
gōng píng mào yì
  • fair trade
公平贸易[gōng píng mào yì]
  1. 为了保证公平贸易,WTO组织应运而生。

    To ensure fair trade , WTO emerged at the historical moment .

  2. 由于保障措施在WTO框架下具有特殊而重要的地位,是在公平贸易情况下保护国内产业的惟一合法手段,因此本论题的研究具有理论意义和实践意义。

    It is the sole legal means to protect a domestic industry while sticking to fair trade .

  3. 公平贸易署一直在对银行业务进行调查。

    The Office of Fair Trading has been probing banking practices

  4. 任何能证明银行有串通行为的证据都可以送交公平贸易部。

    Any evidence of collusive behaviour by the banks could be sent to the Office of Fair Trading .

  5. 目前,英国公平贸易局(officeoffairtrading)已扬言要将四大交由英国竞争委员会(competitioncommission)审查。

    The office of fair trading has now threatened the big four with being referred to the competition commission .

  6. WTO是一个全球性贸易组织,市场开放、非歧视、公平贸易等为其基本原则。

    WTO is a World Trade Organization , Whose basic principles are open on market , fair in trade and non-discrimination .

  7. 地球树是一间台北小店,售卖从日本进口的PeopleTree公平贸易衣物,以及各种工艺品。

    EarthTree is a shop in Taipei that offers various Fair Trade handicrafts products , as well clothing from People Tree , a Fair Trade organisation founded in Japan .

  8. 保障措施是WTO赋予其成员的一项特殊权利&在法定情况下针对公平贸易实施贸易保护措施。

    Safeguard Measure is a kind of special right vested in WTO members & to take protective trade measures against fair trade under statutory circumstances .

  9. 保障措施是WTO框架下与反倾销、反补贴并列的三大贸易救济措施,它针对公平贸易,限制进口、保护国内产业。

    Safeguards is one of three trade relief measures including anti-dumping and countervailing , which points at fair trade , restricts imports and protects domestic industry .

  10. WTO一般保障措施是国际公平贸易中的安全阀,但是针对我国的特保措施是例外。

    General safeguard measure in WTO is the " safety valve " in the international fair trade , but the specific safeguard measure is the exception .

  11. 在中国加入WTO组织之后,以及贸易经济的全球化,技术性贸易壁垒已经成为了地区性不公平贸易的代名词。

    After China 's accession to WTO in the globalization of economy and trade , technical barriers to trade has become the pronoun of regional unfair trade .

  12. 与此同时,韩国公平贸易委员会(koreanfairtradecommission)针对卡特尔和滥用市场支配地位的行为启动了几十项调查指控,涉及从石油到冰淇淋的诸多行业。

    The Korean Fair Trade Commission , meanwhile , launched dozens of cartel and abuse of dominance cases , in industries ranging from oil to ice cream .

  13. PantstoPoverty公司生产内衣所使用的棉料,通过了公平贸易(FairTrade)认证,并确保工人能拿到不错的工资。这家公司是对孟加拉共和国血汗工厂的一种反击。

    Pants to Poverty , which makes underwear using Fair Trade-certified cotton and guaranteeing workers a decent wage , is a riposte to the sweatshops of Bangladesh .

  14. 自从离开英国公平贸易局(OfficeofFairTrading)以来,我就开始研究小企业获得金融服务的途径,因此我认为这类银行在小企业账户方面应该具有优势。

    Since leaving the Office of Fair Trading , I have examined access to finance for small businesses , so I thought these banks would be well-placed for small-business accounts .

  15. 公平贸易组织表示,莫汉把零售价格溢价与“社会溢价”(socialpremium)混为一谈,社会溢价是指生产者可用来建造学校、诊所或打井的一笔款项。

    Fairtrade said Mr Mohan had confused the retail price premium with the " social premium " , a sum that producers use to build schools , clinics or dig bore holes .

  16. 任何试图这么做的公司都会被迅速告到英国公平贸易局(officeoffairtrading),更别说顾客也不太可能赞成这种做法了。

    Any company that tried it would be hauled up before the office of fair trading in short order , not to mention the fact that customers would be unlikely to approve .

  17. 夏普在5月份向纽约联邦法庭递交了诉讼,控告ABC侵犯版权,并存在不公平贸易行为。

    Sharp 's lawsuit , filed in May in federal court in New York , accuses ABC of copyright infringement and unfair trade practices .

