
  1. 今年6月,这家康卡斯特(Comcast)旗下的电视公司终止了与这位敢言的商人、真人电视节目明星的合作,并引述了他关于移民的“诽谤言论”。

    In June the Comcast-owned broadcaster cut ties with the outspoken businessman and reality television star , citing his " derogatory statements " about immigrants .

  2. 公司终止阶段债权人保护研究

    The Research on the Protecting to Creditors in the Stage of the Corporate Termination

  3. 低于四分之一的人甚至会因为他们等待太久而合公司终止合约。

    Just under a quarter have even terminated a contract as a result of their wait .

  4. 公司终止需要经过一系列的行为和程序,即公司的解散和清算程序。

    The termination of a company needs to go through a series of actions and procedures .

  5. 可就在六星期后,公司终止了和她的雇佣关系,并且说她缺乏必要的技能。

    Six weeks later , she was terminated , and told she lacked the necessary skill set .

  6. 并针对项目公司终止后如何对购房人利益进行保护,提出了相应的立法建议。

    Corresponding legislation proposals were offered for how to protect rights of house purchasers after the project company disbanded .

  7. 信托投资公司终止时,信托财产不属于其清算财产。

    When a TIC ceases operation , the entrusted property shall not be included in assets to be liquidated .

  8. 基于这些文件,汉考克表示,联合包裹服务公司终止员工配偶保险的做法每年将节省约6千万美元。

    Based on those documents , Hancock says UPS will save an estimated 60 million dollars a year from dropping coverage for employee spouses .

  9. 她应该将此起事件说成是公司终止劳动关系吗,如果是这样,她再找新工作会不会特别难?

    Should she describe what happened as a termination and , if so , won 't that make it very hard to find a job ?

  10. 既然公司终止,则公司就不具备权利能力,在诉讼中就不能成为当事人,也就不能承担民事责任。

    Since the company is terminated , it shall not have any right capacity to act as related party in litigation , nor bear civil liabilities .

  11. 终止,不论是卖方、设备公司终止的还是用户终止的,都适用于许可在经许可的处理机上执行的所有软件版本。

    Termination , whether by company , _____ corporation or customer , shall apply to all versions of the software licensed for execution on the licensed processor .

  12. 今年9月,艾滋病研究因默克公司终止了世界上最有希望抵御艾滋病的疫苗的国际人体试验而遭受重大挫折。

    In September the AIDS community took a devastating blow when Merck halted an international human trial of the world 's most promising potential vaccine against HIV .

  13. 公司终止的原因从各国来看概括起来有破产和解散两大原因。其中破产又是公司终止的重要原因,各国立法均规定了破产制度。

    Reasons for terminating a company in various counties summarily include bankruptcy and dissolution , in which bankruptcy is a important reason for corporate bankruptcy which is provided in various counties .

  14. 理论和实践上都将清算作为公司终止前了结债权债务、清理各种法律关系以及保护相关权利人利益的最后一道程序,经过清算,公司法人就可以安然的终结其生命了。

    Liquidation is considered both theoretically and practically to be the last procedure before the settlement of claim and debt , clearing all legal relationships and protecting relevant obligees ' rights .

  15. 负责合营公司终止和期满时的清算工作;其他应由董事会决定的重大事宜。

    Being in charge of the liquidation matters upon termination and expiration of the joint venture company ; - other major issues which shall be decided by the Board of directors .

  16. 1000多名平民和警察被杀害,女性被“妇德”两字捆绑,学校与桥梁被炸毁,许多公司终止经营。

    More than a thousand ordinary people and police had been killed . Women had been kept in purdah , schools and bridges had been blown up , businesses had closed .

  17. 而非破产清算作为公司终止前的一项重要制度,对于了结公司既存法律关系,消灭公司法人资格有着不可替代的作用。

    And as an important standardized system prior to the termination of the company , non-bankruptcy liquidation plays an irreplaceable role in settling the pre-existing legal nexus and elimination of corporate legal personality .

  18. 并在此基础上论述了公司终止后的环境责任具有责任主体的复杂性、举证责任过于严格、环境责任实现的复合性、环境责任承担方式的多样性等特点,为下文的进一步阐述作了铺垫。

    Furthermore , it discusses a series of characteristics such as the complexity of the legal subject , the burden of legal proof is too strict , the complex to achieve environmental liability and the diversity of the methods of bearing environmental liability .

  19. 由于受重设立轻终止的传统意识影响,在公司终止领域,存在不少问题,值得我们在理论、制度层面进行深刻的批判和反思。

    Since , traditionally speaking , more concern has been with establishment of corporations than with termination of corporations , there are many problems in the system related to termination of corporations so that it is worth profoundly criticizing and introspecting relevant theory and rules .

  20. 如果您的公司将终止与公司A之间的契约,并且将其替换为与公司B之间的契约,该怎么办呢?

    What if your company were to terminate the contract with Company A and replace it with a contract with Company B ?

  21. 上周早些时候,去年八月刚刚接管百思买的新任CEO休伯特?乔利表示,公司将终止结果至上的工作环境。这种环境允许员工在任何他们想去的地方办公,包括在家办公。

    Under CEO Hubert Joly , who joined the company last August , Best Buy said earlier this week it will kill its Results Only Work Environment , which allowed employees to work wherever they wanted , including home .

  22. 今年,一些其他公司也终止了与特朗普的合作关系,包括梅西百货(Macy“s)、Serta和PVHCorporation。这些公司都跟特朗普签定了制作或销售印有他名字的商品的协议。

    Other companies have also severed their relationships with Mr Trump this year , including Macy 's , Serta and the PVH Corporation , which all had deals to produce or sell merchandise with the billionaire 's name on them .

  23. 公司已终止在世界这个地区的贸易活动。

    The company has ceased trading in this part of theworld .

  24. 公司可以终止事实劳动关系吗?

    Can companies terminate de facto labor relationship ?

  25. 两家公司已终止了合同。

    The two companies terminated the contracts .

  26. 工会表示,该公司计划终止退休人员的医保。

    The union says that was the deliberate plan to end health care for retirees .

  27. 公司的终止是个复杂的法律程序。

    The termination is a complex process .

  28. 你必须提前6周通知公司提出终止雇用。

    You are required to give the company six weeks ' notice of termination of employment .

  29. 4.4自由聘用高管确认并同意,本协议应理解为可由公司自由终止。

    4.4 free employment senior executive confirms and agrees that this Agreement may be terminated by company at its discretion .

  30. 有报道称美国联合包裹服务公司计划终止为1.5万名非工会职员的配偶提供医疗保险。

    United Parcel Service reportedly plans to end its health care coverage for the spouses of about 15000 non-union employees .