
dìnɡ xínɡ chǎn pǐn
  • approved product
  1. 目前国内尚没有适合海上油井完井采油的井下安全阀定型产品,为此研制出SF-1型井下安全阀。

    A downhole safety valve for offshore well completion is developed .

  2. 其常见的替代制冷剂多为国外公司的定型产品,并且仍具有较高的GWP值。

    Most of their alternative refrigerants are finalized products of foreign corporations , which still have high GWP .

  3. 660V已列为国家标准,新油区可以按国家定型产品设计供电系统。

    Hence the power supply system in new oil areas can be designed according to state finalized products .

  4. 方法:对40例老年腹股沟疝患者全部采用mesh-plug定型产品行疝环充填式无张力疝修补术。

    Methods : 40 patients with senile inguinal hernia were performed with mesh-plug approved products , which are manufactured by American Bard Company .

  5. 提出了重力热管壳体专用空心抽油杆的制造技术参数和加工工艺技术;成功生产了定型产品抽油杆,产品型号为FTG。

    The manufacture technical parameters and processing technique of hollow sucker rod specified for gravity heat pipe shell are put forward , and the special sucker rod is manufactured , and the type is FTG .

  6. 倒排计划和安全库存计划相结合的物料需求计划与控制方法&用于非定型产品制造业

    An Efficient Method of Planning and Control for Materials Demands

  7. 我公司生产的风机系国家定型产品。

    The company produces national standard products .

  8. 正确选择男士头发定型产品,让你每次都可以拥有完美的发型。

    Achieve perfectly styled hair every time by choosing the right men 's styling products .

  9. 专业建议:少用点定型产品。爆炸头看上去自然一点比较好。

    INSIDER TIP : Keep styling products to a minimal , this style should seem organic .

  10. 这种深层滋润配方可防止定型产品对秀发造成伤害,令秀发看来更健康,有光泽和顺滑。

    Conditioning formula prevents damage due to styling , smoothing hair so it looks healthier and shinier .

  11. 如果你的头发比较少,比较细,用摩丝和其他头发定型产品使头发看上去更多。

    Add volume to your hair with mousse and other hair styling products if you have fine hair .

  12. 为了达到她的效果,一开始要用一点卷发定型产品湿润一下头发。

    To get her look , start by adding some curl enhancer to damp hair to create waves .

  13. 我国过去还没有这种仪器,国外也没有定型产品。

    Up till now it hasn 't been produced in our country , and hasn 't been finalized abroad either .

  14. 目前比较成熟的微型飞行器的能源技术主要有锂电池、微型内燃机和微型燃料电池,已有部分定型产品出现在微型无人机样机中。

    At present lithium battery , micro internal-combustion engine and micro fuel cell are applied to micro air vehicle for their comparatively maturely development .

  15. 您的头发比以前薄了很多,您就不必用像啫喱那样的强定型产品了。

    Your hair is a lot thinner than before , though , so you don 't need to use anything as strong as gel .

  16. DG270140B高压给水泵为沈阳水泵厂早期定型产品,是热电厂、供热厂热介质(水、汽)系统的心脏,在很多热电厂使用。

    DG 270-140B type high-pressure feed-water pumps are early typical products of Shenyang Water Pumps ' Factory , being widely used in many power plants .

  17. 没喷啫喱、没抹发胶或其他定型产品的头发让人看着摸着都很舒服。

    It 's far more pleasant to see and touch hair that is free of styling gels , sticky hair sprays and other hair products .

  18. 体育器材的消费品牌产品、标准产品、定型产品少,替代产品、非定型产品、非标准产品多,且以球类器材为主。

    The product consumption of brand , standard and pattern and replacement for sports goods is less , while no-standard and pattern product is more .

  19. 以0.02级三相宽量程多功能标准电能表定型产品为例,介绍了提高整机工作稳定性和温度特性等重要技术指标的技术方法。

    Takes a 0.02 three-phase broad range multi-function Watt-hour meter as an example , introduces some methods which can efficiently enhance the vital technology indexes such as stability and temperature characteristic , etc.

  20. 备注:本产品为国内定型产品,如用户有特殊要求,可按用户要求进行专门设计。

    Remark : this products is a do-mestic typical model products , to meet the customer 's special requirements , we may make a spe-cial design according to the customer 's requirements .

  21. 桥梁设备制造厂可参考本挂篮的结构模式,进行更具体的跨度划分,推出一整套轻型挂篮的定型产品。

    The bridge equipment factory may refer to the structure mode of the traveler , divides a more concrete span , and promotes a set of the casehardened product of the light traveler .

  22. 通过生产考核证明,所选参数与设计计算是正确的,收获作业满足了农艺要求,可以作为定型产品生产。

    The appraisal in production practice verified that the parameters selection and result of calculation are sound and the performance satisfies the agronomical requirement and this model of potato digger can be put into production as affixed model .

  23. 支持用户在网络环境下的可视化产品定制,实现了变型产品定制、定型产品定制、文件传输以及协同交流的功能,为解决产品定制所面临的问题提供了可行的技术方案。

    The visual product customization on internet is also supported , variant and standardized product customization 、 files transfer and collaborative communication functions are implemented , a feasible scheme to resolving the problem , which is in the process of product customization , has been presented .

  24. 姿态测试可以辅助分析弹体性能以及飞行试验中所发生故障的机理,为验证、优化弹体设计提供重要的理论依据,为产品的设计定型、产品验收提供重要参数。

    The attitude measurement of flight body provides the important foundation for verifying and optimizing the design .

  25. 提出油气田地面工程设备筛选开发及推广应用工作应遵循设备与工艺技术相结合、推广与开发相结合、筛选定型与新产品开发相结合、引进与研制相结合等6项基本工作原则。

    The 6 basic working principles in development and generalization of equipments in surface engineering of oil & gas fields are suggested . They are that equipment and process technology should be combined ; generalization and development should be combined ;

  26. 悬臂浇筑法是大跨径连续梁桥施工中常用的一种施工方法,挂篮作为悬臂浇筑施工的主要设备已有多种类型,有些国家如日本、法国等已有定型的系列产品。

    Cantilever laying method is commonly used in continuous bridge construction . Hanging Basket as major equipment of cantilever construction have been many types . Some countries such as Japan , France and so on have owned a series of stereotypes Products .

  27. 讨论了纺丝温度、冷却成形条件、纺丝速度、卷绕牵伸定型温度等对产品质量及生产状况的影响。

    Effect of spinning temperature , cooling shaping condition , spinning speed , winding , drafting and setting temperature on product quality and the production condition are discussed .

  28. 至于啫喱,他都是选用标有“强力定型”或“超强力定型”的产品,因为他喜欢这类产品的定型效果。

    ' With gels , he looks for products that say'strong hold'or'extra hold'because he likes the control they offer .

  29. 论述了汽蒸定型工艺调整对消光纤维质量的影响,并经试验探讨了如何最大限度地合理利用汽蒸定型工艺提高产品质量。

    Effectiveness of steam setting process adjustment to the quality of dull-spun fiber is discussed and how to use steam setting Process reasonably to improve product quality is investigated through experiment .