
  1. 公司制改组、工资的竞争和信息技术革命更加推动了利润的增长。

    Corporate restructuring , wage competition and a revolution in information technology boosted profits .

  2. 地勘单位公司制改组中纵向经济关系的调整

    In company reorganization in geological prospecting units

  3. 从董事所负义务看公司制改组的实现科学的董事损害赔偿责任机制是建立良好公司治理的关键。

    To achieve good corporate governance , we should establish a rational system of directors ' liabilities for damages .

  4. 这对于转轨时期的中国,克服国有企业公司制改组中普遍存在的内部人控制现象,显得尤为迫切和必要。

    It is especially significant for China to eliminate " Internal Person 's Control " which exists in state owned enterprises with company system .

  5. 建立现代石油企业制度应分四步进行,即转变企业经营机制、建立以油公司为核心层的石油企业集团、清产核资及公司制改组。

    A modern enterprise system should be established in four phases : transformation of enterprise operating mechanisms , establishment of petroleum enterprise groups of which the petroleum companies are the core participants , auditing and e-valuation of assets , and corporate reorganization .