  18. 该公司还宣布,公平贸易(fairtrade)将为旗下dairymilk巧克力中的可可豆提供认证,从而确保农民能获得最起码的价格。

    It has also announced that Fairtrade will certify the cocoa in its dairy milk chocolate , ensuring farmers earn a minimum price .

  19. 一份公平贸易合约保证种植人的收入至少达到由国际公平贸易标签组织(fairtradelabellingorganisationsinternational)设定的最低价格。

    A Fairtrade contract guarantees that the grower will earn at least the Fairtrade minimum price , set by the Fairtrade labelling organisations international .

  20. 吉百利希望与公平贸易建立更密切的关系,将公平贸易DairyMilk推广到英国和爱尔兰以外的市场,或者在更多产品中采用公平贸易原料。

    Cadbury hopes to expand its involvement with Fairtrade , introducing Fairtrade Dairy Milk to markets outside the UK and Ireland or introducing Fairtrade ingredients to more of its products .

  21. 大约十年前,他们启动了“一次收获项目”(OneHarvestProject)。这是一个推行公平贸易、可持续的咖啡业务线,该公司向希望与其达成长期合作关系的咖啡种植户提供教育、健康和其他方面的福利。

    About a decade ago , they started the One Harvest Project , a line of fair-trade , sustainable coffees , providing education , health and other benefits to growers with whom the company wished to develop long-term relationships .

  22. 会计计量的公允性是WTO公平贸易的延伸,而我国会计标准与国际会计标准在客观上存在一定差异。

    The fairness in accounting measurement is the extending of fair trade of WTO . However , the difference between the standards of China 's accounting and international accounting to certain extent does exist .

  23. 购买公平贸易巧克力对巧克力市场的扭曲,不比购买一个路易威登(louisvuitton)手袋对手袋市场的扭曲作用大。

    Buying Fairtrade chocolate no more distorts the chocolate market than buying a Louis Vuitton handbag distorts the handbag Market .

  24. 反倾销是WTO赋予缔约国抵制不公平贸易行为的主要措施之一,现已日益成为世界各国极力谋求贸易保护的武器。

    Anti-dumping is one of the main countermeasures against the unfair international trading , which is authorized by WTO treaties and being used by various countries as the international trade protection weapons day by day .

  25. Minh和Dominc最近在香港美食博览展出他们的公平贸易产品。

    Minh and Dominic recently exhibited their Fair Trade products at the Hong Kong Food Expo .

  26. 英国零售商森宝利(JSainsbury)的首席执行官贾斯廷·金(JustinKing)在2月份表示,该公司公平贸易产品的销售保持良好。

    Justin King , chief executive of J Sainsbury , the UK retailer , said in February that its Fairtrade sales were holding up well .

  27. 其次,中俄贸易也存在广泛使用贸易壁垒、缺乏公平贸易环境等与WTO规则相悖的做法,正是这些不规范的做法催生了中俄贸易摩擦频繁、灰色清关屡禁不止等问题。

    Secondly , there are behaviors that against the regulations of WTO , such as using trade barriers widely and lack of fair environment of trade , which gives rise to trade friction and gray customs clearance .

  28. 作为公平贸易条件下WTO允许采取的唯一合法的保护手段,保障措施在给予成员方进行产业结构调整,救济产业损害、维护多边贸易体制稳定的过程中发挥了重要作用,并日益受到WTO成员的重视。

    As the only legitimate protection method that WTO permitting , safeguard measures play the vital role in giving the member to carry on the industrial structure adjustment , reliving industry harm , maintaining the multilateral trade system .

  29. 该公司是英国公平贸易咖啡的领先进口贸易商,董事总经理西蒙韦克菲尔德(simonwakefield)成长于家族生意的环境中。

    This company is the leading commercial importer of Fairtrade coffees in the UK , and managing director Simon Wakefield grew up in the family business .

  30. 吉百利的可可豆由公平贸易认证,而卡夫与雨林联盟(RainforestAlliance)也有类似的安排。雨林联盟是一家推广可持续农业活动和改善农业工作条件的组织。

    While Cadbury cocoa is certified by Fairtrade , Kraft has a similar arrangement with the Rainforest Alliance , an organisation that campaigns for sustainable farming practices and improved farm working conditions .