
  • 网络Power principle;Dynamic principle
  1. 动力原理在门诊护理管理中的应用

    Application of Motive Principle to nursing administration in the out-patient department

  2. 正确运用动力原理推动医院感染管理发展

    Promoting the Development of Hospital Infection Administration with the Accurate Application of Motility Principle

  3. 运用经典内弹道理论和内弹道气动力原理,建立了浮动发射系统的经典内弹道模型和气动力内弹道模型。

    The parameter 's effect to the interior ballistic character of the floating launch system was researched from theory aspect .

  4. 文章介绍了一种利用气体动力原理,用于在土壤中一次性完成穿孔和扩孔任务的快速穿爆装置。

    This paper describes an apparatus based on the principle of atmosphere dynamics which is used for quick drilling and blasting in soil .

  5. 根据城市群发展的动力原理,要解决福厦城市群发展的问题,应加强资源整合、产业分工、城市合作和制度创新。

    According to the theory of city development momentum , it is suggested in this paper that resource conformity , industry division , cooperation among cities and system innovations should be strengthened .

  6. 从振冲动力原理出发,研究了振冲动力加固地基的瞬时过程中的波动理论,根据有效应力原理和土体中的应力应变关系导出了振冲作用产生的波动方程。

    Based on soil mechanics and geo dynamics principle the wave theory of the vibroflotation dynamic method during improving foundation was studied . The wave equation of vibroflotation dynamic method is derived according to stress strain relationship and effective stress principle .

  7. 定性分析表明,ACE方法与以往相似-动力模式原理是等价的,但无需重新建立复杂的相似离差预报模式,更具可行性和业务应用前景。

    The qualitative analyse show that , the ACE is theoretically equivalent to the previous analogue-dynamical model principle , but need not rebuild the complicated analogue-deviation model , so has better feasibility and operational foreground .

  8. 动力系统原理图的自动识别技术

    Research of the Auto-identification Technology Used in Power System Schematic Diagram

  9. 钻孔灌注桩动力检测原理及应用

    Principles for dynamic test of cast-in-site bored pile and engineering application

  10. 连续容积式动力装置原理的研究

    Researches on the principle for the continuous voluminal power equipment

  11. 最后附了一些动力系统原理图的绘图实例。

    The drawing examples of ship machinery piping system are also attached .

  12. 气垫船围裙-气垫系统气弹与水弹动力设计原理

    Skirt of hovercraft-Design principles for aeroelastic and hydroelastic dynamics of air cushion system

  13. 水下超空泡航行体流体动力设计原理研究

    On Hydrodynamic Design of Underwater Supercavitating High Speed Vehicle

  14. 动力配煤原理在火力发电厂中的应用

    Power Coal Blending Technique for Coal Fired Boilers

  15. 运用地球动力作用原理推断黄金埋藏分布规律

    The burial and distribution of gold deposits as inferred on the basis of geodynamic principle

  16. 本文针对机械系统动态设计的需要,从动力修改原理出发,导出了一种多阶固有频率的动态修改方法。

    A dynamic modification method is derived for multi-frequency design in accordance with the requirement of dynamic design for machinery system .

  17. 实践教学原理包括动力发生原理、行动操作原理、异质仿真原理和价值引导原理等。

    The principle of practice teaching includes the principles of drive occurrence , action operation , heterogeneous simulation and value guidance .

  18. 提出一种基于液体动力控制原理的盾构土压平衡电液模拟系统。

    A kind of electro-hydraulic simulation system of earth pressure balance of tunnel boring machine based on hydraulic power control principle was proposed .

  19. 根据动力变换原理和超单元的模态分析,本文导出一种新的动态子结构法&模态综合超单元法。

    A new dynamic substructure method & Superelement method of modal synthesis is developed on the basis of dynamic transformation and superelement modal analysis .

  20. 通过动力相似原理换算,预示了原型的模态参数.为原桥的动态特性提供了试验数据。

    It also estimates model parmeters of real bridge by convertion according to resemble theory , and gave test data of dynamic properties of real bridge .

  21. 本文讨论了挠性陀螺的动力调谐原理以及某些引起挠性陀螺漂移的干扰源。

    In this paper , the dynamic tuning principles of tuned gyroscope and the source of disturbances which cause the drift of the tuned gyroscope are discussed .

  22. 本文应用动力相似原理,研究设计了塞拉里昂渔场双支架虾拖网的试验小网,用来判断渔场资源和中心渔场。

    According to the principle of dynamic analogy , the try net used for double - rig shrimp trawling on Sierra Leone fishing ground is studied and designed in this paper .

  23. 运用动力系统原理研究2+1维破切孤子方程的行波解,得到了参数空间不同区域上所有可能的精确解。

    For the ( 2 + 1 ) - dimensional breaking soliton equation , by using the approach of dynamical system to travelling wave solutions , in different regions of a parameter space , all possible exact solutions are given .

  24. 根据系统动力循环原理以及氟里昂循环发电系统的特点,组建了小型低温余热发电系统模型,并对蒸发器、冷凝器、汽轮机模型等组件进行了设计。

    Based on the principle of system power cycle and characteristics of Freon power generation system , the model for low temperature waste heat generating was constructed . The evaporator , condenser and steam turbine model were designed as well .

  25. 首先把低矮小开口剪力墙视为变截面的剪切型悬臂结构,依据连续系统动力分析原理建立剪切型剪力墙自由振动分析的变系数微分方程;

    At first , the short shear wall with small openings was considered as a shear cantilever system with variable cross sections . The differential equation of motion with variable coefficient of the system was established according to the dynamic analysis theory of the distributed-parameter systems .

  26. 结合车辆动力学、桥梁动力学、流体动力等原理,建立了波浪荷载作用下车桥系统动力分析模型,并编制了相关的计算程序。

    The dynamic responses of a real bridge pier are computed based on the proposed method . ( 4 ) The analysis model of train-bridge interaction system subjected to wave loads is established on the basis of the vehicle dynamics , bridges dynamics , and fluid dynamics .

  27. 探讨了CFD/CSD耦合技术预测非线性非定常气动力的基本原理,为非定常气动力降阶模型准备数据。

    Investigated the basic theory of the coupled CFD / CSD simulation of nonlinear unsteady aerodynamics and prepared basic data for reduced order model .

  28. 本文对动力伞的原理及飞行要领做了概况性的介绍。

    This article briefly introduce the principle of dynamic parachute and flight essentials .

  29. 评述了变磁阻式螺旋桨动力仪的原理、结构和性能;

    The principle , structure and characteristic of the R.P.

  30. 运用地球动力合成作用原理揭示地质灾害简介

    Notes on geological hazard using earth dynamics theory