是进一步剖析我国公司司法解散中的解散事由、前置程序、诉讼中原被告是否适格、解散后的清算等方面所存在的一些问题,并且针对上述问题提出相应的建议。

    This part mainly points out the problems existing in what are the reasons of the judicial dissolution , whether the defendant and plaintiffs are proper litigants , and in the liquidation after dissolution , and puts forward some corresponding suggestions .

  25. 公司司法解散有广、狭义之分,广义的公司司法解散包括命令解散和判决解散,狭义的公司司法解散特指判决解散。

    The judiciary dissolves a company having expanding , mark of narrow sense , the broad wide company judiciary dissolves to dissolve including that order dissolving and adjudging , the narrow sense company judiciary dissolves to refer in particular to court decision dissolve .

  26. 公司司法解散是把双刃剑,它完善了股东退出机制为股东权益保障提供了有效的司法救济,但因其强制性和不可恢复性,一旦被滥用给公司和股东带来的损失也是毁灭性的。

    Judicial Dissolution of a double-edged sword , it improved the shareholders ' exit mechanism to provide effective judicial remedies for shareholder rights protection , but because of its mandatory and non-recovery , when abused loss is devastating to the company and shareholders the .

  27. 该法条第一次正式确立了公司司法解散制度,填补国内长期以来关于公司僵局司法解散机制的空缺,对维护我国社会经济持续、健康发展具有十分重要的意义。

    This article establishes the provision on judicial disbandment formally at the first time that fills the scope of the provision on judicial disbandment of our country for the long time . It is very good for the sustainable and healthy development of social economy .

  28. 尤其受2008年国际金融危机影响,许多企业面临经营管理的严重困难,使得日前申请公司司法解散的案件数量激增,对法院审判造成了强大的压力。

    Especially under the influence of the 2008 international financial crisis , many corporations are suffering with serious difficulty of running and management , leading to a sharp rise of the number of corporation judicial dissolution cases , which definitely put much pressure on the courts .

  29. 本文试图通过研究分析该制度的基本理论和原则、两大法系立法比较,结合我国立法、司法现状,借鉴国外有益先进经验,提出一些完善我国公司司法解散制度的建议和意见。

    This paper attempts to the basic theory and principles of the system through research and analysis , two legal legislation , combined with our legislative , judicial status quo , drawing on the useful advanced experience of foreign judicial dissolution of the system for Improving Corporate advice and opinions .

  30. 论公司的司法解散

    On Judicial Disbandment of Corporation