
  • 网络Animal product
  1. Sere说,一个方法是对大规模养殖活动征收“甲烷税”从而减少动物产品的消费。

    A'methane tax'on large feeding operations to reduce animal product consumption is one idea , says Sere .

  2. 动物产品快速检疫检验技术研究及应用

    Review of Fast Animal Product Quarantine and Detection Technology

  3. 他们只吃素食,在生活的其他方面也注意拒绝使用动物产品。

    They eat only plant foods , and take care to exclude animal products from other areas of their lives

  4. 严格的素食主义者不购买动物产品,以反对对动物的杀害。而免费素食主义者不购买所有物品,以保护整个食物体系,至少在理论上是这样。

    While vegans might avoid buying animal products as an act of protest against animal exploitation , freegans — at least in theory — avoid buying anything as an act of protest against the food system in general .

  5. 动物产品中牛、羊源性成分多重PCR检测方法的建立

    Development of multiplex PCR detection method for bovine , sheep and goat derived material in animal products

  6. 通过动物产品与饲料价格之比为K:1,两者具体价格表示为ak和a。

    Assume that the ratio of animal production and the feed price is k ? 1 , the both price described as ok and a .

  7. 试验表明,本文建立的多重PCR方法具有快速、简便、准确等特点,对动物产品牛、羊源性成分检测具有重要意义。

    The experiment suggested that the multiplex PCR method set up in this paper be quick , simple and practical , and might play an important role on the detection of bovine , sheep and goat derived materials in the animal products .

  8. OIE工作范围涉及动物产品安全,开展了系列工作包括预防和控制由动物源风险所引发的食品安全问题。

    OIE working range involve in animal products safety , OIE has been developed serie work including preventing and controling food safety issues causing animal origin risk .

  9. 动物产品快速检疫检验以感官检查为主,硫酸铜肉浸液反应、过氧化物酶反应判定病死动物肉,氢氧化钠-乙醚法鉴别黄疸与黄脂肉,快速ELISA检测旋毛虫病肉的快速检验方法值得推广应用。

    We have finded that we should be based on sense in animal production quarantine , these tests were good for spread and using , which of cupric sulphate broth and peroxidase detection dead animal meat , NaOH-aether detection icterus meat , ELISA detection trichinosis meat .

  10. 该报告得出结论,“只有全世界对动物产品的需求大量减少,对环境的影响才能显著减弱。”美国农业部前副部长GaleBuchanan说,这有点言过其实了。

    The report concludes , " A substantial reduction of impacts would only be possible with a substantial worldwide diet change , away from animal products . " Gale Buchanan , a former under-secretary at the US Department of Agriculture , says that 's going too far .

  11. 关于进口动物产品检疫证书确认标准的探讨

    Discussion on Criterion for Confirming Quarantine Certificates of Imported Animal Products

  12. 动物产品药物残留的危害及其控制对策

    Hazard of drug residues in animal products and its control measures

  13. 浅析动物产品安全卫生的主要问题与对策

    Investigated in Main Trouble and Measures of Animal Production Safety

  14. 加工厂在哪些地方使用动物产品?

    Where are the animal products used in the facility ?

  15. 胆固醇只存在于动物产品中。

    Cholesterol is found only in food from animal sources .

  16. 动物产品在满足世界食物需求方面的作用日益重要。

    Animal products are becoming increasingly important in meeting world food requirements .

  17. 其他品目未列名的食用动物产品。

    Edible products of animal origin , not elsewhere specified or included .

  18. 我国野生动物产品拍卖机制研究

    Study on the Mechanism of Wildlife Products Auction in China

  19. 植物雌激素值首次被归到动物产品中。

    For the first time , phytoestrogen values were assigned to animal products .

  20. 拍卖是妥善处理查没野生动物产品的必要方式。

    While auctions will be the necessary way to deal with confiscate wildlife products .

  21. 自远古时代,来自植物和动物产品的染料就已经付诸使用。

    Natural dyes from plant and animal products have been used since ancient times .

  22. 京晶:嗯…确实很难把动物产品完全从我们的生活里隔绝出去。

    Hmm , it 's hard to keep animal products out of our lives .

  23. 抗生素耐药性及其在动物产品中的残留直接影响人类健康,消除抗生素耐药性已成为世界公共性行动计划,抗生素替代物的研究已成为世界高科技研究热点。

    Antibiotics resistance and its residue in animal production were affecting people health directly .

  24. 在动物产品中无残留、无抗药性,是一种绿色饲料添加剂。

    Origanum oil was a kind of green feed additive in the animal feeding .

  25. 转基因动物产品&人乳铁蛋白与测定方法

    Transgenic Animal Product-Human Lactoferrin and Determine Method

  26. 4.晚餐享用动物产品

    Step 4 Enjoy dinner with animal products

  27. 在动物产品出口方面,本署共签发57份兽医?生证明书。

    As for the export of animal products , 57 veterinary health certificates were issued .

  28. 动物产品入口许可证

    Permit to import an animal product

  29. 查没野生动物产品的妥善处理

    Appropriate Disposal of Confiscate Wildlife Products

  30. 几十年后,人们开始担心牛肉和黄油等动物产品中的饱和脂肪。

    A few decades later , concern rose about saturated fat in animal products such as beef and butter .