
  1. 运用基于主成分分析的logistic回归分析建立上市公司治理风险预警模型。

    ⅲ Construct the predicting model of corporate governance risk using logistic regression analysis based on principal components analysis .

  2. 尽管如此,急于参与阿里巴巴IPO的投资者们,在纵身一跃之前,必须意识到自己会承担可观的公司治理风险。

    Before jumping in , however , investors rushing to participate in the Alibaba I.P.O. must recognize the substantial governance risks that they would be taking .

  3. 媒体报道称,投资者“垂涎”于这次IPO,“承销商已被订单淹没”。不过,投资者却有必要注意到,投资阿里巴巴时面临严重的公司治理风险。

    Investors have been described by the media as " salivating " and " flooding underwriters with orders . " It is important for investors , however , to keep their eyes open to the serious governance risks accompanying an Alibaba investment .

  4. 利益相关者参与治理对中国上市公司治理风险影响的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on the CGR of Listed Companies in China : A Stakeholders Governance Perspective

  5. 我国公司治理风险大部分源于道德风险,公司治理评级分数较高的公司常会因为败德行为引发公司治理风险。

    Governing risk in China mainly originates from moral hazard ; firms with the higher score of Corporate Governance often lead to governing risk .

  6. 而欧洲的公司治理风险则在于壕沟效应,少数几名大权在握的股东进行积极治理,影响董事会成员,有时甚至直接任命董事。

    Entrenchment is the risk of the European approach , of active governance by a few powerful shareholders that influence board directors and sometimes appoint them .

  7. 在集中型股权结构的现实背景下,对集中型股权结构对商业银行公司治理风险的控制作用进行了综述性研究。

    Based on the actual situation of centralized ownership structure ( COS ), this paper summarizes on the control of COS over corporate governance risk of commercial bank .

  8. 而欧洲的公司治理风险则在于壕沟效应,少数几名大权在握的股东进行“积极治理”,影响董事会成员,有时甚至直接任命董事。

    Entrenchment is the risk of the European approach , of " active governance " by a few powerful shareholders that influence board directors and sometimes appoint them .

  9. 但在数据可得的情况下,公司治理风险的衡量可以进一步采用多个指标构建综合性的公司治理风险指数进行董事会治理风险的预警。

    However , in the case of data are available , more indicators can be further used to build a comprehensive risk index to measure the governance risk and do researches on predicting the governance risk based on the board of directors .

  10. 论文也分析了实施MBO的法律风险、财务风险、道德风险与公司治理结构风险,并针对以上风险提出了防范举措。

    After analyzing the legal risk , financial risk , moral risk and corporate governance risk of executing MBO , the author provides several approaches to avoid such risks .

  11. 商业银行公司治理与风险控制&传导机制与数据检验

    Corporate Governance and Risk Control of Commercial Banks : Transmission Mechanism and Data Examination

  12. 现代商业银行公司治理下风险管理的国际比较及对中国的启示

    The International Comparision of Risk Management of Modern Commercial Banks Under the Corporate Governance and Inspirations for China

  13. 探讨内部控制制度、内部稽核制度、公司治理及风险管理。

    Second , we will discuss about the internal control , internal audit , corporate governance and risk management .

  14. 内部审计质量控制与公司治理在风险管理平台汇合。

    Meanwhile , internal auditing quality control goes against enterprises risk and meets public governing at the platform of risk management .

  15. 非寿险业的公司治理和风险防范能力是影响国内外投资的关键因素。

    Corporate governance and risk control capability of non-life insurance companies is a key factor affecting domestic and foreign investment into them .

  16. 我们人为,许多系统重要性金融机构,在公司治理和风险管理方面的戏剧性失误,是这场危机的关键原因。

    We conclude dramatic failures of corporate governance and risk management at many systemically important financial institutions were a key cause of this crisis .

  17. 公司治理及风险顾问谢发里?约詹德拉(ShefalyYogendra)也体会到了虚拟办公室所带来的孤独感,与她合作的团队分别在亚洲和美国加州,而她在自己家中工作。

    Shefaly Yogendra , a governance and risk consultant , also experienced virtual-office loneliness , this time working from home with teams in Asia and California .

