
  1. 浅谈水运工程费用控制

    Discussion on the Control of Construction Costs of Marine Works

  2. 杭甬运河在建工程费用控制的实践分析

    Analysis on Cost Control of Canal from Hangzhou to Ningbo

  3. 公路工程费用控制浅谈

    Research on the expense control for highway engineering

  4. 关于黄骅港一期工程费用控制的体会

    Cost Control in Huanghua Port Phase I Project

  5. 秦皇岛32&6油田开发工程进度与费用控制

    Project Schedule Cost Control for QHD 32-6 Oil Field Development

  6. 本文分析了杭甬运河工程建设中费用控制的实践,探讨如何将水运工程的费用控制在公正、合理的范围之内。

    The cost control practice of Canal Project from Hangzhou to Ningbo is analyzed on how to control the construction cost within the fair and reasonable range .

  7. 针对公路工程项目成本费用控制,分阶段进行了管理与控制方法阐述,以求实现项目的目标成本,取得最大的经济效益。

    The paper expounds the management and control method of highway item cost at different stages in order to achieve the target cost of item and maximal economic benefit .

  8. 实践证明,该设计理论与系统可实现项目费用管理与合约管理的紧密结合,使工程项目费用的控制、分析可有效实行国际先进管理模式,提高了工程项目的管理水平。

    The construction project expense management system can be tightly linked with contract management and can provide expense control and analysis consistent with international management standards to improve construction project expense management .

  9. 浅谈公路工程施工费用的有效控制

    On the Effective Control of Construction Cost of Highway Project

  10. 工程项目质量工期费用控制模拟系统

    Analogy system for controlling quality time cost of construction projects

  11. 公路施工阶段工程费用的分析与控制

    Analysis and Control for Engineering Cost in Highway Construction Stage

  12. 浅谈基建工程临时设施费用的控制

    On the Cost Control of the Temperary Facilities in the Capital Construction

  13. 钻孔灌注桩工程质量与成本费用控制

    Engineering Quality and The Control Cost and Expense in Artificial Bore Piles

  14. 井巷工程施工合同的费用控制

    Control of the Contract Cost of Underground Construction

  15. 通过对工程直接费用的限额控制,提出了降低工程成本和取得良好经济效益的切实可行的措施。

    By way of controlling " quota " on engineering direct expense , to put forward practical and workable measures on cutting down engineering cost and getting better economic effectiveness .

  16. 随着电力项目建设市场竞争的日趋激烈,采用工程进度、费用集成控制项目控制模式已渐成为电力行业共识。

    With the electric power engineering project market being increasingly competitive , adopting the mode of integrated control of project schedule and cost has been the common view of electric power industries .

  17. 结合当前公路工程建设中工程费用的控制和管理实际,论述了工程计量与支付的要点、方式和内容。

    The text expatiates the gist and mode and content of the measure and disbursement bases on the currently charge control and management of highway project .

  18. 详细论述工程管理人员在工程费用控制中应该注意的五个方面问题,以期把工程费用控制在公正、合理的范围之内。

    The problems in 5 aspects which should be paid attention to by the management staff of the project in the control of the construction costs are discussed in detail in the paper , so as to control the construction costs within the fair and reasonable range .

  19. 沥青路面压实度与施工成本费用存在着一定的内在联系,利用这一关系,可以估算出实际工程的压实成本费用,有利于对工程实施费用控制。

    It has an inter relation between asphalt pavement compaction and construction cost fare , we can using this relation to estimate compaction cost fare of factual engineering , and it favor control actualize cost of engineering .

  20. 简要介绍了公路工程建设中全面实行监理制度后,监理工程师对工程进度控制、工程质量控制、工程费用控制的具体做法。

    This paper briefly introduces monitoring engineers ' concrete practices of projects ' schedule control , quality control and funds control after monitoring system has been completely enforced in highways ' construction .