
  • 网络Motivation Test
  1. 预测试确定了用于内隐成就动机测验的属性词和概念词。

    The pre-test determined the property words and concept words of the implicit achievement motivation test .

  2. 介绍两种动机测验及其形式:1)多元动机测验(MMG)及其半投射测验形式和网格技术,它综合了投射测验和问卷的优点;

    This article introduces two new motivation tests , their forms , and the technologies they use as well . One is Multi-Motive Grid , the form of which is semi-projective , and the technology it uses is the grid technology which has the advantages of TAT and questionnaire .

  3. 通过对初中学生进行学业成就动机测验,经过因素分析得出影响初中生学习行为动机的三个主要因素:行为取向、心理倾向、价值取向。

    Based on the research of learning achievement motivation of junior high school student and analysis of different factor , the author found three major ingredients which have important influence on their achievement motivations : behavior tropism , psychology tropism and value tropism .

  4. 中学生的成就动机、测验焦虑、智力水平与学业成绩关系的探讨

    The Relationships of Achievement Motivation Test Anxiety Intelligence and Performance among High School Students

  5. 采用学习动机诊断测验和社会支持评定量表,研究合作教学对初中生的学习动机、社会支持水平的影响,其结果是:实验班学生的学习动机综合水平显著地高于非实验班;

    This article explored the influence of cooperating instruction on the study motivation and social sustainment of the middlers through the diagnosis test of study motivation and the assessing table of social sustainment .

  6. 运用成就动机问卷和投射测验研究了大学生的成就动机和成功恐惧。

    This research used a questionnaire of achievement motivation and projective technique to examine university students ' achievement motivation and fear of success .