  18. 本章在分析目前商业银行公司治理对风险承担行为影响时,把银行治理机制分为内部治理机制和外部治理机制两个方面。

    This chapter separately from internal governance mechanism and external governance mechanism of the commercial bank analyze the influence between current corporate governance and commercial bank risk-taking .

  19. 这些具有系统重要性影响的金融机构在公司治理和风险控制方面存在的严重缺陷,正是导致这场危机的关键原因。

    The serious deficiencies of systemically important financial institutions are in corporate governance and risk control , and it is the result of these key reasons for the crisis .

  20. 再次是上市公司的治理风险问题,主要从内部人控制问题、董事会功能与激励机制三个方面进行探讨。

    The third part is the risk of list company governance , mainly study from the controlling of the company by internal persons , the functions of board of directors .

  21. 保险风险主要有五大类:偿付能力风险、资金管理风险、经营不规范风险、经营道德风险和公司治理结构风险。

    The insurance risk mainly has the five major types : Liquidate ability risk , the funds risk , the management risk , the morals risk and the company 's structure risk .

  22. 相比国有银行和股份制银行,城商行在公司治理、风险控制等方面起步较晚,无论从政策制定还是风险监管上都还存在一定不足。

    Compared to the state-owned banks and joint-stock banks , city commercial in corporate governance , risk control , late start , in terms of policy or regulatory risks are still some deficiencies .

  23. 2007年美国次贷危机爆发的原因之一在于美国部分大型商业银行公司治理在风险管理中没有发挥应有的作用。

    One of the reasons resulted in the Subprime Crisis of USA ' is that the corporate governance of some large commercial banks in USA did not play its due role in risk management .

  24. 在第四章中对担保机构内部风险进行了分析,对公司治理结构风险、业务操作风险、资本金风险、赔付风险等进行了具体的分析和论证,着重强调利用内部管理实现特有风险的控制。

    In the forth chapter , which analysis managing risk of inner guaranty company , such as company governess risk , operating process risk , capital risk and stress to apply the inside administration for control the special risk .

  25. 假如纽约州养老基金在公司治理和风险管理方面与英国石油董事会进行接洽,并且力求以更具建设性和更负责任的方式影响董事会人员构成,情况会更好。

    It would be better if the New York state pension fund engaged with the BP board on corporate strategy and risk management and sought to influence the composition of the board in a more constructive and responsible way .

  26. 因此,我觉得对待这些机构的根本方法,还是要培养一种更好的公司治理及风险管理文化,特别是要确保这些机构不会像赌博那样,过度涉足收购-套利业务。

    Therefore , I consider the fundamental approach to addressing such institutions is still to cultivate a better corporate governance and risk-management culture , in particular to ensure that they do not engage excessively in the acquire-and-arbitrage business as casino banks .

  27. 近年来,内地银行的财务状况有了明显的改善,但未来仍面临着巨大挑战,尤其是在信贷政策、公司治理、风险管理、it基础设施和收入多样化等领域。

    Mainland banks have shown dramatic improvement in their financial health in recent years , but considerable challenges lie ahead , especially in areas such as credit policies , corporate governance , risk management , it infrastructure , and revenue diversification .

  28. 同时上市银行在公司治理、风险管控以及高管薪酬激励机制的建设上面都进行了卓有成效的改革,各项信息披露也相对完善规范,为本文的实证研究提供了基本的样本量。

    At the same time , the listed banks in China have taken positive exploration in corporate governance , risk management and building top managers ' compensation incentive mechanism and have more complete information disclosure , which will provide more information for our empirical study .

  29. 这些银行还向战略投资者和公众(通过在上海和香港的首次公开募股)出售了价值700亿美元的股票。它们坚持认为,自己的不良贷款比率、公司治理和风险管理体系都得到了明显改善。

    The banks have also sold a further $ 70bn worth of shares to foreign strategic investors and the public through initial public offerings in Shanghai and Hong Kong and insist they have vastly improved their non-performing loan ratios , corporate governance and risk management systems .

  30. 然后从公司治理、风险管理、核心团队、人力资源、信息系统建设、文化与品牌、营销体系、财务管理等方面提出了战略实施措施。

    To achieve the objective , this paper defines a strategic plan in every aspect of running a company including corporate governance , risk management , marketing system , financial management , human resources , IT system construction , and building of core team , brand and corporate culture .