
ɡōnɡ shānɡ dēnɡ jì
  • industrial and commercial registration
  1. 随着电子商务的发展,工商登记代理企业的B2G电子商务在我国也开始出现、发展。

    With the development of the electronic commerce , the industrial and commerce registration agent of the B2G appeared and began to develop .

  2. 论律师事务所的工商登记

    On the Industrial and Commercial Register of Lawyers Office

  3. 首先,工商登记代理行业是一个与政府职能部门密切相关的特殊中介行业,主营业务内容是帮助各类型企业或个体工商户办理开业登记、变更、年检、注销等工商登记手续。

    The field of the industrial and commerce registration agent is a special service industry .

  4. 企业名称:填写企业办理工商登记的名称。

    Name of enterprise : same as the name registered for industrial and commercial administration .

  5. 合理工商登记调整税收政策促进营利性医院发展

    To make rational industry and business register and modulate tax policy to promote profit hospital development

  6. 股权转让涉及到股东名册登记变更和股东工商登记变更,通常情形下股权确认应以股东名册的登记为准。

    Generally , the confirmation of share-holder is based on the share-holders'registration in the local government agent .

  7. 从一定意义上看,工商登记效能发挥的程度直接影响着市场秩序。

    In a sense , the performance of business registration plays a direct impact on the market order .

  8. 这四家外资法人银行将在完成工商登记等法定手续后正式对外营业。

    The four foreign corporate banking business registrations and other legal formalities to be completed after the official business .

  9. 律师事务所作为中介组织、企业组织或者合伙组织应办理工商登记,从统一和规范法律服务市场角度讲也应办理工商登记。

    As an intermediary enterprise and partnership organization it should be registered by the administration of industry and commerce .

  10. 股份有限公司已承诺在发行完成后将尽快办理工商登记变更手续。

    Joint stock limited company has undertaken to complete the industrial and commercial modification procedures immediately after the issuing .

  11. 户名:填写办理工商登记时所确定的个体工商户名称。

    E.Name of enterprise : the name of the industrial and commercial household registered for industrial and commercial administration .

  12. 未取得经营许可证和未经工商登记注册,任何单位和个人不得经营销售危险化学品。

    Without the operating license or industry and commerce registration , no entity or individual may operate or market hazardous chemicals .

  13. 受让人之外的善意第三人应以工商登记为准来确定其股东身份。

    To company , shareholders definition and against bona fide third party should be in accordance with the roster of shareholders .

  14. 实质意义上的股东、公司及恶意受让人都不能以没有工商登记为由否认其实际的股东身份。

    The actual shareholders , company and the mala fide third party should not deny the status of shareholders because of the lack of business registration .

  15. 申报登记矿业权评估机构资质的应是工商登记的合伙制或公司制的中介机构;

    The institution applying to be accredited shall be an intermediary ( partnership or company ) that has been registered with the department of industry and commerce ;

  16. 并且,长期以来,不管是学界还是实务部门,对于工商登记在性质上属于实质审查还是形式审查尚存争论。

    Moreover , a long time , whether academic or practical departments for business registration , in the nature of substantive examination or review of the form remains controversy .

  17. 二是抓好资产审计评估、转让拍卖、债权债务处理、工商登记等关键环节。

    Do a good job of key links in property audit and assessment , transfer and auction , credit and debt treatment , registration of industry and commerce , etc ;

  18. 本章分别阐述认定标准,主要有股东出资;出资证明;股东名册;工商登记;公司章程。

    Respectively described in this chapter that standard , the main contributions of the shareholders ; Certificate of Incorporation ; the register of shareholders ; business registration ; articles of association .

  19. 工商登记虽然起着强化公示公信力,但同时也牺牲了法律逻辑,商事效率,而因立法上的妥协造成的冲突矛盾也牺牲了商事安全。

    Industry and commerce registration although plays strengthen public credibility , but also sacrificed legal logic , commercial efficiency , and because of the compromise legislation caused conflicts sacrificed commercial security .

  20. 理顺委托人的社会关系,如:个人所得税的纳税问题;个人成立公司的工商登记手续;与保险公司发生签约、索赔事项;劳动争议;合同起草;

    Pay individual income taxes , the registration formalities for setting up a company , signing an insurance contract with an insurance company or file claims with insurance company , labor disputes ;

  21. 隐名出资是指虽然实际出资认购公司股份,但在公司章程、股东名册和工商登记中却记载为他人的出资方式。

    Anonymous investment is the kind of investment that although somebody actually subscribe for shares , but registration in the articles of association , stock ledger and the industrial and commercial administration has recorded for others to invest .

  22. 该草案首次明确了农民专业合作经济组织的法律地位,取消了业务主管单位管理制度,实行农民专业合作经济组织工商登记管理等。

    The draft states for the first time that the legal status of Farmers ' Specialized Cooperative Economic Organizations ( FSCEO ), and abolishes the management system of business unit in charge , and practices its registration management .

  23. 完善律师事务所的工商登记制度,加强对律师事务所的工商监督管理,有利于律师事务所的公司制改革,有利于律师事业的发展和与国际接轨。

    Improving the industry and commerce register system and strengthening the industry and commerce supervision to the lawyer affair institute may activate the cooperation system reform and improve the development of lawyer affairs and link with the world .

  24. 今年3月实施工商登记制度改革后,各地新增企业登记数迅速增加,增加了40%以上,极大促进了创业就业。

    The reform of business registration system in March this year was followed by a surge of over 40 % in the number of newly registered businesses , giving strong boost to new business start-ups and job creation .

  25. 工商登记和公司章程可以作为认定股东资格的依据之一,但更要辅之其他证明材料、事实和证据来认定股东资格。

    Business registration and Articles of Association can be used as the basis for one of recognized qualification as a shareholder , but the more to be complemented by other evidence , the facts and evidence to recognized qualification as a shareholder .

  26. 然而,近年来因工商登记侵犯民事权利而诉至法院的行政案件的数量同时也在逐渐增多,面对这种严峻的形势,工商管理部门必须给予足够重视。

    However , in recent years , the number of the administrative cases taken to court because of violation of civil rights and business registration while also gradually increased . Faced with this grim situation , the business management department must be given adequate attention .

  27. 于1992年政府发文,工商部门登记注册,防疫站坚定卫生合格。

    In1992 , the government , industry and Commerce Department postings registered , epidemic-prevention station firm health qualified .

  28. 目前在全国工商注册登记的中小企业占全部企业总数的90%,中小企业工业总产值和实现利税分别占全国的60%和40%左右。

    The registered small and medium enterprise hold 90 percent amount all registered enterprises in China and the gross product and tax achieve 40 percent and 60 percent .

  29. 我公司系大连市工商局登记注册成立的国际贸易有限公司。主要开展国际货物进出口、技术进出口、国内一般贸易等国际国内贸易业务。

    Our head-office is located in Dalian City , and we are an international enterprise importing and exports goods and technology all over the world , specially dealing in the line of paraffin wax .

  30. 1月4日,郑州两位市民同时成立了一人公司,到了4月底,郑州市工商局登记注册的一人公司就已达到302家之多。

    On January 4 , two people set up a one-man company in Zhengzhou . By the end of April , there had been more than 320 one-man company registered in Zhengzhou City Industry and Commerce Bureau .