
  1. 美日之间定期的贸易谈判所导致的结果只是更多的相互指责。

    The periodic US-Japan trade talks only result in more recrimination .

  2. 当一副带镜框的画作为礼物赠送他时,他却和周围的人做起了定期的眼镜贸易。

    He traded them for regular eyeglasses when presented with a framed picture as a gift .

  3. 包括非货币黄金,而定期发布的商品贸易统计数字并不包括此项目。

    Including non-monetary gold , which is not covered in the regularly published merchandise trade statistics .

  4. 定期向对外经济贸易部报告情况。遇有重要问题随时报告。

    They shall make periodic situation reports to the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade , and they shall report as the occasion demands when important questions arise .

  5. 本附件适用于影响定期或不定期空运服务贸易及附属服务的措施。

    This Annex applies to measures affecting trade in air transport services , whether scheduled or non-scheduled , and ancillary services .