
  • 网络management awareness;Management consciousness
  1. 关于对管理意识基础的比较分析及借鉴

    The Comparison and Using for Reference About Management Consciousness Bases

  2. 中观上加强校长公平科学的管理意识;

    To strengthen the management consciousness of fairness and science of the principals ;

  3. NBA除了鼓励球队提高相关的管理意识之外,不太可能采取任何进一步的措施。

    The NBA isn 't likely to take any further steps beyond encouraging teams to increase awareness .

  4. 但是长期以来,LU大学成本信息薄弱,缺乏成本管理意识,成本核算没有科学的依据和方法。

    But a long time , LU University of cost in-formation is weak , the lack of awareness of cost management , cost accounting is no scientific basis and methods .

  5. 外语教学与教学管理意识的探讨

    A Study of Foreign Language Teaching and Its Sense of Management

  6. 这项比赛的目的,是协助提高学员的环保车房管理意识。

    The competition helped enhance the awareness on green management of garage operations .

  7. 提高管理意识,保证锅炉安全运行

    Promote Ideology of Management , Ensure Boiler Running Safe

  8. 有变质药品存放的现象管理意识薄弱是隐患被忽视的主要原因;

    Manage the idea weak is a main reason ;

  9. 发电企业应尽快摆脱计划经济和行业垄断时期的依赖观念,提高管理意识、风险意识和竞争意识。

    The enterprises should improve the consciousness of management , risk and competition .

  10. 开展月质量讲评促进全员质量管理意识

    Enforcement of monthly quality assessment to promote quality control consciousness in all staff

  11. 试论高校办公室秘书的现代管理意识

    Ideology on Modern Management of Office Secretary in University

  12. 论现代管理意识

    Discussion on the Consciousness of the Modern Management

  13. 高职院校教学改革与图书管理意识的转变

    The Teaching Reform and the Changes of Library Management Consciousness in Higher Vocational Colleges

  14. 这正是我国大多数制造业企业所缺乏的战略管理意识。

    But the majority of domestic manufacturing enterprises are exactly scarce these strategic management conscious .

  15. 试析体育管理意识

    On the Managing Consciousness of Physical Culture

  16. 只有使管理意识符合这两个尺度,才能做到管理文明。

    Only does management consciousness accord with these two measures , management civilization can be achieved .

  17. 北京地区高血压和(或)糖尿病患者家庭管理意识调查

    A Survey of Domestic Management Consciousness of Hypertensive and / or Diabetic Patients in Beijing Area

  18. 结论效率来源于强化管理意识,通过不断创新使血液成分制备保持高效。

    Conclusion Efficiency from strengthen management awareness , through constant innovation to stay productive blood composition preparation .

  19. 这两方面很可能造就了后危机时代更聪明、理性,更有财富管理意识的投资者。

    These two factors may be creating a smarter , savvier , and more self-aware wealthy investor .

  20. 通过对感染控制的知识宣传教育与普及提高感染管理意识。

    Knowledge of infection control would publicized by propaganda and education to improve awareness of infection management .

  21. 应收账款的持有规模和持有时间对企业持续经营和发展具有重要的意义。目前,我国大部分企业应收账款管理意识比较淡漠,管理方式比较单一。

    The receivable scale and its holding period are very important for the enterprises ' continuous development .

  22. 成本管理意识淡薄。

    Weak cost management consciousness .

  23. 这些问题主要是由于法规的不完善、管理意识滞后和管理措施落后等原因所造成的。

    These problems are caused mainly by imperfection of regulations , lagging management awareness and lagged management measures .

  24. 分析我国流动儿童的现状及儿童流动的原因和特点,发现影响流动儿童预防接种的三个因素:①儿童家长/监护人方面;②接种点对流动儿童的管理意识方面;

    Methods We analyzed the current status of floating children , the reasons and characteristics of children floating .

  25. 政府应强化危机管理意识,用科学的机制管理危机。

    Therefore , government should enhance its awareness of crisis management and conduct the management with a scientific mechanism .

  26. 新形式下大学图书馆馆长的管理意识与“以人为本”的管理举措

    The Head of the University 's Library should Connect the Management Awareness with Human Centered Management under the New Situation

  27. 目前,我国中小企业的财务战略管理意识薄弱。

    At present , a weak awareness of the financial strategical management is in the medium-and-small size enterprises in China .

  28. 在目睹过众多危机事件之后,国内的很多大型企业已经提高了危机管理意识,加强了危机管理。

    After see so many crisises , a lot of big company have promoted crisis consciousness and enhanced crisis management measures .

  29. 论述了在突发公共卫生事件处置中的危机管理意识及公众的心理调查分析。

    Besides , it discusses awareness of crisis management and investigation and analysis of public psychology for unexpected public health events .

  30. 本研究的目的在于:尝试着把教学活动中的知识管理意识化、系统化;

    The purpose of this research is to try to make the knowledge management in teaching process be conscious and systematic ;