
  • 网络The Tragedy of the Commons;Tragedy of the Common
  1. 设定权利是解决公地悲剧(Tragedyofthecommons)的一项重要举措,私人所有者基于对自身利益的考虑往往更倾向于合理使用并发展其掌控的资源。

    Establishing rights and duties for using resources is known to resolve the tragedy of the commons because private owners are more inclined towards proper use and maintenance of the owned resource based on their own interests .

  2. 公地悲剧是如此发展的。

    The tragedy of the commons develops in this way .

  3. 乡村旅游中的公地悲剧研究

    Study of " The Tragedy of Commos " in Rural Tourism

  4. 流域水环境污染就是一种公地悲剧。

    The basin water environmental pollution is commonly a kind of tragedy .

  5. 从公地悲剧到反公地悲剧

    From the Tragedy of Commons to the Tragedy of Anti - Commons

  6. 公地悲剧与高校校办产业

    Tragedy of Public Land and Industries Run by Universities

  7. 基于公地悲剧的鄱阳湖生态保护研究

    On Ecological Protection of Poyang Lake from the Perspective of Tragedy of the Commons

  8. 审视体育市场中的诚信问题&莫让公地悲剧在体育市场上演

    Honesty and Credit in Sports market ; & Preventing the Tragedy of the Commons

  9. 流域水资源的公地悲剧及其博弈对策

    " Tragedy of The Commons " of basin water resources and its game strategy

  10. 大江大河从公共资源到公地悲剧演变的内在机理分析

    Evolutional mechanism in change of rivers from common resource to tragedy of the Commons

  11. 道路拥挤可以被看作是一个例子公地悲剧。

    Congested roads can be seen as an example of the tragedy of the commons .

  12. 公地悲剧治理视角下中国世界遗产地的治理

    Tragedy of the Commons under the Governance Perspective of China 's World Heritage Site Management

  13. 分析共同资源的公共性和俱乐部产品的私人性,及其体育健身设施作为共同资源可能引发的公地悲剧问题。

    It analyzes the public character of common resources and the private character of club goods .

  14. 公地悲剧源于公共资源的私人利用方式。

    " The Tragedy of the Commons " derives from the private use of public resources .

  15. 本文分析了专利药品“反公地悲剧”的成因,并探讨了解决这一问题的两种途径。

    The reasons for which the tragedy happens and the solutions for this problem are analyzed .

  16. 公地悲剧是界定不清的模糊产权引起的最严重的激励问题。

    Tragedy of the commons is the worst incentive problem provoked by ambiguously defined property rights .

  17. 产权最优配置对于解决上述公地悲剧有着重要的意义。

    Optimal allocation of property right plays a vital role in solving the problem of commons tragedy .

  18. 专利制度就是解决科学技术领域公地悲剧问题的一种对策。

    The patent law is a countermeasure to the tragedy of the commons in science and technology .

  19. 国家公园是公地悲剧的另一个例子。

    The National Parks present another instance of the working out of the tragedy of the commons .

  20. 不幸的是,我们已经面临一次生态悲剧,类似“公地悲剧”。

    Unfortunately we have reached an ecological tragedy akin to the " tragedy of the commons " .

  21. 发展乡村旅游的公地悲剧问题及对策

    Talking about the Problem of Tragedy of the Commons and the Countermeasure for the Development of Rural Tourism

  22. 渔业资源具有枯竭性、联系性和不可排他性,必然产生“公地悲剧”问题。

    The fishery resources have depleting quality , relation quality , no-exclusive quality which lead to public tragedy problem .

  23. 传统经济学得出的公地悲剧的结论是片面的。

    The traditional economics has drawn the conclusion of the tragedy of the commons , but it is unilateral .

  24. 这是一个公地悲剧[注],许多明智的个人决定导致了群体的困难。

    This is a tragedy of the commons , in which sensible individual decisions have led to a collective difficulty .

  25. 食物篮子的公地悲剧,因为私产或类似的正式安排而避免了。

    The tragedy of the commons as a food basket is averted by private property , or something formally like it .

  26. 本文认为,企业网络具有知识性质,网络学习是解决企业网络中知识资源公地悲剧现象和提升网络价值的关键。

    This paper believes IFN has the nature of knowledge and network-based learning is key mechanism to enhance the value of IFN .

  27. 解决我国老字号公地悲剧途径可以从政府、市场和社会规范等正规制度,道德约束等非正规制度以及第三部门等方面来综合考虑,以摆脱老字号的公地悲剧。

    This paper suggests the way to solve this tragedy can start from government , market , social norms , ethics and other departments .

  28. 公地悲剧自哈丁提出以来,该名词成了揭示并批判公有产权的理论依据。

    Since the words Common tragedy was created by Hardin ( 1968 ), they have been seen as the theoretic basis for criticizing public property .

  29. 金融危机的公地悲剧现象解析&兼论资产负债表对企业边界的界定功能

    An Analysis to the Property Tragedy of the Financial Crisis , and An Discussion on Definition Function of the Balance Sheet to the Enterprise Border

  30. 乡村旅游地发展过程中的环境退化、村民无序争夺有限资源等“公地悲剧”现象十分普遍。

    Phenomena of " the tragedy of the commons " such as environmental degeneration and out-of-order disputes over limited resources are universal in on-limits rural tourism destinations .