
  • 网络shareholder autonomy
  1. 一部公司发展史就是国家强制不断弱化,股东自治不断强化的过程。

    The history of development of corporation is the process of weakening state coercion as well as strengthening shareholder autonomy .

  2. 对于内部转让,首先,应肯定股东自治原则,即确定股东之间可以自由转让股权;

    The inside transfer of shares should comply primarily with the shareholder autonomy rules , i. e. the shares may be transferred among shareholders themselves freely .

  3. 公司章程作为充分体现公司与股东自治的法律文件,在公司运行过程中发挥着及其重要的作用;

    The articles of incorporation as the legal document that bearing the company and shareholder 's autonomous will , play an vital role in the operation of the company .

  4. 因此,法官在司法过程中要注意彰显股东自治和公司自治理念,要理解“公司事务公司自决”原则的含义,要认识到司法对公司纠纷的干预应保持一定的节制,坚持有限干预的原则。

    That is why a judge should insist on shareholder 's and company 's autonomy in the judicial procedure , and should understand the principle of " company affairs decided by itself " and of restricted intervention by the court in company affairs .

  5. 剩余认缴的出资,在法律规定的时间内,属于股东意思自治的范围。

    The remaining subscribed capital contribution in the time prescribed by law , belong to the scope of the shareholders of autonomy .

  6. 原来的许多强制性条款变成了任意性条款,扩大了股东意思自治的权利,使公司章程更趋向于协议化。

    Many of the mandatory provisions of the original changed into arbitrary provisions , expanding the rights of shareholders of autonomy , so that the articles of incorporation more tend to agreement .

  7. 本文借助于比较的方法、法的经济分析法,将效率原则和股东意思自治原则贯穿全文,展开对股东商誉出资法律制度研究。

    By using the comparison and economic law analysis , this thesis researches the legal regulation of shareholder 's Business Reputation investment , with the principle of efficiency and autonomy through the thesis .

  8. 公司章程对于股权转让的规定应当遵循公司章程意思自治有限原则、股东意思自治补充原则和股东平等原则、股东权益保护原则。

    Company regulations about share transferring should abide by limited autonomy principle of the Articles of Association , shareholder autonomy principle of complementarity , the principle of equality of shareholders and shareholders ' rights and interests .

  9. 因此,必须充分发挥股东意思自治,完善公司章程,强化公司法对小股东利润分配权的保障,以及完善我国《公司法》的相关法律条文。

    Therefore , we should sufficiently promote the . minority shareholder to perfect the articles of corporation , strengthen the judicatory safeguard of the right to the dividend distributing , and perfect the relevant articles of the Corporation Law .

  10. 从长远来看,股东的意思自治已成为一种趋势。

    In the long run , shareholders autonomy has become a trend .